1. Love has its wishes in those abodes,
If yearning had doubled for the lover his wish.
١. لِلحُبِّ في تِلكَ القِبابِ مَرادُ
لَو ساعَفَ الكَلِفَ المَشوقَ مُرادُ
2. So your passion may become concealed,
The youths of Najd have given it protection.
٢. لِيَغُر هَواكَ فَقَد أَجَدَّ حِمايَةً
لِفَتاةِ نَجدٍ فِتيَةٌ أَنجادُ
3. How will endurance benefit you,
Unless the union is prolonged, O companion!
٣. كَم ذا التَجَلُّدُ لَن يُساعِفَكَ الهَوى
بِالوَصلِ إِلّا أَن يَطولَ نِجادُ
4. To A'qailah, the flock at large is permitted
Its flowers, the very essence of love when buds bloomed.
٤. أَعَقيلَةَ السَربِ المُباحَ لِوِردِها
صَفوُ الهَوى إِذ حُلِّىءَ الوُرّادُ
5. What trickery is in the hunting grounds,
Since the gazelles are taught and then hunted.
٥. ما لِلمَصايِدِ لَم تَنَلكِ بِحيلَةٍ
إِنَّ الظِباءَ لَتُدَرّى فَتُصادُ
6. If a night companion warns you
Of their every observation, there is thunder.
٦. إِن يَعدُ عَن سَمُراتِ جِزعِكَ سامِرٌ
في كُلِّ مُطَلَّعٍ لَهُم إِرعادُ
7. With what glittered for the heartsick between them,
Chains that cured the heat of ardour with coolness.
