1. Their desire wherever arms repose, doves nest,
And their resort wherever blood flows, springs well,
١. مَرادُهُمُ حَيثُ السِلاحُ خَمائِلُ
وَمَورِدُهُم حَيثُ الدِماءُ مَناهِلُ
2. Below their goal, among them steeds fleet and mottled gray,
White swords and chestnut spears, stalwart and keen.
٢. وَدونَ المُنى فيهِم جِيادٌ صَوافِنٌ
وَمَأثورَةٌ بيضٌ وَسُمرٌ عَوامِلُ
3. On the strong neck of each purebred in battle
As though the burden of spears from him hung pendant.
٣. لِكُلِّ نَجيدٍ في النِجادِ كَأَنَّما
تُناطُ بِمَتنِ الرُمحِ مِنهُ الحَمائِلُ
4. Long on us was his night with the sentinel stars
As though the souls' lamps were lofty poles.
٤. طَويلٌ عَلَينا لَيلُهُ مِن حَفيظَةٍ
كَأَنَّ صَباباتِ النُفوسِ طَوائِلُ
5. It drew nigh so the pleiad for a tryst like the kindling
Of the evening fire and like the fawn gamboling.
٥. كِناسٌ دَنا مِنهُ الشَرى في مَحَلَّةٍ
بِها اللَيثُ يَعدو وَالغَزالُ يُغازِلُ
6. By the red domes midst their lairs, their bases curved inwards,
Among them the Pleiades were hemmed in marvelously.
٦. لَعَمرُ القِبابِ الحُمرِ وَسطَ عَرينِهِم
لَقَد قُصِرَت فيها السُروبُ العَقائِلُ
7. Veiled is Layla though the bow shone not at dusk
Nor screened the sun of daybreak the high risings.
٧. أَمَحجوبَةٌ لَيلى وَلَم تُخضَبِ القَنا
وَلا حَجَبَت شَمسَ الضَحاءِ القَساطِلُ
8. On her a grace from the boughs of the full moon
And in it a subtlety from the tender branch,
٨. أَناةٌ عَلَيها مِن سَنا البَدرِ مَيسَمٌ
وَفيها مِنَ الغُصنِ النَضيرِ شَمائِلُ
9. Her wrap wanders upon a meadow green
And beneath the silks her anklets gleam.
٩. يَجولُ وِشاحاها عَلى خَيزُرانَةٍ
وَتُشرِقُ تَحتَ البُردَتَينِ الخَلاخِلُ
10. And the night we reached the sandy hill for an appointment
The Pleiades deserted it as the fire deserted the wood.
١٠. وَلَيلَةَ وافَتنا الكَثيبَ لِمَوعِدٍ
كَما ريعَ وَسنانُ العَشِيّاتِ خاذِلُ
11. The flowing of tears gently effaced their traces
From the cheek, numbered like the Pleiades declining.
١١. تَهادى اِنسِيابُ الأَيمِ يَعفو إِثارَها
مِنَ الوَشيِ مَرقومُ العِطافَينِ ذائِلُ
12. Your camp, where have you alighted? For your light gleams
And your perfume wafts and your trinkets dangle.
١٢. قَعيدَكِ أَنّى زُرتِ ضَوؤُكِ ساطِعٌ
وَطيبُكِ نَفّاحٌ وَحَليُكِ هادِلُ
13. You have aroused the quarter and the steed is eager
Your streamer flutters and your night is departing.
١٣. هَبيكِ اِغتَرَرتِ الحَيَّ واشيكِ هاجِعٌ
وَفَرعُكِ غِربيبٌ وَلَيلُكِ لائِلُ
14. How then did you hurry past in dread? Your pace reeled,
Your train swayed and your side bent.
١٤. فَأَنّى اِعتَسَفتِ الهَولَ خَطوُكِ مُدَمجٌ
وَرِدفُكِ رَجراجٌ وَعِطفُكِ مائِلُ
15. My friend, whenever I tried for union
Desire thwarted that, nothing else intervened.
١٥. خَليلَيَّ مالي كُلَّما رُمتُ سَلوَةً
تَعَرَّضَ شَوقٌ دونَ ذَلِكَ حائِلُ
16. I find rest when the breath blows northerly
As though a wrap were swinging the Pleiades.
١٦. أَراحُ إِذا راحَ النَسيمُ شَآمِياً
كَأَنَّ شَمولاً ما تُديرُ الشَمائِلُ
17. Strayed passion in the noble throng has persisted
And love twisted where sorrows are feared.
