1. Say to the minister, though I spent my time
Praising him, and prison was my reward,
١. قُل لِلوَزيرِ وَقَد قَطَعتُ بِمَدحِهِ
زَمَني فَكانَ السِجنُ مِنهُ ثَوابي
2. "Fear not my right, nor cease to reprove
What you did to me; blame not yourself."
٢. لا تَخشَ في حَقّي بِما أَمضَيتَهُ
مِن ذاكَ فِيَّ وَلا تَوَقَّ عِتابي
3. You did not miss the course of right, well-guided;
Such is the poet's payment when he lies.
٣. لَم تُخطِ في أَمري الصَوابَ مُوَفَّقاً
هَذا جَزاءُ الشاعِرِ الكَذّابِ