
Restrain your tears and hold back your sighs

أَسيغوا البث واحتبسوا الزفيرا

1. Restrain your tears and hold back your sighs
Though grief fills your heart and your chest

١. أَسيغوا البثَّ واحتبسوا الزَّفيرا
وَإِنْ ملأَ الجوانحَ والصُّدورا

2. Al-Husayn is not pleased when you lose control
Though the tragedy was undoubtedly severe

٢. فما يرضي الحسين بأَن تطيشوا
وَإن كان المصابُ به كبيرا

3. So show patience and draw strength from him
To restore your calm and make you steadfast

٣. فصبراً واستمدوا منه روحاً
تعيدُ جَزوعكم جَلْداً صبورا

4. Was he not exemplary in every ordeal?
Bearing his terrible fate with resilience

٤. أَلم يكن أُسوةً في كلِّ خطبٍ
يدكُّ بهولِ هدَّته (ثبيرا)

5. Though they killed Al-Husayn, his name
Will live forever in eternal glory

٥. عَلَى أَنَّ (الحسينَ) وَإِنْ نعوه
كتابٌ بالخلودِ غدا جديرا

6. His noble pages will not be folded away
But rather unfold to encompass the ages

٦. صحائفُه المجيدةُ ليس تُطوى
عَلَى الأيامِ بل تَطوي العصورا

7. O symbol of life, inspire in us
Unwavering courage in times of distress

٧. فيا رمزَ الحياةِ أَفضْ علينا
عزائمَ في الشدائدِ لَنْ تخورا

8. The night of our torment grew long but then
You rose like the dawn, bright and luminous

٨. تمطّى ليلُ محنتِنا فلمّا
سفرتَ سفرتَ صبحاً مستنيرا

9. We almost buried hope until you came
And resurrected it, giving rebirth

٩. وَكدنا ندفنُ الآمالَ حتى
أَهَبْتَ بنا فكنتَ لها نُشورا

10. You were true to your covenant, the most faithful
The purest and most honest person on earth

١٠. صدقتَ فكنتَ أَوفى الناسِ عهداً
وَأَنقاهم وَأطهرَهم ضميرا

11. You stood by truth when others betrayed it
And kept your promises and vows

١١. ظللتَ عَلَى الصراحةِ حين راغوا
وَوَفَّيْتَ المواثقَ والنذورا

12. When they broke faith out of hatred
You still stood by them as their ally

١٢. فلما أيسروا خذلوك بَغْيا
وَكنتَ لهمْ بشدَّتِهم نصيرا

13. It is not your fault that they broke their word
Or made promises to you they didn't keep

١٣. وَليس عليك إنْ نكثوا وَخانوا
وليس عليك إنْ وَعَدوك زورا

14. The day you fell only raised your worth
While their triumph was but a deceit

١٤. هَوَيْتَ فزدتَ يومَ هويتَ قدراً
وَلم يك فوزَهمْ إلاّ غرورا

15. You were like a scale weighted with loyalty
While they were a scale weighted with treachery

١٥. فكنتَ ككفَّةٍ رجحتْ وَفاءً
وَكانوا كفَّةً شالتْ خفورا

16. You fell and were like lightning upon them
Igniting their greed and avarice aflame

١٦. هويتَ فكنتَ صاعقةً عليهمْ
تشبُّ عَلَى مطامِعهمْ سعيرا

17. Thus the sword is most effective when falling
And the most famous blows are those it lays

١٧. كذاك السيفُ أَمضى وَهو هاوٍ
وَأَقطع مضرباً منه شهيرا

18. You told how the Quraysh approached Muhammad
Offering him immense wealth and property,

١٨. حكيتَ (محمَّداً) لمّا أَتته
قريشٌ تبذلُ المالَ الكثيرا

19. Saying: "Desist from your preaching,
And you can be king or ruler if you wish."

١٩. فقالوا خلّ ما تدعو إليه
وَكنْ إنْ شئتَ ملكاً أَو أميرا

20. He replied, with tears of thanks in his eyes
Watering the sapling of hope:

٢٠. فقال وَعينه بالدَّمع شكرى
يروّي دمعُها الأملَ النَّضيرا

21. "By God, even if you placed the sun and moon
Directly into my hands,

٢١. أَما واللهِ ربي لو وَضعتمْ
بكفي الشمسَ والقمرَ المنيرا

22. I would not abandon my preaching
Even if attaining it seemed difficult.

٢٢. لمّا خَلَّيْتُ ما أدعو إليه
وَلو إدراكُهُ أَمسى عسيرا

23. O Master of Kingship, you are a pillar of glory
That turns away from deviance and disgrace."

٢٣. أبا الأملاك إنَّكَ طودُ عزٍ
يردُّ الطرفَ من زيغٍ حسيرا

24. For us, you prepared Ali in his old age
A venerable elder with hair white as light,

٢٤. أَعدتَ لنا (أَبا الحسنين) كَهْلا
وَشيخاً شيبة الحمد الوقورا

25. And the white hair made his crown more lustrous,
Radiating majesty, guidance and light.

٢٥. وَجلَّلك المشيبُ فكان تاجاً
يفيض جلالة وَهدى وَنورا

26. You made your Successor like your father in valor
And your goodness resembled Ahmad's nobility.

٢٦. وَأشبهتَ (الوصيَّ) أَباك بأْساً
وَجدَّك (أحمداً) كرماً وَخيرا

27. When kingship seemed to you too constricting,
You cast it off as a garment too tight and short.

٢٧. خلعتَ الملكَ عَنْ كتفيك لمّا
بدا لك ثوبُه ضَيْقاً قصيرا

28. You claimed the hearts as your throne
When you removed your crown and throne.

٢٨. تبوأْتَ القلوبَ سريرَ ملكٍ
غداة بذلتَ تاجَك والسريرا

29. You spurned the crown, deeming it an affliction,
While others bind crowns on themselves like shackles.

٢٩. ركلتَ التّاجَ لا ترضاه غلاّ
وَغيرُك يعقدون التّاجَ نيرا

30. How many monarchs have mounted their thrones
As if descending into their graves!

٣٠. وَربَّ مملَّكين علوا عروشاً
كأَنهموا بها نزلوا قبورا

31. Show me among their finery and pomp
A Farazdaq or Jarir in their midst!

٣١. أَروني في أديمهمُ مصحاً
أَكنْ لهمُ (الفرزدق) أَو (جريرا)

32. You chose to be free though it made you captive,
So you could save us and redeem the prisoners.

٣٢. رضيتَ بأنْ تكون وَأنتَ حرٌ
لتنقذنا وَتفدينا أَسيرا

33. Though captive you were noble and mighty
Like Caesar, Hisham and Anushirvan.

٣٣. فكنتَ وأنتَ مأْسورٌ عزيزاً
(كقيصر) (والرشيد) (وَأزدشيرا)

34. You raged for the Prophet's sake while alive
And were like an unsheathed sword in his defense.

٣٤. غضبتَ (لثالثِ الحرمين) حياً
فكنتَ لحفظه سيفاً طريرا

35. You did not neglect him after death, but rather
Crouched at his tomb like a snarling lion.

٣٥. وما أَغفلته ميْتاً ولكنْ
ربضتَ ببابه أسداً هصورا

36. You were sanctified when Taha's shoes
And earth kissed you and became fragrant.

٣٦. تقدسَّ حين قبَّل نعل طه
وضمَّك تربُه فغدا عبيرا

37. You strove though you did not reach your goal,
But charted the path so we will never stray.

٣٧. سعيتَ وما بلغت مناك لكنْ
شرعتَ لنا الطَّريقَ فَلَنْ نجورا