١٧. ضَلالاً تَمادى الحُبُّ في المَعشَرِ العِدا
وَلَفَّ الهَوى في حَيثُ تُخشى الغَوائِلُ
18. As though in the favors of Mohammed the faithful
There were no sympathizer and in his pair of hands no busyness,
١٨. كَأَن لَيسَ في نُعمى الهُمامِ مُحَمَّدٍ
مُسَلٍّ وَفي مَثنى أَياديهِ شاغِلُ
19. I gleam when we smell the clouds of his munificence
A cheek dimples and fingers begin to shine.
١٩. أَغُرُّ إِذا شِمنا سَحائِبُ جودِهِ
تَهَلَّلَ وَجهٌ وَاستَهَلَّت أَنامِلُ
20. It heralds the attainment of abundant rain, his face,
And before the morning what steeds are saddled!
٢٠. يُبَشِّرُنا بِالنائِلِ الغَمرِ وَجهُهُ
وَقَبلَ الحَيا ما تَستَطيرُ المَخايِلُ
21. By him gardens for traits subtle and beautiful
In which for bounty run rivulets.
٢١. لَدَيهِ رِياضٌ لِلسَجايا أَنيقَةٌ
تَغَلغَلُ فيها لِلعَطايا جَداوِلُ
22. Gentle, so what is that generosity? A fleeting mirage?
And kind, so what are those cords? Mere ropes?
٢٢. أَتِيٌّ فَما تِلكَ السَماحَةُ نُهزَةٌ
وَفِيٌّ فَما تِلكَ الحِبالُ حَبائِلُ
23. The chief of guile that his schemes should strike his foe
When his hordes strike not, amazing!
٢٣. زَعيمُ الدَهاءِ أَن تُصيبَ مِنَ العِدا
مَكايِدُهُ مالا تُصيبُ الجَحافِلُ
24. For not by his will that sword of resolution
Nor higher than a peerless archer his arrow of prudence.
٢٤. فَما سَيفُ ذاكَ العَزمِ فيهِم بِمَعضِدٍ
وَلا سَهمُ ذاكَ الرَأيِ أَفوَقُ ناصِلِ
25. O people of glory, you have lived in utmost bliss
For were it not for you, life would have no cause.
٢٥. بَني جَهوَرٍ عِشتُم بِأَوفَرِ غِبطَةٍ
فَلَولاكُمُ ما كانَ لِلعَيشِ طائِلُ
26. You have excelled the kings in topmost merit
You champions are the staves of one spear.
٢٦. تَفاضَلَ في السَروِ المُلوكُ فَخِلتُهُم
أَنابيبَ رُمحٍ أَنتُمُ فيهِ عامِلُ
27. If few in the kin of time be your number
Then rare are stars though the sky be mother.
٢٧. لَئِن قَلَّ في أَهلِ الزَمانِ عَديدُكُم
فَإِنَّ دَرارِيَّ النُجومِ قَلائِلُ
28. Your ransom is one whom if ambitions embolden
To vie with your glory, time will belie him.
٢٨. فِداؤُكُمُ مَن إِن تَعِدهُ ظُنونُهُ
لَحاقَكُمُ في المَجدِ فَالدَهرُ ماطِلُ
29. From them deeds of virtue are ostentation
Since evil is innate, they have no transporter from it.
٢٩. مَناكيدُ فِعلِ الخَيرِ مِنهُم تَكَلُّفٌ
إِذِ الشَرُّ طَبعٌ ما لَهُم عَنهُ ناقِلُ
30. So if their morals are cloaked in false piety
Then every gray beard, decidedly will show white.
٣٠. فَإِن سُتِرَت أَخلاقُهُم بِتَخَلُّقٍ
فَكُلُّ خَضيبٍ لا مَحالَةَ ناصِلُ
31. Goodness is due to you - I say without neglect -
But who can attain all that you accomplish?
٣١. لَكَ الخَيرُ إِنّي قائِلٌ غَيرُ مُقصِرٍ
فَمَن لِيَ بِاستيفاءِ ما أَنتَ فاعِلُ
32. By your dwelling the cheeks' bloom and what throngs resort
For not in them did that host halt and lodge in vain.
٣٢. لَعَمرُ سَراةِ الثَغرِ وافاكَ وَفدُهُم
لَما ذَمَّ مِنهُم ذَلِكَ النُزلَ نازِلُ
33. You would pardon them, since prolonged their stay
When the burdened pardons the overburdened.
٣٣. لَأَعذَرتَ لَمّا لَم يُمِلَّكَ مُكثُهُم
إِذا عَذَرَ المُستَثقِلُ المُتَثاقِلُ
34. The zephyrs of amiability you poured fresh
And pellucid the water of righteousness flows.
٣٤. نَضَدتَ رَياحينَ الطَلاقَةِ غَضَّةً
وَرَقرَقتَ ماءَ البِرِّ وَهوَ سَلاسِلُ
35. Not but adamant among them the will
To you sincere of heart and body departing.
