1. God avenged those who opposed her
And did good for her sacrifices
١. أدالَ اللهُ (جلَّقَ) من عداها
وَأحسنَ عن أضاحيها عزاها
2. So how much she carried for the Arabs of calamities
Thus is the mother who protects her offspring
٢. فكم حملتْ عن العربِ الرزايا
كذاك الأُمُّ تدفعُ عن حماها
3. Ten passed over it, disastrous
Like pieces of the night whose darkness was not uncovered
٣. مضتْ عشر عليها حالكات
كقطعِ الليلِ لم يكشفْ دجاها
4. It brought back the era of (Taimur) to it
So she thought once again of its invasion
٤. أعادتْ عصرَ (تيمورٍ) إليها
فظنتْ مرةً أُخرى غزاها
5. And the children did not turn white for it but
With the laws of its tyrants, it returned its repeal
٥. وَما شابتْ لها الأطفالُ لكنْ
بشرعِ طغاتِها وَردتْ رداها
6. We knew the day of (Yusuf) its beginning
So who can inform of its ending?
٦. عرفنَا يومَ (يوسف) مبتداها
فهلْ مِنْ مخبرٍ عن منتهاها
7. (Oh Yusuf), and the victims today are many
Be delighted, you were the first to initiate it
٧. (أَيوسفُ) والضحايا اليومَ كثرٌ
ليهنك كنتَ أولَ من بداها
8. The country's plants thrived, and it is no wonder
The blood of martyrs was its life
٨. زكا نبتُ البلادِ وَليس بدْعاً
زكيّاتُ الدما كانت حياها
9. I sacrifice you, alive and dead, as a leader
You raised every glory high
٩. فديتُك قائداً حيّاً وَميْتا
رفعتَ لكل مكرمة صُواها
10. A nation got angry at her, and she has a grudge
So you satisfied Arabism and the Lord
١٠. غضبتْ لأُمةٍ منها معدٌ
فأرضيتَ العروبةَ والإِلها
11. Oh you, lying dead, you awakened a people
And awakened the sights from their disdain
١١. فيالك راقداً نبّهتَ شَعباً
وأيقظتَ النواظرَ من كراها
12. And oh you, dead, you revived in us
Souls that do not settle for their harm
١٢. وَيا لك ميِّتاً أحييتَ منا
نفوساً لا تقرُّ عَلَى أذاها
13. The soul of a free man only aspired to glory through you
Indeed its purpose had become its end
١٣. سمتْ بك للمعالي نفسُ حرٍ
لقدْ كانت منيّتها مناها
14. You plunged into death, not caring
As plummets plunge from its sky
١٤. هويتَ عَلَى المنيةِ لا تبالي
كما تهوى الثواقبُ من سماها
15. I sacrifice for you, rather for your shoes, every crown
Which the tyrants manipulate according to their desires
١٥. فداً لك بل لنعلك كلُّ تاجٍ
تصرّفه الطغاةُ عَلَى هواها
16. The tragedy of (Maysalon), though it was devastating
Is lighter than the impact that followed it
١٦. مصيبةُ (ميسلون) وَإن أَمضّتْ
أخفُّ وَقيعة مما تلاها
17. So there is no place in Damascus except
It depicts Maysalon and what afflicted it
١٧. فما من بقعةٍ بدمشق إلاّ
تمثل ميسلونَ وَما دهاها
18. The branches of fire have reached its homes
And with blood, its land always stayed wet
١٨. فروعُ النارِ قد طالتْ ذراها
وَبالدمِ لم يزلْ رطْباً ثراها
19. Ask about the blood that was shed
Reality will inform you, it overflowed
١٩. فسلْ عمّا تصبّبَ من دماءٍ
تخبّركَ الحقيقةَ (غوطتاها)
20. And I have not seen a paradise whose people
Became firewood for raging fire but it
٢٠. وَلم أر جنّةً أمسى بنوها
وقودَ النارِ فائرةٍ سواها
21. And remnants of the sword are still suffering from them
Exile that tore their determination
٢١. وَما زالتْ بقايا السيفِ منهم
تعاني غربةً شطّتْ نواها
22. They wrote eternal scriptures
I see the breast of time has accommodated them
٢٢. هُمُ كتبوا صحائفَ خالداتٍ
أرى صدرَ الزمانِ لقدْ وَعاها
23. And their affliction through the long nights
Rings in the ears of the world its echo
٢٣. وَمحنتُهمْ عَلَى مرِّ الليالي
يرنُّ بسمعِ الدنيا صداها
24. I loved Damascus, for it is the abode of immortality
Its happiness residing, humbling its neighbors
٢٤. عشقتُ دمشق إِذْ هِيَ دارُ خلدٍ
مقيم سعدُها دانٍ جناها
25. So when the fires flared up in it
And its flames reached its highest homes
٢٥. فلما شبّتِ النيرانُ فيها
وَطال لهيبُها أعلى ذراها
26. Love showed it to me as a house of fire
Looming weakness flickers its years
٢٦. أرتنيها المحبةُ بيتَ نارٍ
يلوح (لموبذ) وَهْناً سناها
27. We worshipped it, bliss or inferno
And souls were inspired by it as guidance
٢٧. عبدناها نعيماً أو جحيماً
وألهمتِ النفوسُ بها هداها
28. And the consummation of its tribulation was matters
Time really laughed foolishly at it
٢٨. وكان تمامَ محنتِها أمورٌ
لقد ضحكَ الزمانُ بها سفاها
29. With the jest of fate, a wretch got lost in it
As Iblis got lost in Paradise
٢٩. بهزلِ الدهرِ تاه بها وضيعٌ
كما إبليسُ في الفردوس تاها
30. And riffraff competing in vulgarities
I wonder at our Lord, how He justified it!
٣٠. وَشرذمةٌ تسابق في المخازي
عجبتُ لربنا أنّى براها
31. I think the scenes of tragedy are over
With a farce that was fabricated by its storytellers
٣١. أظنُّ مقاطعَ المأساةِ تمّتْ
بمهزلة تَظرَّفَ من رواها
32. If a night comes and lingers
It is best that its morning draws near
٣٢. إذا ما ليلةٌ حلكتْ وَطالتْ
فأجدرْ أن يكونَ دنا ضحاها
33. And the outcome of hardships and calamities
Is relief, when it reaches its extent
٣٣. وَعاقبةُ الشدائدِ والرزايا
إلى فرجٍ إذا بلغتْ مداها
34. I will stop, for rhymes today are embers
I fear for the ears from their heat
٣٤. سأقصرُ فالقوافي اليوم جمرٌ
أخافُ على المسامعِ من لظاها