
How much disease nearly killed me

كم ذا أجمجم داء كاد يقتلني

1. How much disease nearly killed me
Yet I kill the disease though it wasn't hidden

١. كَمْ ذا أُجمجمُ داءً كاد يقتلني
والداءُ أَقْتَلَه ما كان محتجبا

2. Grief is greater than patience that makes it easy
Never shall you see me being patient in it

٢. الرزءُ أَعظمُ مِنْ صبرٍ يهوِّنه
هيهاتَ لست تراني فيه محتسبا

3. You are signs for whom I weep and wail
For I bewail Islam and the Arabs

٣. أَعالمٌ أَنتَ من أَبكي وَأَندبُه
فإِنني أَندبُ الإِسلامَ والعربا

4. It is fitting for the eye to turn white from sorrow
When it completes a tenth of the tear's places

٤. يحقُّ للعينِ أَنْ تبيضَّ من حَزَنٍ
إِذا قضتْ من لُباناتِ البكا أَربا

5. While we hope for the good ending
Of our exhausted nation though the result was bad

٥. بَيْنا نؤملُ من مجهودِ أُمَّتِنا
حسنَ المصيرِ لنا إِذْ ساءَ منقلبا

6. We stayed in a land that we still inhabit
Enduring humiliation, misfortunes and troubles

٦. ملَّ المقام بأَرضٍ ما نزالُ بها
نكابدُ الهونَ والأَحداثَ والنوبا

7. Arise and build me a ladder to salvation
To the heavens or beneath the earth a burrow

٧. قمْ فابغني سلَّماً أَبغى النجاةَ به
إِلى السمواتِ أَو تحت الثرى سربا

8. Oh youth of Arabs, of Kais and Yaman
Has what we are in not matured for you a sprout

٨. إِيهٍ فتى العُربِ من (قيسٍ) وَمن (يمنٍ)
أَما نمى لَكَ عَمّا نَحْنُ فيه نَبا

9. We laugh and cry painfully everyday
Seeing in its affair a strange wonder

٩. إِنّا من المضحكِ المبكي عَلَى مضضٍ
في كل يومٍ نرى من شأْنِهِ عجبا

10. By His grace and the grace of those who work by it
We were made instead of the forehead, the tail

١٠. بفضلِه وَبفضلِ العاملين به
لقد جُعِلْنا مكانَ الهامةِ الذنبا

11. "My sons; I implore you warn me of my blood"
If I uncover for you the veil of your affair

١١. "بني أبي؛ وَعساكمْ تنذرون دمي"
إِذا أَمطتُ لكم عن أَمرِكم حجبا

12. What has the wicked soul suggested to you
And you both did the most virtuous mother and father wrong

١٢. ما سَوَّلَتْ لكمُ النفسُ الخبيثةُ إِذْ؟
وَأدتمُ للعلى أُماً زكتْ وَأَبا

13. Taste the torment that your hands have earned
So is everyone hostage to what they have earned

١٣. ذوقوا وَبالَ الذي أيديكمُ كسبتْ
كذاك كلُّ امرئٍ رَهْنٌ بما كسبا

14. Leave this be and continue what you have started
Perhaps the slanderer has ruined it with lies

١٤. دَعْ عَنْكَ هذا وَخذْ فيما شَرَعْتَ به
فربَّما قد سعى الواشي به خببا

15. How much has the words been distorted with malice
And he built on his love edifices and structures

١٥. كم حَرَّفَ القولَ بَغْياً عن مواضِعه
وَجَدَّ يَبْني عَلَى حَبّاه قُببا

16. And many a misery of sorrow overflowed their tears
So the plants of misery stirred in their chests and quaked

١٦. وَربَّ نضوِ أَسىً فاضتْ مدامعُهُ
فاهتزَّ نبتُ الأسى في صدرِه وَربا

17. Worry has brandished its face so when you see him
Deem him clad in worry without cloak

١٧. قد لوَّحَ الهمُّ ضاحي وَجههِ فإِذا
رأَيته خلته بالهمِّ منتقبا

18. He recited saying and dawn was smiling
Speech that ignites the flame in the heart of the passionate

١٨. أَنشا يقول وَفجرُ العيدِ منتشرٌ
قولاً يشبُّ بقلبِ الواجدِ اللهبا

19. We used to exclaim glorifying our might
What do we say? Might has been snatched from us

١٩. كنّا نكبّر تنويهاً بعزتِنا
فما نقولُ؟ وَمِنّا العزُّ قد سُلبا

20. Arise and raise your voice proclaiming God's greatness
For in it is the meaning of wailing if you wail grievously

٢٠. قمْ فارفعِ الصوتَ بالتكبيرِ إِنَّ به
معنى النعيِّ إِذا كبَّرتَ منتحبا