
When the evil wished to hurt us,

إذا قبيل أرادونا بمؤذية

1. When the evil wished to hurt us,
The generous people of Najd were enveloped in perplexity,

١. إِذا قَبيلٌ أَرادونا بِمُؤذِيَةٍ
فَبِالظَواهِرِ أَهلُ النَجدَةِ البُهَمُ

2. When the Khazraj called out on the day of battle,
And the two priests prepared the horses and held fast,

٢. إِذا الخَزارِجُ نادَت يَومَ مَلحَمَةٍ
وَشَدَّتِ الكاهِنانِ الخَيلَ وَاِعتَرَموا

3. They came to the aid of Aus when their might crumbled,
Until through them kindreds and protections were restored,

٣. تَدارَكوا الأَوسَ لَمّا رَقَّ عَظمُهُمُ
حَتّى تَلاقَت بِهِ الأَرحامُ وَالذِمَمُ

4. When there came from Banu Amr a mixed group,
With it the valleys and hills of earth were demolished,

٤. لَمّا أَتَت مِن بَني عَمروٍ مُلَملَمَةٌ
بِها تُهَدُّ حُزونُ الأَرضِ وَالأَكَمُ

5. And from Banu Khatma the heroes knew
They would not panic when their enemies made peace,

٥. وَمِن بَني خَطمَةَ الأَبطالِ قَد عَلِموا
لا يَهلَعونَ إِذا أَعداؤُهُم سَلِموا

6. May God reward them wherever they are mentioned,
In the presence of virtues when blessings are counted,

٦. جَزاهُمُ اللَهُ عَنّا أَينَما ذُكِروا
لَدى المَكارِمِ إِذ عُدَّت بِها النِعَمُ

7. By God we disavow them not as long as there is a sprouting twig
And a sign remains in the land from its symbols,

٧. تَاللَهِ نَكفُرُهُم ما أَورَقَت عِضَةٌ
وَكانَ بِالأَرضِ مِن أَعلامُها عَلَمُ

8. They paid ransoms and protected us with their souls,
In times of hardship they were righteous and noble,

٨. ساقوا الرُهونَ وَآسونا بِأَنفُسِهِم
عِندَ الشَدائِدِ قَد بَرّوا وَقَد كَرُموا

9. And I will not forget them if an ignorant fool speaks ill
And does not dampen my honor or address me.

٩. وَلَستُ ناسِيَهُم إِن جاهِلٌ خَطِلٌ
خَنا وَما جَدَبوا عِرضي وَما كَلَموا