1. This, by your Lord, is the resting place of every human
So everything you see vanishing is transient
١. هذا وربِّك مثوى كلِّ إِنسانِ
فكلُّ ما أنت راءٍ منقضٍ فاني
2. Thus settled here the daughter of those called
Pride and glory over Al-Jawza and Kaiwan
٢. كذاك حَلَّتْ هنا بنتُ الَّذينَ سموا
فخْراً ومجداً عَلَى الجوزا وكيوان
3. O grave! You did not know what honor you contained
A high lineage stemming from Fahr and Adnan
٣. يا قبرُ لم تدر ما ضمّنتَ من شرفٍ
عالٍ تفرَّع من (فهر) و (عدنان)
4. Her mother was replaced by honored angels
(A welcome to people and neighbors to neighbors)
٤. أُمّاه أُبدلتِ بالأَملاكِ مكرُمةً
(أهلاً بأَهلٍ وجيراناً بجيران)
5. She left obedient to God, fasting
So her feast was meeting God, the Glorious
٥. ذهبتِ قانتةً لله صائمةً
فكان عيدَكِ لقيا اللهِ ذي الشّان
6. O daughter of the best father, the date of your day brought good news
You have been granted forgiveness from the Master
٦. يا بنتَ خير أَبٍ تاريخ يومِك بش
رى قَدْ حُظيتِ من المولى بغفران