
Say to him who reproached us with the vicissitudes of fate,

قل للذي بصروف الدهر عيرنا

1. Say to him who reproached us with the vicissitudes of fate,
Yet no mortal in his time was ever free from reproach,

١. قُل لِلّذي بِصُروفِ الدَّهر عَيَّرنا
وَلا يعار بِها في دَهرِهِ بَشَرُ

2. Fate is ever inclined to entice the noble-minded,
Did it ever oppose any but those who dared to resist it?

٢. قَد أُولِعَ الدهرُ إِغراءً بِذي شَرَفٍ
هَل عانَدَ الدّهر إِلّا ما لَهُ خَطَرُ

3. How many a verdant meadow is there on earth,
Some with flowers in bloom, while others have none,

٣. وَكَم عَلى الأَرضِ مِن خَضراء مورِقةٍ
مِن ذاتِ زَهرٍ وَأُخرى ما لَها زَهَرُ

4. Those with neither fruit nor blossom are spared,
Only the fruitful invite stoning.

٤. ما لا ثِمارَ لَها أَو زهرَ قَد سَلِمت
وَلَيس يُرجم إِلّا ما لَهُ ثَمَرُ

5. Do you not see how carrion floats atop the sea,
Yet the sea does not hold it in its depths,

٥. أَما تَرى البحرَ تَعلو فَوقَهُ جِيَفٌ
وَلَيسَ يُمسِكُها في جَوفِهِ البحرُ

6. It seeks to cast out the filth that sullies it,
While pearls rest tranquil at its furthest bottom.

٦. يُريدُ إِخراجَها إِذ أَنّها قَذَرٌ
وَيَستَقِرُّ بِأَقصى قَعرِهِ الدُّررُ

7. In the heavens are stars beyond number,
More than eyes can see or minds can measure,

٧. وَفي السّماءِ نُجومٌ ما لَها عَدَدٌ
بَل لَيسَ يحصرُ مِنها ما يَرى البصرُ

8. The lowliest star has never suffered eclipse,
Only the sun and moon are subject to eclipse.

٨. أَخسُّها لَم يَنلهُ الكسفُ في زَمَنٍ
وَلَيسَ يُكسفُ إِلّا الشّمسُ وَالقمرُ