1. Damascus, what beauty fails to pass by you
Exclusively endowed with it without a partner
١. (أَدمشق) ما للحسن لا يعدوك
حتى خصصتِ به بغير شريكِ
2. It has fallen in love with you and you have captured its heart
Thus it describes you in every charming way
٢. أَشغفته حباً وَتمتِ فؤادَه
فغدا بكل طريفةٍ يصفيكِ
3. Glory be to the One who granted you. I bear witness that He
Has fulfilled and increased your Giver's gifts to you
٣. سبحانَ من أَعطاكِ أَشهد أَنّه
وَفّى وَزادَ بسيبه معطيكِ
4. So you have emerged to sights as the finest spectacle
In beauty and creativity from your Creator
٤. فبرزتِ للأَبصارِ أَروَعَ مظهرٍ
في الحسنِ وَالإِبداعِ عن باريكِ
5. Love took me by surprise, and you aroused it
Do I complain of love to you or complain of you?
٥. الحبُ برّحَ بي وَأَنتِ بعثتِه
أَإِليك أَشكو الحبَّ أَم أَشكوك
6. You have surpassed cities and countries in lineage
From Qasyoon to eternity developing you
٦. فقْتِ الحواضرَ وَالبلادَ بنسبةٍ
من (قاسيون) إِلى الذرى تنميكِ
7. O daughter of one whose misery was prolonged fatherless
In beauty while he is long-lived ransoming you
٧. يا بنت مَنْ طال السها أُيتيمة
في الحسن وَهو معمَّر يفديكِ
8. His separation has aged him and his head turned white
Baldness, so you increased his majesty through your father
٨. شابتْ مفارقُهُ وَجلَّلَ رأسَه
صلعٌ فزدتِ جلالةً بأَبيكِ
9. So it is as if he is a lion settled around you
Protecting you from the days and their events
٩. فكأَنه أَسدٌ بقربك رابضٌ
من دهره وصروفه يحميك
10. O landing place of beautiful sorcery, did not
Hassan derive his sorcery from you?
١٠. يا مهبطَ السحرِ الحلال أَلم يكنْ
(حسَّان) ينشي سحرَه من فيكِ
11. You have returned from the flowers of the garden as a coquette
From dissolved to braided
١١. رُدّيتِ من زهرِ الرياضِ مطارفاً
ما بين محلولٍ إلى محبوكِ
12. It is as if the trees in you are brides
Touched with every twitter and braid
١٢. فكأَنما الأشجارُ فيك عرائس
ماستْ بكل منمنمٍ وَمحوكِ
13. As if Barada's rapids are streams of silver
Flowing over a pearl string in your valley
١٣. وكأَنما (بردى) سبائكُ فضةٍ
تجري عَلَى درٍّ بها مسلوكِ
14. And as if its pebbles and its flashing
Are a necklace of diamonds minted in your calm waters
١٤. وكأَنما حصباؤه وَبريقها
عقدُ من الألماس في هاديكِ
15. And if the gazelle flirts with you, you smile from
Lips with the garden's flowers laughing
١٥. وإِذا الغزالةُ غازلتكِ بسمتِ عن
ثغرٍ بأَزهارِ الرياضِ ضحوكِ
16. She offered you the crown at its rising
So you wore it of molded gold
١٦. أَهدتْ إِليكِ التاجَ حين بزوغِها
فلبستِه من عَسْجدٍ مسبوكِ
17. And if you wear a black garb of the nights
Resembling the garb of the patriarch
١٧. وَإِذا ارتديتِ من الليالي حلّةً
سوداءَ تشبه حلةَ البطريكِ
18. Then the stars are buttons and the piercing of its falling stars
Were sprinkled upon you like minted gold
١٨. فالنجمُ أَزرارٌ وَثاقبُ شهبها
نثرتْ عليكِ كدرهمٍ مسكوكِ
19. And if at dawn the gardens breathe
Engulfing you in amber distilled
١٩. وَإِذا الرياضُ تَنَفَسّتْ في سحرةٍ
فغمت رباكِ بعنبرٍ مسحوكِ
20. O would that the birds visit while yearning
As if they were the poets when describing you
٢٠. يا حبذا الأَطيارُ وَهي سواجعٌ
فكأَنها الشعراءُ إِذْ وَصفوكِ
21. And you are like an island between two seas
Crashing into your coasts
٢١. (الغوطتان) وَأَنت مثل جزيرةٍ
بحرانِ يلتطمانِ في شاطيكِ
22. And the two Ghotas while you are a shining moon
For a dark night that is sweetly dimpled
٢٢. وَ (الغوطتان) وَأَنتِ بدرٌ ساطع
لكليلةٍ ظلماء ذات حلوك
23. How many pure souls and noble spirits
Poured out to join you in the zeal of Yarmouk
٢٣. كم من زكيِّ دمٍ وَنفسٍ حرّةٍ
فاضا لوصلِكِ في حمى (اليرموك)
24. Omar, whose horses' hooves trampled
The throne hall of Chosroes, dismounted to you
٢٤. (عمر) الذي وَطئتْ سنابكُ خيله
(إِيوانَ كسرى) قد ترجّلَ فيكِ
25. The Umayyads raised through you the greatest state
With swords of your sons as its foundations
٢٥. رفعتْ (أُميةُ) فيك أَعظمَ دولةٍ
كانت قواعدَها سيوفُ بنيكِ
26. How many suns whose light does not set
Abd Shams embraced in your club
٢٦. كم من شموسٍ ليس يغرب نورها
من (عبد شمس) ضمَّها ناديكِ
27. Their hearts plunge youthfully to you
If not for Makkah's sanctity, they would perform Hajj to you
٢٧. تهوي قلوبهمُ إليكِ صبابةً
لولا مشاعرُ (مكةٍ) حجّوكِ
28. If not for the sanctity of Bayt al-Haram and its direction
At prayer, they would turn their faces to you
٢٨. لولا حمى (البيت الحرام) وَشطره
عند الصلاةِ وجوههم وَلُّوكِ
29. If they had not yet been, in the dawn of guidance
And saw your beauty, they would worship you
٢٩. لو لم يكونوا بعدُ في فجر الهدى
وَرأَوا جمالكِ فتنةً عبدوكِ
30. Did you unsheathe from Musa a separating sword, whose
Scabbard, if it were drawn, would protect you?
