
Wherein the breeze's gentle waft, a scent discerned, made known to us,

أما في نسيم الريح عرف معرف

1. Wherein the breeze's gentle waft, a scent discerned, made known to us,
Is there for pausing by this shrine, with yearning fraught, a place?

١. أَما في نَسيمِ الريحِ عَرفٌ مُعَرَّفُ
لَنا هَل لِذاتِ الوَقفِ بِالجِزعِ مَوقِفُ

2. That we may spend our days in rounds of visitation to it made,
Though weary of the toil, we yet take on ourselves its heavy weight.

٢. فَنَقضِيَ أَوطارَ المُنى مِن زِيارَةٍ
لَنا كَلَفٌ مِنها بِما نَتَكَلَّفُ

3. For us, the sacred duty to visit it lies, binding fast,
And near it dwells the sand grouse and the lettered, cultured dove.

٣. ضَمانٌ عَلَينا أَن تُزارَ وَدونَها
رِقاقُ الظُبى وَالسَمهَرِيُّ المُثَقَّفُ

4. And a folk hostile, who their angry thoughts reveal,
Though blossoms of their hearts' malevolence are veiled beneath.

٤. وَقَومٌ عِدىً يُبدونَ عَن صَفَحاتِهِم
وَأَزهَرُها مِن ظُلمَةِ الحِقدِ أَكلَفُ

5. My jealous foes proclaim love to be immoral, sin,
Enraging them, their breasts with painful grief thus filled.

٥. غَيارى يَعُدّونَ الغَرامَ جَريرَةً
بِها وَالهَوى ظُلماً يُغيظُ وَيُؤسِفُ

6. They wish that censure's threats our purpose could divert,
Yet passion's wind, from that, is stronger still.

٦. يَوَدّونَ لَو يَثني الوَعيدُ زَماعَنا
وَهَيهاتَ ريحُ الشَوقِ مِن ذاكَ أَعصَفُ

7. Easy for the longing lover is the stranger's lonely side,
Some fixed intent or aim confused oft leads him on his way.

٧. يَسيرٌ لَدى المُشتاقِ في جانِبِ الهَوى
نَوى غُربَةٍ أَو مَجهَلٌ مُتَعَسَّفُ

8. Is awe but temporary gloom, that passes soon?
Or fear, a cloud that lifts again to light of day?

٨. هَلِ الرَوعُ إِلّا غَمرَةٌ ثُمَّ تَنجَلي
أَمِ الهَولُ إِلّا غُمَّةٌ ثُمَّ تُكشَفُ

9. Amid the shifting sands, the lithe gazelle, with graceful neck,
Far from the bow-string's bending arc, untethered roams and slakes its thirst.

٩. وَفي السِيَراءِ الرَقمِ وَسطَ قِبابِهِم
بَعيدُ مَناطِ القُرطِ أَحوَرُ أَوطَفُ

10. Distinct its form, robust yet delicate.
A gentle wild thing, sensitively hovering near.

١٠. تَبايَنَ خَلقاهُ فَعَبلٌ مُنَعَّمٌ
تَأَوَّدَ في أَعلاهُ لَدنٌ مُهَفهَفُ

11. The lively young branch sways, no fruit its hands can hold.
The swaying bough bears none, though it stretch out seeking far.

١١. فَلِلعانِكِ المُرتَجِّ ماحازَ مِئزَرٌ
وَلِلغُصُنِ المُهتَزِّ ماضَمَّ مِطرَفُ

12. Dear friend, it brings us joy when we visit you,
Console and comfort you, uphold and help you stand.

١٢. حَبيبٌ إِلَيهِ أَن نُسَرَّ بِوَصلِهِ
إِذا نَحنُ زُرناهُ وَنَهنا وَنُسعَفُ

13. And the eve we reached the dunes, as we had promised,
No track appeared that marked the course our ardent wishes burned.

١٣. وَلَيلَةَ وافَينا الكَثيبَ لِمَوعِدٍ
سُرى الأَيمِ لَم يُعلَم لَمَسراهُ مُزحَفُ

14. Then yearning's necks were craned, the mouths gaped wide,
As the zebra's foal starts up when smelled lush pasture near.

١٤. تَهادى أَناةَ الخَطوِمُرتاعَةَ الحَشا
كَما ريعَ يَعفورُ الفَلا المُتَشَوِّفُ

15. Naught but the brilliant brow, sincere of gaze,
Could shine forth when the clouds had passed, revealing sunrise clear.

