1. The white hands are immersed in generosity for you
Abundant rain and a wide open valley
١. غَمَرَتني لَكَ الأَيادي البيضُ
نَشَبٌ وافِرٌ وَجاهُ عَريضُ
2. Every day, you receive constant care from it
My covenant of gratitude for it is firm and binding
٢. كُلَّ يَومٍ يَجِدُّ مِنكَ اِهتِبالٌ
عَهدُ شُكري عَلَيهِ غَضُّ غَريضُ
3. Its blessings have made for me a garden of Eden
Whose virtues the eloquent poets have described
٣. بَوَّأَتني نُعماكَ جَنَةَ عَدنٍ
جالَ في وَصفِها فَضَلَّ القَريضُ
4. A shaded, civilized retreat and cool shade
And a breeze that heals troubled souls
٤. مُجتَنىً مُدِّنٍ وَظِلٌّ بَرودٌ
وَنَسيمٌ يَشفي النُفوسَ مَريضُ
5. Waters that have shamed the roses, so much
That their gilding seems to them excessive finesse
٥. وَمِياهٌ قَد أَخجَلَ الوَردَ أَن عا
رَضَ تَذهيبَهُ لَها تَفضيضُ
6. Whenever the doves coo, we say
It is a temple whose prayer niche echoes with calls to prayer
٦. كُلَّما غَنَّت الحَمائِمُ قُلنا
مَعبَدٌ إِذ شَدا أَجابَ الغَريضُ
7. Adjacent, a well-built dome flashes
With the radiance of its marble
٧. جاوَرَت حَمَّةً مُشَيَّدَةَ المَب
نى لِبَرقِ الرُخامِ فيهِ وَميضُ
8. A marble that dispatched its sculptor to it
A chain whose sea of pearls overflows
٨. مَرمَرٌ أَوفَدَ الفِرِندَ عَلَيهِ
سَلسَلٌ بَحرُهُ الزُلالُ يَفيضُ
9. In its midst, a statue whose graceful posture
Charms all who look on it and captivates with its proportion
٩. وَسطَها دُميَةٌ يَروقُ اِجتِلاءُ ال
كُلِّ مِنها وَيَفتِنُ التَبعيضُ
10. A radiant face, soft cheek, charming smile
Lively eyes, and delicate glances
١٠. بَشَرٌ ناصِعٌ وَخَدٌّ أَسيلٌ
وَمُحَيّاً طَلقٌ وَطَرفٌ غَضيضُ
11. A figure erect as a firmly planted spear
When its notch steadied it in loose ground
١١. وَقَوامٌ كَما اِستَقامَ قَضيبُ ال
بانِ إِذ عَلَّهُ ثَراهُ الأَريضُ
12. A smile that were it to express wonder,
Its conformity would be wondrous amusing
١٢. وَاِبتِسامٌ لَو أَنَّها اِستَغرَبَت في
هِ أَراكَ اِتِّساقَهُ الإِغريضُ
13. A glance as if, out of the excess of its charm,
It were with coquetry making an allusion
١٣. وَاِلتِفاتٌ كَأَنَّما هُوَ بِالإي
حاءِ مِن فَرطِ لُطفِهِ تَعريضُ
14. Brilliance of life that, were desires to swerve
From it, there would be no compensation
١٤. لُمَعٌ طَلَّةٌ مِنَ العَيشِ ما إِن
لِلهَوى عَن مَحَلَّها تَعويضُ
15. The breezes of its pleasures have made me taste it
With the wishes from its clouds being gently guided
١٥. سَوَّغَتني نَعيمَها نَفَحاتٌ
لِلمُنى مِن سَحابِها تَرويضُ
16. It was followed by the hand of the illustrious Abu Amr
And so being immersed in it is no cause for aversion to me
١٦. تابَعَتها يَدُ الهُمامِ أَبي عَم
رٍو فَما غَمرُها لَدَيَّ مَغيضُ
17. A king who defended the sanctuary of religion
To whom its victory was entrusted
١٧. مَلِكٌ ذادَ عَن حِمى الدينِ مِنهُ
مَن إِلَيهِ في نَصرِهِ التَفويضُ
18. And took care, from the glory of this world
That its seeking would be merely a slight glancing
١٨. وَسَما ناظِرٌ مِنَ المَجدِ في دُنيا
هُ قَد كانَ كَفَّهُ التَغميضُ
19. However much the times turned foul, he acted well
Just as opposites are made clear by opposites
١٩. إِن أَساءَ الزَمانُ أَحسَنَ دَأباً
مِثلَما بايَنَ النَقيضَ النَقيضُ
20. O pillar of guidance, whom no hearing
Turns aside from its path or deflects
٢٠. يا مُعِزُّ الهُدى الَّذي ما لِمَسعا
هُ إِلى غَيرِ سَمتِهِ تَغريضُ
21. O you who replace the positions of stars, no matter
How low they go, with sublime celestial bodies
٢١. يا مُحِلّي يَفاعَ حالٍ مَكانُ النَ
جمِ مَهما يُقَس إِلَيهِ حَضيضُ
22. If I gain the easiest of wishes through it
I will be satisfied with the cream of the bowls from me overflowing
٢٢. إِن أَنَل أَيسَرَ الرَغائِبِ فيهِ
يَرضَ فَوزَ القِداحِ مِنّي مُفيضُ
23. Were the orbit of its stars to be blocked, it would be lit
By its moon whose rising its disappearance would compensate for
٢٣. لَو يَفاعُ المَجَرَّةِ اِعتَضَت مِنهُ
راحَ يَدعو ثُبورَهُ المُستَعيضُ
24. The luck of one who turns from you is misfortune
And the pinnacle of his success is abasement
٢٤. حَظُّ سِنُّ اِمرِئٍ نَأى مِنكَ قَرعٌ
وَقُصارى بَنانِهِ تَعضيضُ
25. My sincerity, affection, and gratitude are enough
From it musk has perfumed existence and been abundant
٢٥. حَسبِيَ النَصحُ وَالوِدادُ وَشُكرٌ
عَطَّرَ الدَهرَ مِنهُ مِسكٌ فَضيضُ
26. May your protector live as long as the world lasts
As your deeds last and the enemy becomes broken
٢٦. دُم مُوَقّىً وَلِيُّكَ الدَهرَ مَجبو
رٌ مَساعيكَ وَالعَدُوُّ مَهيضُ
27. So the kings' admission that you are their master
Is a constantly reiterated story between them
٢٧. فَاِعتِرافُ المُلوكِ أَنَّكَ مَولا
هُم حَديثٌ ما بَينَهُم مُستَفيضُ