1. O you who put to shame the bending bough if it but sway,
And who expose the gleaming teeth if they but smile,
١. يا مُخجِلَ الغُصُنِ الفَينانِ إِن خَطَرا
وَفاضِحَ الرَشإِ الوَسنانِ إِن نَظَرا
2. A lover ransoms you from me, strange his plight,
Yet he comes not to err, but rather to make amends.
٢. يَفديكَ مِنّي مُحِبٌّ شَأنُهُ عَجَبٌ
ما جِئتَ بِالذَنبِ إِلّا جاءَ مُعتَذِرا
3. My wariness avails me naught 'gainst you,
Alas! Vain the wariness, when love decimates prudence.
٣. لَم يُنجِني مِنكَ ما استَشعَرتُ مِن حَذَرٍ
هَيهاتَ كَيدُ الهَوى يَستَهلِكُ الحَذَرا
4. Your love was but an ordained affliction,
Can man thwart what is foreordained?
٤. ما كانَ حُبُّكَ إِلّا فِتنَةً قُدِرَت
هَل يَستَطيعُ الفَتى أَن يَدفَعَ القَدَرا