١٥. فَما الشَمسُ رُقَّ الغَيمُ دونَ إِياتِها
سِوى ما أَرى ذاكَ الجَبينُ المُنَصَّفُ

16. My life for you! When your light shone pure,
Your fragrance called, your beauty stunned the awed beholder's sight.

١٦. فَدَيتُكِ أَنّى زُرتِ نورُكِ واضِحٌ
وَعِطرُكِ نَمّامٌ وَحَيلُكِ مُرجَفُ

17. All hail! You came to life, and knelt in greeting low,
Your land was strange to you, the darkness clothed you close.

١٧. هَبيكِ اِعتَرَرتِ الحَيَّ واشيكِ هاجِعٌ
وَفَرعُكِ غِربيبٌ وَلَيلُكِ أَغضَفُ

18. How then were you distraught? Your step strode forth assured,
Your cheeks flushed full, waist curved in graceful pose.

١٨. فَأَنّى اِعتَسَفتِ الهَولَ خَطوُكِ مُدمَجٌ
وَرِدفُكِ رَجراجٌ وَخَصرُكِ مُخطَفُ

19. Provoking you to press on loving 'mid the hostile band,
As if all horizons were your home, you needs must rove.

١٩. لَجاجٌ تُمادي الحُبَّ في المَعشَرِ العِدا
وَأَمُّ الهَوى الأُفُقَ الَّذي فيهِ نُشنَفُ

20. We could but suffer their disdain with patience, friend,
Hotter than flames of hell the hatred envy breeds.

٢٠. وَأَن نَتَلَقّى السُخطَ عانينَ بِالرِضى
لِغَيرانَ أَجفى ما يُرى حينَ يَلطُفُ

21. Enough for us, if in your love some furtive sign,
A hint, glance of the eye, could knowledge give.

٢١. كَفانا مِنَ الوَصلِ التَحِيَّةُ خُلسَةٌ
فَيومِئُ طَرفٌ أَو بَنانٌ مُطَرَّفُ

22. O friend of mine, blame not! My heart has grown accustomed to raving wild,
My body worn and frayed, itself beyond control.

٢٢. خَليلَيَّ مَهلاً لاتَلوما فَإِنَّني
فُؤادي أَليفُ البَثِّ وَالجِسمُ مُدنَفُ

23. For most severe is what the fervent lover bears,
When his own self reproaches him in matters of the soul.

٢٣. فَأَعنَفُ ما يَلقى المُحِبُّ لَجاجَةً
عَلى نَفسِهِ في الحُبِّ حينَ يُعَنَّفُ

24. The lightning draws me, as it flashes through the dark,
Towards the lightning glance of mouth that stuns me still.

٢٤. وَإِنّي لِيَستَهوينِيَ البَرقُ صَبوَةً
إِلى بَرقِ ثَغرٍ إِن بَدا كادَ يَخطَفُ

25. My passion for the wind is but imagined sense
Of sweet caress within the wind's unseen embrace.

٢٥. وَما وَلَعي بِالراحِ إِلّا تَوَهُّمٌ
لِظَلمٍ بِهِ كَالراحِ لَو يُتَرَشَّفُ

26. And glistening beads remind me of that mouth
Whose dewdrop words the swaying branches signal and repeat.

٢٦. وَتُذكِرُني العِقدَ المُرِنَّ جُمانُهُ
مُرِنّاتُ وُرقٍ في ذُرى الأَيكِ تَهتِفُ

27. Not one who loved the moon's full form ever slept at night,
No wretch made bare the desert sands his carpet or his bed.

٢٧. فَما قَبلَ مَن أَهوى طَوى البَدرَ هَودَجٌ
وَلا صانَ ريمَ القَفرِ خِدرٌ مُسَجَّفُ

28. No monks who loved the deep sea's swell e'er left their cloistered walls,
No carrier bore the glorious throne aloft upon his head.

٢٨. وَلا قَبلَ عَبّادٍ جَوى البَحرَ مَجلِسٌ
وَلا حَمَلَ الطَودَ المُعَظَّمَ رَفرَفُ

29. That curly-haired king it is, in whose shade
The course of changing fortunes stayed, made calm.

٢٩. هُوَ المَلِكُ الجَعدُ الَّذي في ظِلالِهِ
تُكَفُّ صُروفُ الحادِثاتِ وَتُصرَفُ

30. Great of resolve, our age he renders proud.
A wise just king, philosopher of measured judgment and restraint.

٣٠. هُمامٌ يَزينُ الدَهرَ مِنهُ وَأَهلَهُ
مَليكٌ فَقيهٌ كاتِبٌ مُتَفَلسِفُ

31. His throne and pulpit both bear witness to his wisdom fair.
His sword and holy book alike a brilliant gaze reflect.

٣١. يَتيهُ بِمَرقاهُ سَريرٌ وَمِنبَرٌ
وَيَحمَدُ مَسعاهُ حُسامٌ وَمُصحَفُ

32. Keen is his insight in events that rapid shift and change.
Clear beacons of his glorious signs shine forth from discourse's night.