٧. فَبِما تَرَقرَقَ لِلمُتَيَّمِ بَينَها
غَلَلٌ شَفى حَرَّ الغَليلِ بُرادُ
8. I – when I become downcast,
Yearning never ceases to knock upon my door,
٨. أَنا حينَ أُطرِقُ لَيسَ يَفتَأُ طارِقي
شَوقٌ كَما طَرَقَ السَليمَ عِدادُ
9. As yearning knocked upon the door of Salim.
Your aloofness prevents me from visiting the sites,
٩. يَنهى جَفاؤُكِ عَن زِيارَتِيَ الكَرى
كَيلا يَزورَ خَيالُكِ المُعتادُ
10. Lest your phantom, accustomed, should visit them.
Do not sever the tie of the phantom out of avoidance,
١٠. لا تَقطَعي صِلَةَ الخَيالِ تَجِنُّباً
إِذ فيهِ مِن عَوَزِ الوِصالِ سِدادُ
11. For in it lies compensation for the woes of separation.
It does no harm that you are sullen with greetings
١١. ما ضَرَّ أَنَّكِ بِالسَلامِ ضَنينَةٌ
أَيّامَ طَيفُكِ بِالعِناقِ جَوادُ
12. While days your silhouette embraces me.
Why did you not assume my sickness,
١٢. هَلّا حَمَلتِ السُقمَ عَن جِسمٍ لَهُ
في كِلَّةٍ زُرَّت عَليكِ فُؤادُ
13. You for whom a single glance pierced my heart?
Or return from the sickness of passion? Passion
١٣. أَو عُدتِ مِن سَقَمِ الهَوى إِنَّ الهَوى
مِمّا يُطيلُ ضَنى الفَتى فَيُعادُ
14. Is what prolongs the heartache of the young man.
Alas! Were it not for the fact I startle you at night,
١٤. إيهاً فَلَولا أَن أَروعَكِ بِالسَرى
لَدَنا وِسادٌ أَو لَطالَ سُوادُ
15. We would have a pillow, or darkness would be prolonged.
I would cover your frown with a scattering
١٥. لَغَشيتُ سَجفَكِ في مُلاءَةِ نَثرَةٍ
فُضُلٍ سِوى أَنَّ العِطافَ نِجادُ
16. Of surplus, if it were not for the fact that propriety refuses.
I would incline in intoxication and spend the night
١٦. لَأَميلَ في سُكرِ اللَمى فَيَبيتَ لي
مِمّا حَوى ذاكَ السِوارُ وِسادُ
17. With what that bracelet and pillow contain.
So fulfil the wish! The threat of your people was not
١٧. فَعِدي المُنى فَوَعيدُ قَومَكِ لَم يَكُن
لِيَعوقَ عَن أَن يُقتَضى الميعادُ
18. To prevent the fulfillment of the appointment.
I crave the roses of the cheeks, if bud
١٨. أَصبو إِلى وَردِ الخُدودِ إِذا عَدَت
جُردٌ تُبَلِّغُني جَناهُ وِرادُ
19. Brought to me by a young gazelle informs me of its perfume.
And I rest for the shining scent - its aroma stirs me -
١٩. وَأَراحُ لِلعِطرِ السَطوعِ أَريجُهُ
إِن شيبَ بِالجَسَدِ العَطيرِ جِسادُ
20. If old age discolours the fragrant body.
Resolve, when it aims for protection, is not deterred
٢٠. عَزمٌ إِذا قَصَدَ الحِمى لَم يَثنِهِ
أَنَّ القَنا مِن دينِها أَقصادُ
21. By the fact that the spearpoints are her religion.
Whoever is ignorant of what is stupid,
٢١. مِن كانَ يَجهَلُ ما البَليدُ فَإِنَّهُ
مَن تَطِّبيهِ عَنِ الحُظوظِ بِلادُ
22. He is one who finds the land in which you dwell a wilderness.
The young man of valour, when ambition appears,
٢٢. وَفَتى الشَهامَةِ مَن إِذا أَمَلٌ سَما
نَفَذَت بِهِ شورى أَو اِستِبدادُ
23. Is taken by its heat, whether agreed or imposed.
Who can convey from me to the loved ones,
٢٣. مَن مُبلِغٌ عَنّي الأَحِبَّةَ إِذ أَبَت
ذِكراهُمُ أَن يَطمَئِنَّ مِهادُ
24. When the mention of them refuses to calm my resting place?
There is no despair of a house of gathering
٢٤. لا يَأسَ رُبَّ دُنوِّ دارٍ جامِعٍ
لِلشَملِ قَد أَدّى إِلَيهِ بِعادُ
25. Nearby to which estrangement has led.
If I become estranged, then the places of generosity
٢٥. إِن أَغتَرِب فَمَواقِعَ الكَرَمِ الَّذي
في الغَربِ شِمتُ بُروقَهُ أَرتادُ
26. Which in the West I saw its lightening in the clouds, I visit.
Or I incline away from the hunting of kings;
