
Deliver a message to the Khazrajite

ألا أبلغا ذا الخزرجي رسالة

1. Deliver a message to the Khazrajite
A message of truth, in which I cannot be refuted

١. أَلا أَبلِغا ذا الخَزرَجِيَّ رِسالَةً
رِسالَةَ حَقٍّ لَستُ فيها مُفَنَّدا

2. For we left you in the morning by the rubble
Two parties slain by it and expelled

٢. فَإِنّا تَرَكناكُم لَدى الرَدمِ غُدوَةً
فَريقَينِ مَقتولاً بِهِ وَمُطَرَّدا

3. We made you in the morning, all of our knights
Noble, protecting glory, so they may be praised

٣. صَبَحناكُمُ مِنّا بِهِ كُلَّ فارِسٍ
كَريمِ النَثا يَحمي الذِمارَ لِيُحمَدا

4. Do you remember anything you did not attain?
Rather, the record of war was taken by the most valiant

٤. أَتَذكُرُ أَمراً لَم تَنَلهُ وَإِنَّما
تَناوَلَ سَجلَ الحَربِ مَن كانَ أَنجَدا

5. So taste the bitterness of what you have sent ahead
It is I who made you drink poison in the morning

٥. فَذُق غِبَّ ما قَدَّمتَ إِنّي أَنا الَّذي
صَبَحتُكُمُ فيهِ السِمامَ بِبُرجُدا

6. And we, protectors of war, are not harmed
We lead out troops like scattered cats

٦. وَنَحنُ حُماةُ الحَربِ لَيسَت تَضيرُنا
نَسوقُ خَميساً كَالقَطا مُتَبَدِّدا