
Whoever is heedless will not encounter misery

من يك غافلا لم يلق بؤسا

1. Whoever is heedless will not encounter misery
One day fate will alight in his courtyard

١. مَن يَكُ غافِلاً لَم يَلقَ بُؤساً
يُنِخ يَوماً بِساحَتِهِ القَضاءُ

2. The days' daughters will handle him
Until he is worn out like a worn-out vessel

٢. تَناوَلُهُ بَناتُ الدَهرِ حَتّى
تُثَلِّمَهُ كَما اِنثَلَمَ الإِناءُ

3. And every severe occurrence that befell a living being
Relief will come after its severity

٣. وَكُلُّ شَديدَةٍ نَزَلَت بِحَيٍّ
سَيَأتي بَعدَ شِدَّتِها رَخاءُ

4. So say to the God-conscious the accidents of death
Beware, and being cautious will not avail you

٤. فَقُل لِلمُتَّقي عَرَضَ المَنايا
تَوَقَّ وَلَيسَ يَنفَعُكَ اِتِّقاءُ

5. The greedy is not given wealth for his greed
And abundance may grow for the powerless one

٥. فَلا يُعطى الحَريصُ غِنىً لِحِرصٍ
وَقَد يَنمي لِذي العَجزِ الثَراءُ

6. Rich is the one with a rich soul, not the materially rich
And poor is the one possessed by misery

٦. غَنِيُّ النَفسِ ما اِستَغنى غَنِيٌّ
وَفَقرُ النَفسِ ما عَمِرَت شَقاءُ