٢٦. أَو أَنأَ عَن صَيدِ المُلوكِ بِجانِبي
فَهُمُ العَبيدُ مَليكُهُم عَبّادُ
27. Beside me they are slaves, and I am their king.
Glory excuses separation for one who turns away
٢٧. المَجدُ عُذرٌ في الفِراقِ لِمَن نَأى
لِيَرى المَصانِعَ مِنهُ كَيفَ تُشادُ
28. To see its achievements - how they are built.
O would that one who thought ill of me come -
٢٨. يا هَل أَتى مَن ظَنَّ بي فَظُنونُهُ
شَتّى تَرَجَّعُ بَينَها الأَضدادُ
29. His various assumptions fluctuate between opposites -
That I saw the two warners,
٢٩. أَنّي رَأَيتُ المُنذِرَينِ كِلَيهِما
في كَونِ مُلكٍ لَم يُحِلهُ فَسادُ
30. In a kingdom untouched by corruption.
And I looked upon the two garments, legacy of a burner,
٣٠. وَبَصُرتُ بِالبُردَينِ إِرثِ مُحَرِّقٍ
لَم تَخلُقا إِذ تَخلُقُ الأَبرادُ
31. Not created as galaxies are created.
And I learned from He of the Collar, the vengeance
٣١. وَعَرَفتُ مِن ذي الطَوقِ عَمرٍ ثَأرَهُ
لِجَذيمَةَ الوَضّاحِ حينَ يُكادُ
32. Of Jadhimah the loud-voiced when he was almost killed.
And Numaan came to me, on his day of bliss,
٣٢. وَأَتى بِيَ النُعمانَ يَومَ نَعيمِهِ
نَجمٌ تَلَقّى سَعدَهُ الميلادُ
33. A star that its good fortune was welcomed at its rising.
Their disparate parts were joined in a single one,
٣٣. قَد أُلِّفَت أَشتاتُهُم في واحِدٍ
إِلّا يَكُنهُم أُمَّةً فَيَكادُ
34. Save that their concealment almost seems a nation.
So it was as if I visited them in close company
٣٤. فَكَأَنَّني طالَعتُهُم بِوِفادَةٍ
لَم يَستَطِعها عُروَةُ الوَفّادُ
35. That the camel-leader Urwah could not manage.
In the palace of a king like Sadir or like that
٣٥. في قَصرِ مَلكٍ كَالسَديرِ أَو الَّذي
ناطَت بِهِ شُرُفاتِها سِندادُ
36. Whose battlements the stars made its pegs.
You would imagine the celestial bodies in it an army
٣٦. تَتَوَهَّمُ الشَهباءَ فيهِ كَتيبَةً
بِفِناءٍ اليَحمومُ فيهِ جَوادُ
37. In whose courtyard the destriers are not restrained.
Parading in its midst the white of unsheathed swords
٣٧. يَختالُ مِن سَيرِ الأَشاهِبِ وَسطَهُ
بيضٌ كَمُرهَفَةِ السُيوفِ جِعادُ
38. Amidst the galaxies when the forenoon appears.
In the Abadis I alighted, so their noble spirits
٣٨. في آلِ عَبّادٍ حَطَطتُ فَأَعصَمَت
هِمَمي بِحَيثُ أَنافَتِ الأَطوادُ
39. Guarded my resolve however the mountains crashed.
The people of Manadhirah, who are the she-camels
٣٩. أَهلُ المَناذِرَةِ الَّذينَ هُمُ الرُبى
فَوقَ المُلوكِ إِذِ المُلوكُ وِهادُ
40. Above the kings when the kings are but mountain-climbers.
A people, if the Pleiades ofAqailah are counted,
٤٠. قَومٌ إِذا عَدَّت مَعَدُّ عَقيلَةً
ماءَ السَماءِ فَهُم لَها أَولادُ
41. They are their children from the water of the sky.
A house whose stars in its orbit
٤١. بَيتٌ تَوَّدُ الشُهبُ في أَفلاكِها
لَو أَنَّها لِبِنائِهِ أَوتادُ
42. Wish that they are its building blocks.
Its tents spread with the pleasure of dew,
٤٢. مَمدودَةٌ بِلُهى النَدى أَطنابُهُ
مَرفوعَةٌ بِالبيضِ مِنهُ عِمادُ
43. Its pillars raised with whiteness.
Its hospitality ongoing, unless the morning sun
٤٣. مُتَقادِمٌ إِلّا تَكُن شَمسُ الضُحى
لِدَةٌ لَهُ فَنُجومُها أَرآدُ
44. Were a bride whose stars are its dowry.
The pearls of their glory were threaded on Abad,
٤٤. نيطَت بِعَبّادٍ لَآلِىءُ مَجدِهِم
فَتَلَألَأَت في تومِها الأَفرادُ
45. So they glittered in its cord the separate gems.
A king, when the attributes of his majesty dazzle,
