
A band of warriors came to Aus, brandishing spears

أتت عصبة للأوس تخطر بالقنا

1. A band of warriors came to Aus, brandishing spears
Like the gait of lions amid the downpour

١. أَتَت عُصبَةٌ لِلأَوسِ تَخطُرُ بِالقَنا
كَمَشيِ الأُسودِ في رَشاشِ الأَهاضِبِ

2. Though absent, I did not neglect; and if present
You would find me fiercely steadfast

٢. فَإِن غِبتُ لَم أُغفِل وَإِن كُنتُ شاهِداً
تَجِدني شَديداً في الكَريهَةِ جانِبي

3. With a sword as though the water in its blade
Were rolls of clouds or horns of locusts

٣. بِسَيفٍ كَأَنَّ الماءَ في صَفَحاتِهِ
طَحاريرُ غَيمٍ أَو قُرونُ جَنادِبِ