1. The Parliament: Has the news of it reached you,
And the news of those sleepy ones in it?
١. البرلمان: وَهَلْ أتاكَ حديثُهُ
وَحديثُ من فيه مِنَ النُوّامِ
2. They were brought to him with heads bowed down,
The bowing of cowards towards the field of execution.
٢. نُقلوا إليه ناكسينَ رؤوسَهمْ
نَقْلَ الجبانِ لساحةِ (الإعدامِ)
3. Shame ruled their sights,
So their eyes were fixed on the ground.
٣. مَلَكَ الحياءُ عليهمُ أبصارَهمْ
فعيونُهمْ بمواطئِ الأَقدام
4. And if they cast a glance unwittingly,
They looked with the eye of distracted preoccupations.
٤. وَإِذا رموا (عن غيرِ قصْدٍ) نظرةً
نظروا بعينِ الأحوالِ المتعامي
5. They thought the soldiers were mocking, yet they had come
With signs of veneration and magnifying.
٥. حسِبوا العساكرَ يهزؤن وَقَدْ أتوا
بدلائلِ التبجيلِ والإعظام
6. They belittled themselves, so no hand was raised to them
For returning a greeting or peace.
٦. حقَروا نفوسَهمُ فلم تُرفعْ لهم
أَيد لردِّ تحيةٍ وَسلام
7. Until when they took their seats with him,
The place was too narrow for the breadth of their bodies.
٧. حتى إذا أخذوا مجالسَهمْ به
ضاقَ المكانُ ببسْطةِ الأجسام
8. Its corners crouched over their idols -
Who will bring me an Abraham for the idols?
٨. عَكَفَتْ زواياه عَلَى أصنامِهمْ
من لي بإبراهيم للأصنام...