1. The youthfulness within you is stirred by her,
And the fire of your heart has rekindled its blaze.
١. ما للصبابةِ منك هاجَ رسيسُها
وَلنارِ قلبك عاد فيه حسيسُها
2. My pledge to your heart, both cups and dolls -
Do not deny her beauty, or her charm.
٢. عهدي بقلبكَ والأَوانسُ والدُّمى
لا تستبيه (سعادُها) و (لميسُها)
3. Your soul has risen above obsession,
Could it be sated after forty suns?
٣. شمستْ عن التهيامِ نفسُك ناشئاً
هل ريضَ بعد الأربعين شَموسها
4. By God, a beauty who owns the heart of he
Whose heads bow to her, of all men.
٤. للهِ فاتنة تملَّك قلبَ مَنْ
تُحنى لديه من الرجالِ رؤوسها
5. Her glances have done to him what has not
Been done by her goblets and cups.
٥. فعلتْ به أَلحاظُها ما قصَّرتْ
عن فعلِه أَقداحُها وَكؤوسها
6. O you who are spellbound by his words, is this not
The effect of her eyes while you sit with her?
٦. يا مَنْ سُحرتَ بقوله هَلْ ذاك من
تأْثيرِ عينيها وأَنت جليسها
7. If you have loved the Messiah for her sake
And your heart is torn, striking its bell,
٧. إن كنتَ أَحببتَ (المسيح) لأجلها
وَشجا فؤادَك قارعاً ناقوسها
8. By the Spirit and the Gospel, the pact of the truthful
And the oath of truth that does not go back on its word,
٨. والرّوحِ والإِنجيلِ حلْفةَ صادقٍ
ويمين حقٍ لا يُردُّ غَموسها
9. I have praised the mention of John and Mark
And am dazzled, before my eyes, by her images.
٩. إِني لهجتُ بذكر (يوحَنّا) و (مر
قس) وازدهى في ناظري (جرجيسها)
10. And I have drunk the consecration of the Virgin and Joseph
And kept what her saint has said.
١٠. وشربتُ تكريسَ (البتولِ) ويوسف
وحفظتُ ما قَدْ قاله قديسها
11. If not for the love of Muhammad’s religion
Without any doubt I would have become her priest.
١١. هذا ولولا حبُّ دينِ محمد
(من دون كاد) لأَمَّ بي قسيسها
12. My soul craved to describe your beauty
As if her fantasy was palpable.
١٢. هامتْ بها نفسي لوصفِك حسنها
حتى كأنْ موهومها محسوسها