1. How did you roam while not roaming,
And dreams draw near though not near,
١. أَنّى سَرَبتِ وَكُنتِ غَيرَ سَروبِ
وَتُقَرِّبُ الأَحلامُ غَيرَ قَريبِ
2. Do not prevent wakefulness, it may grant in sleep,
Other than one lying in wait, unforeseen.
٢. ما تَمنَعي يَقظى فَقَد تُؤتينَهُ
في النَومِ غَيرَ مُصَرَّدٍ مَحسوبِ
3. The wish was to meet her, so I met her,
And became heedless with the heedlessness of a liar.
٣. كانَ المُنى بِلِقائِها فَلَقيتُها
فَلَهَوتُ مِن لَهوِ اِمرِئٍ مَكذوبِ
4. So I saw the likeness of the sun at its rising,
In beauty, or nearing its setting.
٤. فَرَأَيتُ مِثلَ الشَمسِ عِندَ طُلوعِها
في الحُسنِ أَو كَدُنُوِّها لِغُروبِ
5. Yellowish, whose youth was hastened by her essence,
Adorned with beauty, not stern.
٥. صَفراءُ أَعجَلَها الشَبابُ لِداتِها
مَوسومَةٌ بِالحُسنِ غَيرُ قَطوبِ
6. She walked on two cool garments, nourished
By the downpour of a bewildered wasteland.
٦. تَخطو عَلى بَردِيَّتَينِ غَذاهُما
غَدِقٌ بِساحَةِ حائِرٍ يَعبوبِ
7. She strutted away from the rough pebbles, as though
It were a cold roasted by the sun on a hot windy day.
٧. تَنكَلُّ عَن حَمشِ اللِثاتِ كَأَنَّهُ
بَرَدٌ جَلَتهُ الشَمسُ في شُؤبوبِ
8. Like the chameleon, or like a sea cloud
In a passing rain-laden south wind.
٨. كَشَقيقَةِ السَيراءِ أَو كَغَمامَةٍ
بَحرِيَّةٍ في عارِضٍ مَجنوبِ
9. O Duhayy's sons, and praise belongs to you,
How can pride belong to the defeated?
٩. أَبَني دُحَيٍّ وَالحَنا مِن شَأنِكُم
أَنّى يَكونُ الفَخرُ لِلمَغلوبِ
10. As if they were in war when loot overcame them,
Spoils ripped apart by the plundering of drinking.
١٠. وَكَأَنَّهُم في الحَربِ إِذ تَعلوهُمُ
غَنَمٌ تُعَبِّطُها غُواةُ شُروبِ
11. Indeed space is ours, so walk not through it
Ever haughtily, nor with sins.
١١. إِنَّ الفَضاءَ لَنا فَلا تَمشوا بِهِ
أَبَداً بِعالِيَةٍ وَلا بِذَنوبِ
12. And check on ninety of your treetops
Resembling palm trees felled by the south wind.
١٢. وَتَفَقَّدوا تِسعينَ مِن سَرَواتِكُم
أَشباهَ نَخلٍ صُرِّعَت لِجُنوبِ
13. And ask the truthful priest and Malik
Who can protect and save you.
١٣. وَسَلوا صَريحَ الكاهِنَينِ وَمالِكاً
عَن مَن لَكُم مِن دارِعٍ وَنَجيبِ