1. I will direct my praise to none but Hudhaifa,
The gallant knight and horseman of the heights.
١. لَأُصَرِّفَنَّ سِوى حُذَيفَةَ مِدحَتي
لَفَتى العَشِيِّ وَفارِسِ الأَجرافِ
2. He who continually puts to flight every opponent,
And comrades who avoid the trial of skill.
٢. مَن لا يَزالُ يَكُبُّ كُلَّ نَقيلَةٍ
وَزماءَ غَيرَ مُحاوِلِ الإِنزافِ
3. The breadth of his magnanimity and excellence is evident,
A refuge for all who come in pressed haste.
٣. رَحبُ المَباءَةِ وَالجَنابِ مُوَطَّأٌ
مَأوىً لِكُلِّ مُعَصَّبٍ مِسوافِ
4. The accomplished warrior on the day of battle,
Striking with his white polished sword every unprotected head.
٤. الضارِبُ البَيضَ المُتَقَّنَ صُنعُهُ
يَومَ الهِياجِ بِكُلِّ أَبيَضَ صافي
5. If you meet the attacking horses of the tribe of ‘Amir,
Meet them not on the hilltops and crags.
٥. إِن تَلقَ خَيلَ العامِرِيِّ مُغيرَةً
لا تَلقَهُم مُتَعَنِّقي الأَعرافِ
6. But if there is to be a grave trial with ‘Amir,
He will defend them and will suffice.
٦. وَإِذا تَكونُ عَظيمَةٌ في عامِرٍ
فَهُوَ المُدافِعُ عَنهُمُ وَالكافي
7. The pursuers who catch up with their horses,
And those who assemble to protect the guests.
٧. الواتِرونَ المُدرِكونَ بِتَبلِهِم
وَالحاشِدونَ عَلى قِرى الأَضيافِ
8. You see them charging in the fray upon their tall steeds,
Driving on fiery horses with flapping manes.
٨. تَعدو بِهِم في الرَوعِ كُلُّ طُوالَةٍ
تَنضو الجِيادَ وَمِنهَبٍ غَرّافِ
9. Stallions with sturdy legs and tightly-cinched girths,
Of proven sires from pure Arabian stock.
٩. رَبِذٍ قَوائِمُهُ شَديدٍ أَسرُهُ
صَلتِ المُعَذَّرِ ذي سَبيبٍ ضافِ
10. In the day of battle you would think them
Lions in a jungle thicket or mountain cave.
١٠. أَلفَيتَهُم يَومَ الهِياجِ كَأَنَّهُم
أُسُدٌ بِبيشَةَ أَو بِغافِ رُوافِ