٣٠. وَسللت من موسى حساماً فيصلاً؟
قد كان مغمده (لو ذريك)؟
31. And did you hurl at your service with Saif al-Din
A soul that would be distracted to ransom you?
٣١. وَرمتْ (بصقر الدينِ) دونكِ باذلاً
نفساً يُضَنُّ بمثلها ليقيكِ
32. You remained the quintessence of Arabism when
Your children were seized by the tribulation of the Tatars
٣٢. وَظللتِ خالصةَ العروبةِ حينما
أُخذت بنوك بمحنة (التتريكِ)
33. And the lineage of those native to you was cleansed
From the claim of my Syrian and Phoenician brother
٣٣. وَتطهّرتْ أَنسابُ من قطنوكِ من
دعوى أَخي (السريان) وَ (الفينيكي)
34. Or have you blamed time and its corruption?
It has ended up afflicting you with every calamity
٣٤. أَوَ ما عتبتِ عَلَى الزمانِ وَريبه
أَمسى بكل رزيةٍ يرميكِ
35. So you have seen from the auspices and misfortunes of time
The glory of the ruler and humiliation of the slave
٣٥. فرأَيتِ من سعدِ الزمان وَنحسه
عزَّ المليكِ وَذلَة المملوكِ
36. And luck flowed and was not
Except with your happiest ascendant coming to you
٣٦. وَجرتْ جوارٍ بالنحوسِ وَلم تكنْ
إِلاّ بأَسعدِ طالِع تأْتيكِ
37. I see Barada overflowing its springs
With tears grieving over your past
٣٧. إِني أَرى (بردى) تفيضُ عيونهُ
بدموعِها حزناً عَلى ماضيكِ
38. And I see your slopes like graves that have become
Each branch a lamenting mourner weeping for you
٣٨. وَأَرى هضابَكِ كالقبورِ غدا بها
من كلِّ غصنٍ نادبٌ يرثيك
39. And if the winds wail and moan, they moan over
A sanctuary violated or an inviolable sanctuary desecrated
٣٩. وَإِذا الرياحُ تناوَحتْ ناحتْ عَلَى
حرمِ مباحٍ أَو حمىً مهتوكِ
40. The right of navigation should be protected, yet I do not see
Your people have preserved this right for you
٤٠. حقُ الملاحة أنْ تصانَ وَما أَرى
أَهليك هذا الحق قد وَفّوكِ
41. In Maysloon there is endless sorrow and regret
That they have suffered with the unraveled
٤١. في (ميسلون) أَسى يطول وَحسرةٌ
عانيهما ما كان بالمفكوكِ
42. On that day I did not know if they betrayed you
Or your people or their rulers deserted you
٤٢. لم أَدرِ يومئذ أَمْنْتَدَبُوكِ أَمْ
أَهلوكِ أَم حكّامهم وَتروكِ
43. I do not forget the sky now that it has become
In August filled with its clouds weeping for you
٤٣. ما أَنس لا أَنس السماءَ وَقد غدتْ
في شهر (آب) بوبلها تبكيكِ
44. And redness appeared in the clarity of its horizon
As if it is the blood's complaint of that spilled
٤٤. وَبدا احمرارٌ في صفاءِ أَديمها
فكأَنه شكوى الدم المسفوكِ
45. And the sun of daytime exchanged the zeal
As if at noon carrying a bucket
٤٥. وَتزاوَرتْ شمسُ النهار عن الحمى
فكأنها في الظهرِ ذات دلوكِ
46. They said: Forget the memories. Even if I obeyed them
I would never abandon it
٤٦. قالوا اتركِ الذكرى وَلو طاوَعتهم
ما كنتُ منها قطّ بالمتروكِ
47. I do not mean politics; it is but
A sigh from a wounded heart
٤٧. أنا لست أَعني بالسياسة إِنما
هي نفثةٌ من ذي جوى منهوكِ