
Since you left, my eyes find no joy in the moon's radiance

ما جال بعدك لحظي في سنا القمر

1. Since you left, my eyes find no joy in the moon's radiance
Except when I remember you like one remembers a ruin.

١. ما جالَ بَعدَكِ لَحظي في سَنا القَمَرِ
إِلّا ذَكَرتُكِ ذِكرَ العَينِ بِالأَثَرِ

2. I do not complain of the long nights out of sadness
Except for a night that passed quickly in your company.

٢. وَلا اِستَطَلتُ ذَماءَ اللَيلِ مِن أَسَفٍ
إِلّا عَلى لَيلَةٍ سَرَّت مَعَ القِصَرِ

3. Not to mention the sleepless, wakeful nights
Full of yearning for times gone by with you.

٣. ناهيكِ مِن سَهَرٍ بَرحٍ تَأَلَّفَهُ
شَوقٌ إِلى ما اِنقَضى مِن ذَلِكَ السَمَرِ

4. If only the dark locks and languid eyes were still joined!
If only the darkness of my heart and sight borrowed that darkness!

٤. فَلَيتَ ذاكَ السَوادَ الجَونَ مُتَّصِلٌ
لَو اِستَعارَ سَوادَ القَلبِ وَالبَصَرِ

5. As for grief, a single instant summoned it,
As if grief and calamity came according to fate.

٥. أَمّا الضَنى فَجَنَتهُ لَحظَةٌ عَنَنٌ
كَأَنَّها وَالرَدى جاءا عَلى قَدَرِ

6. So from your glances I understood the meaning of love:
Conversation is understood through subtle allusion.

٦. فَهِمتُ مَعنى الهَوى مِن وَحيِ طَرفَكِ لي
إِنَّ الحِوارَ لَمَفهومٌ مِنَ الحَوَرِ

7. And my heart, since your features entered its horizons,
Is adorned with necklaces that do not reach the chest.

٧. وَالصَدرُ مُذ وَرَدَت رِفهاً نَواحِيَهُ
تومُ القَلائِدِ لَم تَجنَح إِلى صَدَرِ

8. A fleeting loveliness that our eyes never fully savored,
Not exhausting its subtleties through our gazing.

٨. حُسنٌ أَفانينُ لَم تَستَوفِ أَعيُنُنا
غاياتِهِ بِأَفانينٍ مِنَ النَظَرِ

9. Woe to your lips that now ache
With the throbbing of passions running wild through them.

٩. واهاً لِثَغرِكِ باتَ يَكلَؤُهُ
غَيرانُ تَسري عَواليهِ إِلى الثُغَرِ

10. Awake, never sleeping to keep watch
For the unsteady passions of one fixed on danger.

١٠. يَقظانُ لَم يَكتَحِل غَمضاً مُراقَبَةً
لَرابِطِ الجَأشِ مِقدامٍ عَلى الغِرَرِ

11. His days are not carefree with a returning loved one,
His nights have no joy with an awaited visitor.

١١. لا لَهوُ أَيّامِهِ الخالي بِمُرتَجِعٍ
وَلا نَعيمُ لَياليهِ بِمُنتَظَرِ

12. For no greeting is a secret signal,
No visit an indication of ventured danger.

١٢. إِذ لا التَحِيَّةُ إيماءٌ مُخالَسَةً
وَلا الزِيارَةُ إِلمامٌ عَلى خَطَرِ

13. I remember her as if she had never been
Though passion is accustomed to memories.

١٣. مُنىً كَأَن لَم يَكُن إِلّا تَذَكُّرُها
إِنَّ الغَرامَ لِمُعتادٌ مَعَ الذِكَرِ

14. Let whoever asks about me behold my state,
The clear reality that makes reports unnecessary.

١٤. مَن يَسأَلِ الناسَ عَن حالي فَشاهِدُها
مَحضُ العِيانِ الَّذي يُغني عَنِ الخَبَرِ

15. The freshness of my youth was not long
And I see the lightning of grey hair striking my hairline

١٥. لَم تَطوِ بُردَ شَبابي كَبرَةٌ وَأَرى
بَرقَ المَشيبِ اِعتَلى في عارِضِ الشَعَرِ

16. Before thirty, when the days of youth were still exuberant
And the branches of youth still unbroken.

١٦. قَبلَ الثَلاثينَ إِذ عَهدُ الصِبا كَثَبٌ
وَلِلشَبيبَةِ غُصنٌ غَيرُ مُهتَصِرِ

17. Oh, it is a burning anguish in my heart
And my greying hair, sparks flying from it!

١٧. ها إِنَّها لَوعَةٌ في الصَدرِ قادِحَةٌ
نارَ الأَسى وَمَشيبي طائِرُ الشَرَرِ

18. Let not the smug critic gloat in comfort
That I, aspirer to ambitions, am now in peril.

١٨. لا يُهنَىءِ الشامِتَ المُرتاحَ خاطِرُهُ
أَنّي مُعَنّى الأَماني ضائِعُ الخَطَرِ

