
Is there one who can help me show endurance for an hour?

هل من يعين على التجلد ساعة

1. Is there one who can help me show endurance for an hour?
With tears, my endurance has flowed away.

١. هَلْ مَنْ يعينُ عَلَى التجلدِ ساعةً
فمع الدموعِ تجلُّدي قد سالا

2. A naked child cries in the belly of the night.
Affliction has seized his body, seizing without cease.

٢. طفلٌ بجوفِ الليلِ يبكي عارياً
نال الضنى من جسمه ما نالا

3. I approached him compassionately like
A feeble chick to a vicious fowler fully armed.

٣. ما راعه إلاّ دنوّي نحوه
كالفرْخِ ريع لكاسرٍ قَدْ صالا

4. I asked him what was his problem, whereupon
Tears streamed from him, he was unable to speak.

٤. ساءَلته ما خطبُه فتدفَّقتْ
منه الدموعُ فما استطاع مقالا

5. I wiped them until his heart was calmed,
And after that I asked him some more questions.

٥. فمسحتُها حتى اطمأْنَّ فؤادُهُ
وأَعدتُ بعدئذ عليه سؤالا

6. What can I say? I was struck down
By every horrible misfortune that can move mountains.

٦. ماذا أقول وقد رميت بكلِّ فا
دحةٍ تدكُّ بهولِها الأَجبالا

7. Time has taken my parents and left me no
Uncles or aunts that it did not destroy.

٧. ذهب الزمانُ بوالديَّ ولم يدعْ
حتى طوى عماً وأَودى خالا

8. And a sister, like a bough in her flourishing,
Was swept away by the wind of death and leaned over.

٨. وشقيقة كالغصنِ في غلْوائه
عصفتْ به ريحُ المنونِ فمالا

9. And the fangs of hunger tore my entrails
And rewarded my body with an incurable disease.

٩. وأَعضَّ نابُ الجوعِ طاويَ مهجتي
وأَثابني داءً عليه عضالا

10. So I sought death, knowing that it
Was a better state than the woe of this life.

١٠. فسعيتُ نحو الموتِ أَعلم أَنه
من ضنْكِ هذا العيش أحسن حالا

11. And here, speech was cut off by some obstacle
That came between speech and him.

١١. وإلى هنا انقطعَ الحديثُ لعارضٍ
بين الكلام وبينه قد حالا

12. By God, when he threw himself upon me,
And death earnestly penetrated his body,

١٢. لله إِذْ أَلقى عليَّ بنفسه
والموتُ جدَّ بجسمه إِيغالا

13. He breathed his last in my hands, so I smelled
A light rising to the Most High God.

١٣. لَفَظَ الحياةَ عَلَى يديَّ فشمتها
نوراً إِلى الملإِ العليِّ تعالى

14. And I heard the humming of angels around him
And saw the mercy of our Lord unfolding continuously.

١٤. وسمعتُ هينمةَ الملائِكِ حوله
ورأيتُ رحمةَ رَبِّنا تتوالى

15. There my endurance, which had abandoned me, fell into my hands
And disciplined my weeping eyes pouring down tears.

١٥. فهناك أُسقط في يديَّ وعقَّني
جلدٌ تملَّك مدمعاً هطّالا