٣٢. رَوِيَّتُهُ في الحادِثِ الإِدِّ لَحظَةٌ
وَتَوقيعُهُ الجالي دُجى الخَطبِ أَحرُفُ

33. The tyrant fears his awe-inspiring might.
The vagabond is drawn to him, though bold and unrefined.

٣٣. يَذِلُّ لَهُ الجَبّارُ خيفَةَ بَأسِهِ
وَيَعنو إِلَيهِ الأَبلَجُ المُتَغَطرِفُ

34. Beware, if you against him further evil plot.
Let fair limits, not yourself, control desire outstripped.

٣٤. حِذارَكَ إِذ تَبغي عَلَيهِ مِنَ الرَدى
وَدونَكَ فَاِستَوفِ المُنى حينَ تُنصِفُ

35. The age's burdens, you from them relieved,
Yet blessings flow to you unceasing, at your hands they freely streamed.

٣٥. سَتَعتامُهُم في البَرِّ وَالبَحرِ بِالتَوى
كَتائِبُ تُزجى أَوسَفائِنُ تُجدَفُ

36. If they prove thankless for your gifts, then let their lands
Beneath your sword a desert be, all trace and mark destroyed.

٣٦. أَغَرُّ مَتى نَدرُس دَواوينَ مَجدِهِ
يَرُقنا غَريبٌ مُجمَلٌ أَو مُصَنَّفُ

37. Let the earth cover them when they are laid to rest,
Though deep in ruin's darkness they may bury selves from light.

٣٧. إِذا نَحنُ قَرَّظناهُ قَصَّرَ مُطنِبٌ
وَلَم تَتَجاوَز غايَةَ القَصدِ مُسرِفُ

38. Good news for you of joyful celebration's tide,
With fortune's gifts fulfilled, and wishes granted, wreathed in leaves.

٣٨. وَأَروَعُ لا الباغي أَخاهُ مُبَلَّغٌ
مُناهُ وَلا الراجي نَداهُ مُسَوَّفُ

39. Glad tidings of more days of festive cheer to come,
As threaded verses flow in rhythmic current smoothly run.

٣٩. مُمِرُّ القُوى لا يَملَأُ الخَطبُ صَدرَهُ
وَلَيسَ لِأَمرٍ فائِتٍ يَتَلَهَّفُ

40. Your sword of power shall be drawn, that ever
In enemy blood finds its keen thirsting edge submerged.

٤٠. لَهُ ظِلُّ نُعمى يَذكُرُ الهِمُّ عِندَهُ
ظِلالَ الصِبا بَل ذاكَ أَندى وَأَورَفُ

41. The blade that firm resolve has whetted to an edge,
Its ornament is generosity and noble dignity.

٤١. جَحيمٌ لِعاصيهِ يُشَبُّ وَقوضُهُ
وَجَنَّةُ عَدنٍ لِلمُطيعينَ تُزلَفُ

42. Great of ambition, while the king was still a lad,
His signs had all appeared, though then he ruled not another's land.

٤٢. مَحاسِنُ غَربُ الذَمِّ عَنها مُفَلَّلٌ
كَهامٌ وَشَملُ المَجدِ فيها مُؤَلَّفُ

43. A generous man who highest praise as rarest treasure sees,
And so loves acts of beauty done, feelings of ardor bred.

٤٣. تَناهَت فَعِقدُ المَجدِ مِنها مُفَصَّلٌ
سَناءً وَبُردُ الفَخرِ مِنها مُفَوَّفُ

44. Tomorrow, Thursday, clouds will swear to pour
Their bounty down, though now they brooding darkness spread.

٤٤. طَلاقَةُ وَجهٍ في مَضاءٍ كَمِثلِ ما
يَروقُ فِرِندُ السَيفِ وَالحَدُّ مُرهَفُ

45. Their lightning is the spark in burnished arms that glints,
Their thunder are the drums that through their regions call.