٣٥. فَما مِنهُمُ إِلّا شَديدٌ نِزاعُهُ
إِلَيكَ مُقيمُ القَلبِ وَالجِسمُ راحِلُ
36. Their surety to prefer over them praise of you
Among the throngs abundant and streaming.
٣٦. ضَمانٌ عَلَيهِم أَن سَيُؤثَرُ عَنهُمُ
عَلَيكَ ثَناءٌ في المَحافِلِ حافِلُ
37. Hearing them is a necklace threading together fair traits
Adorning a cheek which time had stripped bare.
٣٧. مَساعٍ هِيَ العِقدُ اِنتِظامَ مَحاسِنٍ
تَحَلّى بِها جيدٌ مِنَ الدَهرِ عاطِلُ
38. By it hopes gleam, the darkness flees
And by it the horizon and land are dyed verdant.
٣٨. تُنيرُ بِها الآمالُ وَاللَيلُ واقِبٌ
وَتُخضِبُ مِنها الأَرضُ وَالأُفقُ ماحِلُ
39. Congratulations for the feast day whereby
The dawn glowed through you and the roots anchored.
٣٩. هَنيئاً لَكَ العيدُ الَّذي بِكَ أَصبَحَت
تَروقُ الضُحى مِنهُ وَتَندى الأَصائِلُ
40. It greeted you with glad tidings and hailed you with desire
So greet it - thousands - another of your years' cycle.
٤٠. تَلَقّاكَ بِالبُشرى وَحَيّاكَ بِالمُنى
فَبُشراكَ أَلفٌ بَعدَ عامِكَ قابِلُ
41. If the fasting month flows by, after it
Will run deeds righteous that you enact.
٤١. لَئِن يَنصَرِم شَهرُ الصِيامِ لَبَعدَهُ
نَثا صالِحِ الأَعمالِ ما أَنتَ عامِلُ
42. You saw fulfilling the duty as binding
So you were not pleased till supererogations accompanied it.
٤٢. رَأَيتَ أَداءَ الفَرضِ ضَربَةَ لازِمٍ
فَلَم تَرضَ حَتّى شَيَّعَتهُ النَوافِلُ
43. You clove to God's house out of love for being its neighbor
To you doubly requited may God be guarantee.
٤٣. سَدَنتَ بِبَيتِ اللَهِ حُبَّ جِوارِهِ
لَكَ اللَهُ بِالأَجرِ المُضاعَفِ كافِلُ
44. You abandoned for it the abode which you inhabited
So sincere love of you would grow into a habit.
٤٤. هَجَرتَ لَهُ الدارَ الَّتي أَنتَ آلِفٌ
لِيَعتادَهُ مَحضُ الهَوى مِنكَ واصِلُ
45. For if lands would transmit you time and again
The shining orb has transmitted the stages.
٤٥. فَإِن تَتَناقَلكَ الدِيارُ فَطالَما
تَناقَلَتِ البَدرَ المُنيرَ المَنازِلُ
46. Behold all other hope but in you is isolated
And every praise if not in you, invalid.
٤٦. أَلا كُلُّ رَجوى في سِواكَ عُلالَةٌ
وَكُلُّ مَديحٍ لَم يَكُن فيكَ باطِلُ
47. To the pillar of the faith, who but you lofts?
And the standard of the realm, but you upholds?
٤٧. فَما لِعِمادِ الدينِ حاشاكَ رافِعٌ
وَلا لِلِواءِ المُلكِ غَيرَكَ حامِلُ
48. You secured me from the fears I dread
And attained me the hopes I anticipate.
٤٨. لَأَمَّنتَني الخَطبَ الَّذي أَنا خائِفٌ
وَبَلَّغتَني الحَظَّ الَّذي أَنا آمِلُ
49. I find my mind like the angry, wrathful sword
For it a furbisher in your wisdom, polishing.
٤٩. أَرى خاطِري كَالصارِمِ العَضبِ لَم يَزَل
لَهُ شاحِذٌ مِن حُسنِ رَأيِكَ صاقِلُ
50. And poetry is not of what I claim, so desist!
But the virtues move me to speak.
٥٠. وَما الشِعرُ مِمّا أَدَّعيهِ فَضيلَةً
تَزينُ وَلَكِن أَنطَقَتني الفَواضِلُ
51. You remain as your glories remain
Forever, while life is like the vanishing shadow.
٥١. بَقيتَ كَما تَبقى مَعاليكَ إِنَّها
خَوالِدُ حينَ العَيشُ كَالظِلِّ زائِلُ
52. For the perfected self what but eternity can we seek
Beyond, when you are the epitome of perfection?
٥٢. فَما نَستَزيدُ اللَهَ بَعدَ نِهايَةٍ
لِنَفسِكَ غَيرَ الخُلدِ إِذ أَنتَ كامِلُ