19. Are the winds ravaging the star of the earth?
Or is the eclipse for other than the sun and moon?

١٩. هَلِ الرِياحُ بِنَجمِ الأَرضِ عاصِفَةٌ
أَمِ الكُسوفُ لِغَيرِ الشَمسِ وَالقَمَرِ

20. If my imprisonment in the cell is prolonged, no wonder -
Oblivion can grip the eyelids despite their wakefulness.

٢٠. إِن طالَ في السِجنِ إيداعي فَلا عَجَبٌ
قَد يودَعُ الجَفنَ حَدُّ الصارِمِ الذَكَرِ

21. If the resolve of the wise father disappoints my hopes
Of relieving my pain, I cannot blame fate.

٢١. وَإِن يُثَبِّط أَبا الحَزمِ الرِضى قَدَرٌ
عَن كَشفِ ضُرّي فَلا عَتَبٌ عَلى القَدَرِ

22. Why do sins whose grave transgressions are not mine
Burden me with their guilt and my own guilt?

٢٢. ما لِلذُنوبِ الَّتي جاني كَبائِرِها
غَيري يُحَمِّلُني أَوزارَها وَزَري

23. I have never ceased being wary in my confidence,
Nor refused to avoid transgressions out of caution.

٢٣. مَن لَم أَزَل مِن تَأَنّيهِ عَلى ثِقَةٍ
وَلَم أَبِت مِن تَجَنّيهِ عَلى حَذَرِ

24. The noble Prophet, if angered, has a gentle nature
And is easily entreated and clement.

٢٤. ذو الشيمَةِ الرَسلِ إِن هيجَت حَفيظَتُهُ
وَالجانِبِ السَهلِ وَالمُستَعتِبِ اليَسَرِ

25. In him the dejected and afflicted find sympathy,
His beauty plainly evident, a towering cypress observed.

٢٥. مَن فيهِ لِلمُجتَلي وَالمُبتَلي نَسَقاً
جَمالُ مَرأَىءً عَليهِ سَروُ مُختَبَرِ

26. He humbles ambitions that have gone astray
With his wisdom, honored in himself and by others.

٢٦. مُذَلِّلٌ لِلمَساعي حُكمَها شَطَطاً
عَليهِ وَهُوَ العَزيزُ النَفسِ وَالنَفَرِ

27. The minister of peace whom good fortune protected
From the ill omens of wars, with harvested insights.

٢٧. وَزيرُ سَلمٍ كَفاهُ يُمنُ طائِرِهِ
شُؤمَ الحُروبِ وَرَأيٌ مُحصَدُ المِرَرِ

28. His genius inspired by his experiences,
With no need for quick, unpondered thought.

٢٨. أَغنَت قَريحَتُهُ مُغنى تَجارِبِهِ
وَنابَتِ اللَمحَةُ العَجلى عَنِ الفِكَرِ

29. How much serene insight his sleepless nights purchased!
The calm of true guidance was in those nights.

٢٩. كَم اِشتَرى بِكَرى عَينَيهِ مِن سَهَرٍ
هُدوءُ عَينِ الهُدى في ذَلِكَ السَهَرِ

30. In his presence the turns of fate lost their terror,
And the spaniel slept undisturbed.

٣٠. في حَضرَةٍ غابَ صَرفُ الدَهرِ خَشيَتَهُ
عَنها وَنامَ القَطا فيها فَلَم يَثُرِ

31. Delighting in the open spring, his dweller
Distracted from the soft fragrance of morning dew.

٣١. مُمَتَّعٌ بِالرَبيعِ الطَلقِ نازِلُها
يُلهيهِ عَن طيبِ آصالٍ نَدى بُكَرِ

32. Unceasingly it brings forth plants from barren ground
And water flows from stone since he arrived.

٣٢. ما إِن يَزالُ يَبُثُّ النَبتَ في جَلَدٍ
مُذ ساسَها وَيَفيضُ الماءَ مِن حَجَرِ

33. I used to think myself and the star were paired,
So why am I now demoted to ashes?

٣٣. قَد كُنتُ أَحسُبُني وَالنَجمَ في قَرَنٍ
فَفيمَ أَصبَحتُ مُنحَطّاً إِلى العَفَرِ

34. When the boughs of my manners waved over horizons
A planted shoot of bountiful, ripening fruits.

٣٤. أَحينَ رَفَّ عَلى الآفاقِ مِن أَدَبي
غَرسٌ لَهُ مِن جَناهُ يانِعُ الثَمَرِ

35. No means or cause but noble lineage itself,
Which is a pure love, untainted.

٣٥. وَسيلَةً سَبَباً إِلّا تَكُن نَسَباً
فَهُوَ الوِدادُ صَفا مِن غَيرِ ما كَدَرِ

