
I am of the red-eyed tribe,

إني من النفر المحمر أعينهم

1. I am of the red-eyed tribe,
People of the left hand and people of the rock and twist,

١. إِنّي مِنَ النَفَرِ المُحمَرِّ أَعينُهُم
أَهلِ السَوامِ وَأَهلِ الصَخرِ وَاللوبِ

2. Thrusting at the chests of horses coming head on
With every brown Indian sword unsheathed and sheathed,

٢. الطاعِنينَ نُحورَ الخَيلِ مُقبِلَةً
بِكُلِّ سَمراءَ لَم تُعلَب وَمَعلوبِ

3. And you have tested us, so we tested you with their testing,
The day of Hurayra with a beating no pretense,

٣. وَقَد بَلَوتُم فَأَبلَوكُم بَلائَهُمُ
يَومَ الحُرَيرَةِ ضَرباً غَيرَ مَكذوبِ

4. If you threaten me, I am the cousin of your cousin,
And they have struck you from him with great misfortune,

٤. إِن توعِدوني فَإِنّي لِاِبنُ عَمِّكُمُ
وَقَد أَصابوكُمُ مِنهُ بِشُؤبوبِ

5. Warqa has killed Abu Canaf
And the two sons of Iyas and Amr and son of Ayyub,

٥. وَإِنَّ وَرقاءَ قَد أَردى أَبا كَنَفٍ
وَاِبنَي إِياسٍ وَعَمرا وَاِبنَ أَيّوبِ

6. And Uthman has killed eight of you
While you are in the know and trial,

٦. وَإِنَّ عُثمانَ قَد أَردى ثَمانِيَةً
مِنكُم وَأَنتُم عَلى خُبرٍ وَتَجريبِ

7. Whom the 'Asads met in battle
No squinting at twisted plowing trails,

٧. لاقَتهُمُ مِنهُمُ آسادُ مَلحَمَةٍ
لَيسوا بِزُرّاعَةٍ عوجِ العَراقيبِ

8. So now if you confront I take your lives
And if you rebel, I am not to be subdued.

٨. فَالآنَ إِن تُقبِلوا نَأخُذ نُحورَكُمُ
وَإِن تُباهوا فَإِنّي غَيرُ مَغلوبِ