1. I am not of those who forget their sorrows,
Nor of those who forget their vows,
١. لست من همي وَلا من كمدي
بعد ما أسلمت جفناً للكرى
2. After I surrendered my eyelids to anguish -
We pledged our eyes to enduring its tears and wakefulness.
٢. أُخِذَ العهدُ عَلى أعينِنا
أَنْ تعاني دمعَها والسهرا
3. I am of those who pledged grief
That the eyelids would shed red tears.
٣. أَنا ممن بايعوا الحزنَ عَلَى
أَنْ يريق الجفنُ دمعاً أَحمرا
4. The fire blazing in my ribs
Is stoked by the flames of sorrow from past vows.
٤. إِنَّما النّارُ التي في أضلعي
تتلظّى للأَسى نار قرى
5. The palm withers of one who shakes it off -
Of covenants whose bonds had been tightened.
٥. تَرِبَتْ كفُّ امرئٍ ينفضها
من عهودٍ أحكمتْ منها العرى
6. I am not one to break the pact of sorrow -
With the mouth of one violating pacts, O Saad of the open country!
٦. لست بالنّاقض ميثاقَ الأَسى
بفمِ الناقضِ يا سعد البرى
7. Do not blame my eye if it weeps profusely -
For great was the flowing of tears from ardent passion.
٧. لا تلمْ عيني إذا جدَّ البكا
فلقدْ جدَّ بلمياءَ السُرى
8. The duration of life is hardship, after which -
How can I spend it, and where, I wonder?
٨. مدَّةُ العيشِ عناءٌ بعدها
كيف أُقضيها وأَنىّ يا ترى
9. If not for a purpose I strive toward -
The earth would have buried me after the copious flowing tears.
٩. أَنا لولا غايةٌ أَسعى لها
ضمنَّني من بعد لمياءَ الثرى