36. It dispenses with praise, its beauty being proof itself,
The example that guides all beauties.

٣٦. وَبائِنٍ مِن ثَناءٍ حُسنُهُ مَثَلٌ
وَشيُ المَحاسِنِ مِنهُ مُعلَمُ الطُرَرِ

37. Recorded in books, its exhalations cannot be hidden
Except as the scent of musk is veiled in bottles.

٣٧. يُستَودَعُ الصُحفَ لا تَخفى نَوافِحُهُ
إِلّا خَفاءَ نَسيمِ المِسكِ في الصُرَرِ

38. Safe from the pretensions of every flashy scribe
whose script vaunts like the crowing of roosters.

٣٨. مِن كُلِّ مُختالَةٍ بِالحِبرِ رافِلَةٍ
فيهِ اِختِيالَ الكَعابِ الرَودِ بِالحِبَرِ

39. The dewy garden laughs off their false hues
In the tear-filled eyes of flowers.

٣٩. تُجفى لَها الرَوضَةُ الغَنّاءُ أَضحَكَها
مَجالُ دَمعِ النَدى في أَعيُنِ الزَهَرِ

40. O delight of time, greeting while you live!
When you are gone, your life adorns legends and chronicles.

٤٠. يا بَهجَةَ الدَهرِ حَيّاً وَهُوَ إِن فَنِيَت
حَياتُهُ زينَةُ الآثارِ وَالسِيَرِ

41. I have precedence in relying on your support,
And the first emigration in love is separation.

٤١. لي في اِعتِمادِكَ بِالتَأميلِ سابِقَةٌ
وَهِجرَةٌ في الهَوى أَولى مِنَ الهِجَرِ

42. Why then have my aspirations faltered from their heights?
Why did my hopes fall short of attaining what they sought?

٤٢. فَفيمَ غَضَّت هُمومي مِن عُلا هِمَمي
وَحاصَ بي مَطلَبي عَن وِجهَةِ الظَفَرِ

43. Is there any way for the water of reproach to reach me,
Sweetened by your reproach and waist?

٤٣. هَل مِن سَبيلٍ فَماءُ العَتبِ لي أَسِنٌ
إِلى العُذوبَةِ مِن عُتباكَ وَالخَصَرِ

44. I vowed to thank you and not forget to fulfill it
If your faces showed this to me.

٤٤. نَذَرتُ شُكرَكَ لا أَنسى الوَفاءَ بِهِ
إِن أَسفَرَت لِيَ عَنها أَوجُهُ البُشَرِ

45. Do not neglect me, for I did not ask you longingly
To restore my youth after fulfilling a pact.

٤٥. لا تَلهُ عَنّي فَلَم أَسأَلكَ مُعتَسِفاً
رَدَّ الصِبا بَعدَ إيفاءٍ عَلى الكِبَرِ

46. And gain prosperity with sincere advice and favor,
Both priceless gifts not granted or learned.

٤٦. وَاِستَوفِرِ الحَظِّ مِن نُصحٍ وَصاغِيَةٍ
كِلاهُما العِلقُ لَم يوهَب وَلَم يُعَرِ

47. I was ignorant so they were my failing,
With no excuse but that I am human.

٤٧. هَبني جَهِلتُ فَكانَ العِلقُ سَيِّئَةً
لا عُذرَ مِنها سِوى أَنّي مِنَ البَشَرِ

48. Majesty is clad in overlooking faults -
Such is its splendor, and the splendor of beauty's veil.

٤٨. إِنَّ السِيادَةَ بِالإِغضاءِ لابِسَةٌ
بَهاءَها وَبَهاءُ الحُسنِ في الخَفَرِ

49. You have the right of intercession which is never refused,
Unless the plea itself is not accepted as an excuse.

٤٩. لَكَ الشَفاعَةُ لا تُثنى أَعِنَّتُها
دونَ القَبولِ بِمَقبولٍ مِنَ العُذُرِ

50. And wear the verdant blessings as your mantle,
A sanctum covering you from harms and strangers.

٥٠. وَاِلبَس مِنَ النِعمَةِ الخَضراءِ أَيكَتَها
ظِلّاً حَراماً عَلى الآفاتِ وَالغِيَرِ

51. The bliss of an earthly paradise, if it passes,
You will delight in eternity in the gardens and rivers.

٥١. نَعيمَ جَنَّةِ دُنيا إِن هِيَ اِنصَرَمَت
نَعِمتَ بِالخُلدِ في الجَنّاتِ وَالنَهَرِ