٤٥. عَلى السَيفُ مِن تِلكَ الشَهامَةِ ميسَمٌ
وَفي الرَوضِ مِن تِلكَ الطَلاقَةِ زُخرُفُ

46. When we had done all that was asked of us,
And each with wishes to delight you charged, gat ready to proceed,

٤٦. سَجايا لِمَن والاهُ كَالأَريِ تُجتَنى
تَعودُ لِمَن عاداهُ كَالشَريِ يُنقَفُ

47. We joined with praises to God your praises too,
For that is surest way those praises to be heard on high.

٤٧. يُراقِبُ مِنهُ اللَهَ مُعتَضِدٌ بِهِ
يَدَ الدَهرِ يَقسو في رِضاهُ وَيَرأَفُ

48. And we returned unto the palace, that like Kaaba shrine
Attracts the gazing eye, the outstretched hand of each who passes by.

٤٨. فَقُل لِلمُلوكِ الحاسِديهِ مَتى اِدَّعى
سِباقَ العَتيقِ الفائِتِ الشَأوِ مُقرِفُ

49. And when we faced it, and the horizon donned its splendor's robes,
The earth beneath the hooves of horses shook and trembled in refrain,

٤٩. أَلَيسَ بَنو عَبّادٍِ القِبلَةَ الَّتي
عَلَيها لِآمالِ البَرِيَّةِ مَعكَفُ

50. We saw you there atop the highest house of prayer,
As though from David's prayer niche, fair Yusuf's self looked down.

٥٠. مُلوكٌ يُرى أَحياؤُهُم فَخرَ دَهرِهِم
وَيَخلُفُ مَوتاهُم ثَناءٌ مُخَلَّفُ

51. And when we came, as servant heralds gave assent,
The time itself your humble slave, decreed affairs its agent true.

٥١. بِهِم باهَتِ الأَرضُ السَماءَ فَأَوجُهٌ
شُموسٌ وَأَيدٍ مِن حَيا المُزنِ أَو كَفُ

52. We entered and we kissed the dew-drop from your hand,
With which vast wealth dissolves as drops of rain and flows away.

٥٢. أَشارِحَ مَعنى المَجدِ وَهوَ مُعَمَّسٌ
وَمُجزِلَ حَظِّ الحَمدِ وَهوَ مُسَفسِفُ

53. Such care you took, lest any feel distress,
And trusted, lest some frightened thought stir in a heart its nest.

٥٣. لَعَمرُ العِدا المُستَدرِجيكَ بِزَعمِهِم
إِلى غِرَّةٍ كادَت لَها الشَمسُ تُكسَفُ

54. Without you, no smooth path would fortune tread,
None bowed down low, no cloak folded back, fabric crimped and creased.

٥٤. لَكالوكَ صاعَ الغَدرِ لُؤمَ سَجِيَّةٍ
وَكيلَ لَهُم صاعُ الجَزاءِ المُطَفَّفُ

55. For you is good, wherever it may lead or stand. How can I thank you, when my debts to you have no surcease?
What power have I to fulfill duty you are owed?

٥٥. لَقَد حاوَلوا العُظمى الَّتي لا شَوى لَها
فَأَعجَلَهُم عَقدٌ مِنَ الهَمِّ مُحصَفُ

56. All bounty you bestow, while I receive, made rich with gifts.
You helped restrain my youthful pride, rash ignorance,

٥٦. وَلَمّا رَأَيتَ الغَدرَ هَبَّ نَسيمُهُ
تَلَقّاهُ إِعصارٌ لِبَطشِكَ حَرجَفُ

57. And settled him in your abode, a place of comfort, rest.
So many gifts you clothed me in, like raiment fair,

٥٧. أَظَنَّ الأَعادي أَنَّ حَزمَكَ نائِمٌ
لَقَد تَعِدُ الفَسلَ الظُنونُ فَتُخلِفُ

58. Whose robes in every hour wrapped around me smooth.
Open-handed one's unstinting gifts, as though they poured

٥٨. دَواعي نِفاقٍ أَنذَرَتكَ بِأَنَّهُ سَيَشرى
وَيَذوي العُضوُ مِن حَيثُ يَشأَفُ

59. Forth from the rain's own store, or from the sea were lifted up.
Though I a slave whose hands you clasped in your command,

٥٩. تَحَمَّلتَ عِبءَ الدَهرِ عَنهُم وَكُلُّهُم
بِنُعماكَ مَوصولُ التَنَعُّمِ مُترَفُ

60. My state you raised up high, made joyful, set above.

٦٠. فَإِن يَكفُروا النُعمى فَتِلكَ دِيارُهُم
بِسَيفِكَ قاعٌ صَفصَفُ الرَسمِ تُنسَفُ