
Against tremors, horrors, and affliction

على الزعازع والأهوال والبأس

1. Against tremors, horrors, and affliction
Should the earth extend, the towering pillar remains steadfast

١. عَلى الزعازِعِ والأهوالِ والبأسِ
لَوْ مادَتِ الأرضُ يبقى الشامخُ الراسي

2. Bare shouldered, unless clouds shade him
He is clothed by them, content

٢. عاري المناكبِ إلاّ أنْ تظله
غمائمٌ فهو معتمٌ بها كاسي

3. He avoided with his sides the loss of way and quicksand
With his origin, and towered with grandeur and the head

٣. نأى بأعطافِه من تيهه وَرَسا
بأصلِهِ وَسما بالأنفِ والراسِ

4. Huge, his expanse almost blocks the horizon
Like the young, vigorous camel, except that he is firm

٤. ضخمٌ تكاد تسدُّ الأفقَ بسطتُه
كالعارِض الجوْنِ إلاّ أنه جاسي

5. With him, the earth ascends as the sky draws near to it
As if a towering, straight pillar to the hunchback

٥. ترقى به الأرض إذْ تدنو السماءُ له
كما سما ناهضٌ للمنحني العاسي

6. "An island from the vicinity of" "Al Ghoutah" "upon"
A sea of sand dunes and surging waters

٦. "جزيرةٌ من جوارِ ""الغوطتين"" عَلَى"
بحرِ من الدوْحِ والأمواه رجّاس

7. "As if your Lord," "when Damascus" "bordered it"
Had depicted eternity and the highest places for people

٧. "كأنَّ ربَّكَ إِذْ حاذى ""دمشق"" به"
قدْ مَثَّل الخلدَ والأعرافَ للناس

8. "It remains dragging like a peacock from" "Barada"
A trail tangled amid roses and myrtles

٨. "يظلُّ يسحبُ كالطاوس من ""بردى"""
ذَيْلاً تعثَّر بين الوردِ والآس

9. It remains rising with burdens, lofty
And the cloud from above it, the ascent of sighs

٩. ما زال ينهضُ بالأعباءِ مرتفعاً
والغيم من فوقه تصعيدُ أَنْفاسِ

10. When the sun rises upon it or sets
The chambers of a smiling and joyous one appear

١٠. إذا أطلَّتْ عليه الشمسُ أو غربتْ
بَدَتْ أساريرُ بسّامٍ وَعبّاس

11. You see the stars when their meteors shine
Were upon its head a crown of diamonds

١١. ترى النجومَ إذا لاحَتْ فَرائِدُها
كانتْ عَلَى رأسِه تاجاً من الماس

12. It tells of the sky when its lights shine
A mansion, mansion by mansion, and minaret by minaret

١٢. يحكي السماء إذا أنوارُه لَمَعَتْ
برجاً ببرجٍ ونبراساً بنبراس

13. An impregnable wall which God elevated holding it
In times of neglect of soldiers and guards

١٣. سورٌ منيعٌ وَفاه اللهُ رافعه
في الدهر غفلةَ أجنادٍ وَحُراس

14. It opposed time, it did not submit to its voice
Face to face, and did not resort to humiliation

١٤. قد قارعَ الدهرَ لم يخشعْ لصوته
وَجهاً لوجهٍ وَلم يركنْ إلى باسِ

15. So time's hand was short of attaining it
And incidents had an aim below it

١٥. فللزمانِ يَدٌ عن نيله قصرتْ
وَللحوادثِ طرفٌ دونه خاسي

16. Caravans of time were slain around its sides
It warns you of them with rumors and spearheads

١٦. قوافلُ الدهرِ صرعى في جوانبه
ينبيكَ عنها بأجداثٍ وأرماس

17. "In the "Cave" and "Grotto" reverberating echoes"
For those remembering at dawn and nightfalls

١٧. "في ""الكهف"" و ""الغار"" أصداءٌ مجلجلة"
للذاكرين بأسحار وَأغلاس

18. They saw God's wondrous work manifest
Perfection of beauty appeared joyously at weddings

١٨. رأوا بدائعَ صنعِ اللهِ ماثلةً
تجلى من الحسن خلاباً بأعراس

19. They sighed and sang in worship of Him
As the senses sigh in ecstasy

١٩. ترنّحوا وَتغنّوا في عبادتِه
كما ترنَّحَ عند النشوةِ الحاسي

20. The lighthouse of tears, ask it about their chanting
Did it not soften and make the rigid rock weep?

٢٠. منارة الدمع سلْها عن ترنّمهم
أما ألانَ وأبكى الجلْمَدَ القاسي