1. It is right for the depressed to lament him
And console him if you wish, or leave his torment be
١. حقَّ لِلمخزونِ أَنْ ترثيَ لَهْ
وَاسِهِ إنْ شئت أَوْ دَعْ عَذَلَهْ
2. Do not make his paths more constricted
The darkness of nights has ensured his distress
٢. لا تزدْ ضيقاً عليه سبلَه
ضَمنتْ سودُ اللَّيالي تبلَه
3. And what is in him of resignation suffices him
He recalled the past and its recollection brought him melancholy
٣. وَكَفاهُ ما به مِنْ كمدِ
ذَكَرَ الماضي وَذِكْراهُ شجنْ
4. So the tear consulted him about what brought him down
And he saw the lightning burdened thus it bowed
٤. فاستشارَ الدَّمعُ منه ما أجنْ
وَرأى البرقَ شآميّاً فَحَنْ
5. Like the wailing of the lute one day for the affectionate gatherings
And it bent toward its interior with the hand
٥. كَحنينِ العَوْد يوماً للعَطَنْ
وانثنى نحو حشاه باليدِ
6. Oh what sorrow then increased
Weakening like sweat when it throbbed
٦. يا لَهُ خبا ثمَّ أَضا
موهِناً كالعرقِ لمَّا نَبَضا
7. It left the heart upon the embers of anger
Every eyelid its evening has not closed
٧. تركَ القلبَ عَلَى جَمرِ الغضا
كلُّ جَفنٍ شامه ما أَغْمضا
8. So excuse him for the crying and the sleeplessness
He recalled Damascus in the days of Al-Walid
٨. فَاعذُروه في البكا وَالسُّهد
ذَكَرَ الشامَ عَلَى عَهدِ الوليدْ
9. And protected Baghdad in the days of Al-Rashid
And saw the current state in the new era
٩. وحمى بَغداد أَيّامَ الرَّشيدْ
وَرأَى الحالَةَ في العصرِ الجديدْ
10. How it changed so he fell upon the ground
Losing strength and weak in endurance
١٠. كيف حالتْ فارْتمى فوقَ الصَّعيدْ
خائِرَ القوَّةِ واهي الجلدِ
11. Stand in the neighborhood even in worn-out wraps
For I will put out my fire with tears
١١. قفْ علَى الرَّبعِ وَلو لَوْثَ الإِزارْ
عَلَّني أُطْفِيء بالدَّمعِ الأُوار
12. And ask the neighborhood when the days of neighborliness were
For I have a heart resentful of them
١٢. واسأَلِ الرَّبعَ متى عهد الجوارْ
إِنّ لي قلباً عليهمْ مُستطارْ
13. Its religion from a blamer or someone dutiful
She stood while the night adorned itself with its gowns
١٣. دينهُ منْ متهمٍ أَو منجدِ
وَقَفتْ واللَّيلُ قَدْ أَرخى السُّدولْ
14. Pouring tears upon those hills
What is more deserving of bewilderment
١٤. تسكبُ الدَّمعَ عَلَى تلك الطُّلولْ
أَيُّ شيءٍ هو أَدعى لِلذُّهولْ
15. Than the weeping of the dunes in an abandoned illustration
Devoid of anyone in it
١٥. مِنْ بكاءِ الرُّودِ في رَسمٍ محيلْ
موحشٍ ليس به مِنْ أَحدِ
16. Do not ask what has scandalized and disgraced her
For a time when you see me and I see her
١٦. لا نَسلْ عمّا عراني وَعَراها
ساعةً حيث تراني وأراها
17. Sorrow sealed my mouth when it sealed its mouth
And its signs raised from us the foreheads
١٧. حُزنٌ كمَّ فمي إِذْ كمَّ فاها
وَعلتْ آياتهُ منّا الجباها
18. Informing of sorrow in eternity
Heartache and melancholy between the ribs
١٨. منبِّئات عن أَسىً في الخَلَدِ
لوعةٌ وَثّابَةٌ بين الضُّلوعْ
19. And sorrow defending from the eye the sleeplessness
If only I knew why tears pour
١٩. وأَسىً ذَادَ عن العينِ الهجوعْ
ليتَ شِعري فيمَ تسكابُ الدُّموعْ
20. When long ago it did not know the meaning of fervor
Firmness of the eye and contortion of the liver
٢٠. وَقديماً ما درتْ معنى الوُلوعْ
جلدةَ العينِ وخلب الكبدِ
21. It only cries for a past glory
That the successors did not preserve
٢١. إِنَّما تبكي لمجدٍ قَدْ سلفْ
لم يكنْ محتفِظاً فيه الخلفْ
22. Now it is time for us sitting to be lighter
Towards attaining glory for the time is nigher
٢٢. آنَ للقاعدِ منّا أَنْ نخف
نحو دَرْكِ المجدِ فالوَقْتُ أَزفْ
23. The generous of our era do not suffice
And the key is educating the young woman
٢٣. ليس يكفينا كريمُ المحتدِ
وَملاكُ الأمْرِ تهذيبُ الفتاةِ
24. For she is a lantern that lights up the darkness
Have you heard in past generations
٢٤. فهيَ مشكاةٌ تُنيرُ الظُّلُماتِ
هل سمعتمْ في القُرونِ الخالياتِ
25. A nation that rose without women
To the heights, or in the new eras
٢٥. أُمةً هبَّتْ بغيرِ النّاهضاتِ
للعُلى أَو في العصورِ الجددِ