
He still eats of my flesh and drinks of

ما زال يأكل من لحمي ويشرب من

1. He still eats of my flesh and drinks of
my tears, and digs his claws into my skin,

١. ما زالَ يأْكلُ مِنْ لحمي وَيشربُ مِنْ
دمعي وَيرتعُ في جلدي بمخلبِه

2. until when time rewards him for his deeds,
no tear will remain for me to weep over him with.

٢. حتى إذا الدَّهرُ جازاه بفعْلتِه
لم يُبْقِ لي مدمعاً أبكي عليه بِهِ