
You punished me for prolonging devotion with estrangement

جازيتني عن تمادي الوصل هجرانا

1. You punished me for prolonging devotion with estrangement
And for prolonging sorrow and yearning with aversion

١. جازَيتَني عَن تَمادي الوَصلِ هِجرانا
وَعَن تَمادي الأَسى وَالشَوقِ سُلوانا

2. By God, was my death in passion a mistake?
Or did you come to it deliberately, unjustly and aggressively?

٢. بِاللَهِ هَل كانَ قَتلي في الهَوى خَطَأً
أَم جِئتَهُ عامِداً ظُلماً وَعُدوانا

3. My promise is like your promise - nothing in life can change it
And if your promise changes its colors from you

٣. عَهدي كَعَهدِكَ ما الدُنيا تُغَيِّرُهُ
وَإِن تَغَيَّرَ مِنكَ العَهدُ أَلوانا

4. My devotion was never sound except when yours faltered for me
And I never obeyed you except to increase your disobedience more

٤. ما صَحَّ وُدِّيَ إِلّا اعتَلَّ وُدُّكَ لي
وَلا أَطَعتُكَ إِلّا زِدتَ عِصيانا

5. O most gentle of people in sympathy and most alluring
In glance, most fragrant in breath and softest

٥. يا أَليَنَ الناسِ أَعطافاً وَأَفتَنَهُم
لَحظاً وَأَعطَرَ أَنفاساً وَأَردانا

6. You were created with good character so do good, do not spoil character
For what good is one with beauty if he does not show kindness?

٦. حَسُنتَ خَلقاً فَأَحسِن لا تَسُؤ خُلُقاً
ما خَيرُ ذي الحُسنِ إِن لَم يولِ إِحسانا