1. If despair has shortened hope of you
And your estrangement has blocked stratagems
١. لَئِن قَصَّرَ اليَأسُ مِنكِ الأَمَل
وَحالَ تَجَنّيكِ دونَ الحِيَل
2. And the envious slandered you with lies
So you gave him openly what he asked
٢. وَناجاكِ بِالإِفكِ فِيِّ الحَسودُ
فَأَعطَيتِهِ جَهرَةً ما سَأَل
3. And the magic of fabricated enmity charmed you
And their false pretense deceived you
٣. وَراقَكِ سِحرُ العِدا المُفتَرى
وَغَرَّكِ زورُهُمُ المُفتَعَل
4. And you welcomed them against me
While loyalty met them with embrace
٤. وَأَقبَلتِهِم فِيَّ وَجهَ القَبولِ
وَقابَلَهُم بِشرُكِ المُقتَبَل
5. Yet I have never ceased to restrain
The reins of passion to protect it as I've never ceased
٥. فَإِنَّ ذِمامَ الهَوى لَم أَزَل
أُبَقّيهِ حِفظاً كَما لَم أَزَل
6. My darling, if you hasten with estrangement
Patience may yet bring some hastiness
٦. فَدَيتُكِ إِن تَعجَلي بِالجَفا
فَقَد يَهَبُ الريثَ بَعضُ العَجَل
7. Why have the promptings of perfidy seduced you
And the prohibitions of harm bent you
٧. عَلامَ اِطّبَتكِ دَواعي القِلى
وَفيمَ ثَنَتكِ نَواهي العَذَل
8. Did I not cling to patience so I may lighten
Did I not increase estrangement that I not care
٨. أَلَم أَلزَمِ الصَبرَ كَيما أَخِفَّ
أَلَم أُكثِرِ الهَجرَ كَي لا أُمَلّ
9. Did I not accept from you less than pleasure
And show joy in what I never attained
٩. أَلَم أَرضَ مِنكِ بِغَيرِ الرِضى
وَأُبدي السُرورَ بِما لَم أَنَل
10. Did I not forgive the sins of misdeeds
Whether you did them intentionally or erred
١٠. أَلَم أَغتَفِر موبِقاتِ الذُنوبِ
عَمداً أَتَيتِ بِها أَم زَلَل
11. Never did I expect your goodness
To do me wrong until it did
١١. وَما ساءَ ظَنِّيَ في أَن يُسيءَ
بِيَ الفِعلَ حُسنُكِ حَتّى فَعَل
12. While you became content inwardly
And desired from me no alternate
١٢. عَلى حينَ أَصبَحتِ حَسبَ الضَميرِ
وَلَم تَبغِ مِنكِ الأَماني بَدَل
13. A faithful, loving ally protected you
Lest the bond be degraded
١٣. وَصانَكِ مِنّي وَفِيٌّ أَبِيٌّ
لِعِلقِ العَلاقَةِ أَن يُبتَذَل
14. You tried to trouble a serene pact
And attempted to detract from a perfect affection
١٤. سَعَيتِ لِتَكديرِ عَهدٍ صَفا
وَحاوَلتِ نَقصَ وِدادٍ كَمَل
15. You were not spared my displeasure from harm
Nor was my confidence spared from shame
١٥. فَما عوفِيَت مِقَتي مِن أَذىً
وَلا أُعفِيَت ثِقَتي مِن خَجَل
16. And however much I chastised you with reproach
You came up with all sorts of pretexts
١٦. وَمَهما هَزَزتُ إِلَيكِ العِتابَ
ظاهَرتِ بَينَ ضُروبِ العِلَل
17. As if you had consulted theologians
And were given understanding in the knowledge of debate
١٧. كَأَنَّكِ ناظَرتِ أَهلَ الكَلامِ
وَأوتيتِ فَهماً بِعلمِ الجَدَل
18. Had you wished, you would have turned back to your original nature
And returned to those first qualities
١٨. وَلَو شِئتِ راجَعتِ حُرَّ الفَعالِ
وَعُدتِ لِتِلكَ السَجايا الأُوَل
19. Yet my share of you was not the lowest
Nor was my lot in you the least
١٩. فَلَم يَكُ حَظِّيَ مِنكِ الأَخَسَّ
وَلا عُدَّ سَهمِيَ فيكِ الأَقَلّ
20. Peace be upon you, the farewell of parting
Parting with a passion that died before its time
٢٠. عَلَيكِ السَلامُ سَلامُ الوَداعِ
وَداعِ هَوىً ماتَ قَبلَ الأَجَل
21. It was not by my choice that I turned away from you
But I was compelled, powerless
٢١. وَما بِاِختِيارٍ تَسَلَّيتُ عَنكِ
وَلَكِنَّني مُكرَهٌ لا بَطَل
22. My heart knew not how to turn away
Until it saw a way, so it obeyed
٢٢. وَلَم يَدرِ قَلبِيَ كَيفَ النُزوعُ
إِلى أَن رَأى سيرَةً فَامتَثَل
23. Would that the passionate love that led to pardoning you
And letting the reins of flirtation go loose
٢٣. وَلَيتَ الَّذي قادَ عَفواً إِلَيكِ
أَبِيَّ الهَوى في عَنانِ الغَزَل
24. Would transform that blissful union
And heal the sickness of those afflictions
٢٤. يُحيلُ عُذوبَةَ ذاكَ اللَمى
وَيَشفي مِنَ السُقمِ تِلكَ المُقَل