٤٥. مَلِكٌ إِذا اِفتَنَّت صِفاتُ جَلالِهِ
فَتَقاصَرَت عَن بَعضِها الأَعدادُ
46. Calculations fall short of some of them.
Zabid forgot her lifetime, but turned away
٤٦. نَسِيَت زَبيدٌ عَمرَها بَل أَعرَضَت
عَن وَصفِ كَعبٍ بِالسَماحِ إِيادُ
47. From describing Ka'b's generosity as too enormous.
He exposed the deceivers, so had his era preceded,
٤٧. فَضَحَ الدُهاةَ فَلَو تَقَدَمَ عَهدُهُ
لَعَنا المُغيرَةُ أَو أَقَرَّ زِيادُ
48. Al-Mughirah would have confessed or Ziyad recanted.
The enemies do not feel safe from his speculative attacks,
٤٨. لا يَأمَنُ الأَعداءُ رَجمَ ظُنونِهِ
إِنَّ الغُيوبَ وَراءَها إِمدادُ
49. For behind them are reinforcements.
A king - when the fancy of a brave knight struts,
٤٩. مَلِكٌ إِذا ما اِختالَ غُرَّةُ فَيلَقٍ
قَد أُمطِيَت عِقبانَهُ الآسادُ
50. His advancing ranks have been equipped with spears.
A lion whose cubs are horsemen in battle,
٥٠. أُسدٌ فَرائِسُها الفَوارِسُ في الوَغى
لَكِن بَراثِنُها هُناكَ صِعادُ
51. But its fangs over there are summits.
I left the banner a cloud in whose shade,
٥١. خِلتُ اللِواءَ غَمامَةً في ظِلِّها
قَمَرٌ بِغُرَّتِهِ السَنا الوَقّادُ
52. A moon in its prime, the kindler of firebrands.
Shaihan plunging his spearheads
٥٢. شَيحانُ مُنغَمِسُ السِنانِ مِنَ العِدا
في النَقعِ حَيثُ تَغَلغَلُ الأَحقادُ
53. Into the pool where hatred penetrates.
The sun complains to him of the stain of an army
٥٣. تَشكو إِلَيهِ الشَمسُ نَقعَ كَتيبَةٍ
ما زالَ مِنهُ لِعَينِها إِرمادُ
54. From which the inflammation in her eye has not ceased.
An army, when the horizon travels its birds,
٥٤. جَيشٌ إِذا ما الأُفقُ سافَرَ طَيرُهُ
مَعَهُ فَفي ذِمَمِ الصَوارِمِ زادُ
55. Provisions are with it in the scabbards of the swords.
Aspiring to glory, his ambition was not
٥٥. مُستَطرِفٌ لِلمَجدِ لَم يَكُ حَسبُهُ
مَجدٌ يَدورُ مَعَ الزَمانِ تِلادُ
56. Glory that circulates with time, born and reborn.
He did not incline to the comfort of repose
٥٦. ما كانَ مِنهُ إِلى رَفاهَةِ راحَةٍ
حَتّى يُخَلِّدَ مِثلَهُ إِخلادُ
57. Until the like of him is immortalized forever.
I enjoy the companion when the visit draws him near,
٥٧. أَرِجُ النَدِيَّ مَتى تَفُز بِجِوارِهِ
يَطِبِ الحَديثُ وَيَعبَقِ الإِنشادُ
58. Conversation is fragrant and recitation melodious.
Were his mind shared amongst all creation,
٥٨. لَو أَنَّ خاطِرَهُ الجَميعَ مُفَرَّقٌ
في الخَلقِ أَوشَكَ أَن يُحَسَّ جَمادُ
59. Even inanimate things would almost be felt to have life.
My soul is your ransom, O king whom
٥٩. نَفسي فِداؤُكَ أَيُّها المَلِكُ الَّذي
زُهرُ النُجومِ لِوَجهِهِ حُسّادُ
60. The flowers of stars envy his face!
An air of grace appears on you
٦٠. تَبدو عَلَيكَ مِنَ الوَسامَةِ حُلَّةٌ
يَهفو إِلَيها بِالنُفوسِ وِدادُ
61. To which souls passionately aspire.
The eye was not sated with its first glance of you,
٦١. لَم يَشفِ مِنكَ العَينَ أَوَّلُ نَظرَةٍ
لَولا المَهابَةُ راجَعَت تَزدادُ
62. Had it not been for reverence, it would have repeated.
There was no shortcoming but you are its rectification
٦٢. ما كانَ مِن خَلَلٍ فَأَنتَ سِدادُهُ
في الدَهرِ أَو أَوَدٍ فَأَنتَ سَدادُ
63. In life or discord but you are its resolution.
Religion is a face in which you are its radiance,
٦٣. الدينُ وَجهٌ أَنتَ فيهِ غُرَّةٌ
وَالمُلكُ جَفنٌ أَنتَ فيهِ سَوادُ
64. Kingdom an eyelid in which you are its darkness.
By you God's hand is raised, by which
٦٤. لِلَّهِ مِنكَ يَدٌ عَلَت تولي بِها
