
Spring marched on with my abode, and mapped a dwelling

جاد الربيع بشوطى رسم منزلة

1. Spring marched on with my abode, and mapped a dwelling
More beloved to me than its love are leagues galore

١. جادَ الرَبيعُ بِشَوطى رَسمَ مَنزِلَةٍ
أُحِبُّ مِن حُبِّها شَوطى فَأَلجاما

2. So it imbibed pure wine, and the carnelian's essence, because
Of a passion, and from tears of the two doves a draught

٢. فَبَطنَ خاخَ فَأَجزاعَ العَقيقِ لِما
نَهوى وَمِن جَوِّ ذي عِبرَينِ أَهضاما

3. An abode which, after my affliction, I fancied
Thus the marks of the abode consigned you to trust

٣. داراً تَوَهَّمتُها مِن بَعدِ ما بَلِيَت
فَاِستَودَعَتكَ وُسومُ الدارِ أَسقاما