صَفَداً فَيُحمَدُ أَو يُفَكَّ صِفادُ
65. Fetters are tightened, or gratefully removed.
Had the mouths of kings concurred in it,
٦٥. لَو أَنَّ أَفواهَ المُلوكِ تَوافَقَت
فيها لَوافَقَ حَظَّها الإِسعادُ
66. Its good fortune would have concurred with happiness.
Despair of you benefited the enemies, for by it
٦٦. نَفَعَ العُداةَ اليَأسُ مِنكَ لِأَنَّهُ
بَرَدَت عَلَيهِ مِنهُمُ الأَكبادُ
67. Their livers cooled from them.
Whoever contends with you kneels, his wrap held tight,
٦٧. يَنصاعُ مَن جاراكَ مَقبوضَ الخُطا
فَكَأَنَّما عَضَّت بِهِ الأَقيادُ
68. As if chained by shackles binding him.
I have recited to the successor your praise in a chapter
٦٨. قَد قُلتُ لِلتالي ثَناءَكَ سورَةً
ما لِلوَرى في نَصِّها إِلحادُ
69. In whose text the world finds no disbelief.
Repeat the discourse on sovereignty! It is
٦٩. أَعِدِ الحَديثَ عَنِ السِيادَةِ إِنَّهُ
لَيسَ الحَديثُ يُمَلُّ حينَ يُعادُ
70. Not a discourse that wearies when repeated.
Generosity like the water of Muzain, its flow pure,
٧٠. كَرَمٌ كَماءِ المُزنِ راقَ خِلالَهُ
أَدَبٌ كَرَوضِ الحَزنِ باتَ يُجادُ
71. Courtesy like the meadows of Hazin passing the night generated.
And beauties the blossoms of which adorned the times,
٧١. وَمَحاسِنٌ زَهَرَ الزَمانُ بِزُهرِها
فَكَأَنَّما أَيّامُهُ أَعيادُ
72. So that its days are like holidays.
O king in whose shadow
٧٢. يا أَيُّها المَلِكُ الَّذي في ظِلِّهِ
ريضَ الزَمانُ فَذَلَّ مِنهُ قِيادُ
73. The times are content, so its free reigns have slackened!
O best of those supported, for whom in every impasse
٧٣. يا خَيرَ مُعتَضِدٍ بِمَن أَقدارُهُ
في كُلِّ مُعضِلَةٍ لَهُ أَعضادُ
74. Pillars to lean on are erected!
When I arrived at the beloved place of your noble presence,
٧٤. لَمّا وَرَدتُ بِوِردِ حَضرَتِكَ المُنى
فَهِقَت لَدَيَّ جِمامُها الأَعدادُ
75. Before me its vast numbers wavered.
So the sun greeted me stretching its hand
٧٥. فَاِستَقبَلَتني الشَمسُ تَبسُطُ راحَةً
لِلبَحرِ مِن نَفَحاتِها اِستِمدادُ
76. For the sea to be replenished from its exhaling.
So if I boast of what I attained, it would be little for me
٧٦. فَلَئِن فَخَرتُ بِما بَلَغتُ لَقَلَّ لي
أَلّا يَكونَ مِنَ النُجومِ عَتادُ
77. That I should have no portion of the stars.
However much I praised others before you,
٧٧. مَهما اِمتَدَحتُ سِواكَ قَبلُ فَإِنَّما
مَدحي إِلى مَدحي لَكَ اِستِطرادُ
78. My praise of you is but elaboration.
The steeds cover the plains for a time
٧٨. يَغشى المَيادينَ الفَوارِسُ حِقبَةً
كَيما يُعَلِّمَها النِزالَ طِرادُ
79. In order for it to teach them onslaught and retreat.
So I will pull the train of wishes in an arena,
٧٩. فَلِأَسحَبَن ذَيلَ المُنى في ساحَةٍ
إِلّا أُوَفَّ بِها المُنى فَأُزادُ
80. Unless fulfilled, and repeat.
And gain advantage and wealth while being of service,
٨٠. وَلِيَستَفيدَنَّ السَناءَ مَعَ الغِنى
عَبدٌ يُفيدُ النُصحَ حينَ يُفادُ
81. A servant benefits caution when he is beneficial.
You are the most excellent traits not to be seen
٨١. وَلَأَنتَ أَنفَسُ شيمَةً مِن أَن يُرى
لِنَفيسِ أَعلاقي لَدَيكَ كَسادُ
82. As if my connection to you is severed.
Far from it! The dawn has guaranteed for the traveller
٨٢. هَيهاتَ قَد ضَمِنَ الصَباحُ لِمَن سَرى
أَن يَستَتِبَّ لِسَعيِهِ الإِحمادُ
83. That his effort will conclude in rewards.
You will not lack from good fortune a provision
٨٣. لا تَعدَمَنَّ مِنَ الحُظوظِ ذَخيرَةً
تَبقى فَلا يَتلو البَقاءَ نَفادُ