
Is your forehead the morning sun or a radiant dawn?

أسنا جبينك أم صباح مسفرٍ

1. Is your forehead the morning sun or a radiant dawn?
Is your scent the aroma of flowers or fragrant thyme?

١. أسنا جبينك أم صباح مسفرٍ
وشذا أريجك أم عبير أذفر

2. Welcome your rising, which did not dawn,
Except the night of worries from us wanders.

٢. أهلاً بطلعتك التي ما أسفرت
إلا وليل الهم عنا يدبر

3. Rather, the garden of hopes of creation has withered,
No wonder, for you are Ja'far.

٣. بل عاد ذابل روض آمال الورى
غضا ولا عجب فإنك جعفر

4. And the land of exile smiled happily,
With you after frowning, it almost blossomed.

٤. وتبسمت أرض الغري مسرةً
بك بعدما عبست فكادت تزهر

5. The schools of knowledge were illuminated when
Your shining smile appeared in them.

٥. ومدارس العلم استنارت مذ بدا
فيها محياك البهيج الأنور

6. The scholars were overjoyed with you, rather,
All the people, and rightly they should rejoice.

٦. واستبشرت فرحاً بك العلماء بل
كل الأنام وحق أن يستبشروا

7. We were in great loneliness without him,
And with his return the greatest joy returned.

٧. كنا بفرقته بأعظم وحشةٍ
وبعوده عاد السرور الأكبر

8. It is as if we are a garden, life avoided it,
Then its loved ones returned so it blossomed.

٨. فكأننا روض تجانبه الحيا
فذوي وعاوده فأصبح يزهر

9. It is as if he is a sun that overcomes the night,
When absent appears the dawn no matter how much the sun rises

٩. وكأنه شمس فيغشى الليل إن
غابت ويبدو الصبح مهما تسفر

10. Glory to the One who revived creation with meanings
By which the dead souls of inability revive.

١٠. سبحان من أحيى الورى بمعانٍ
بنواله موتى الخصاصة تنشر

11. He is Ja'far, no, he is the sea which
Overflowed with the sea of his generosity and Ja'far.

١١. هو جعفر لا بل هو البحر الذي
كم فاض بحر من نداه وجعفر

12. Thanks to God who endowed him from
His bounties, gratitude falls short before it.

١٢. والحمد للَه الذي أولاه من
آلائه ما الشكر عند يقصر

13. And called him to grace from His presence to His house,
And made him recite His proximity beyond enumeration.

١٣. ودعاه فضلاً من لدنه لبيته
وقراه من جدواه ما لا يحصر

14. He proceeded like the course of the sun among a group,
That revolved around him like the stars shine.

١٤. فسرى مسير الشمس في فئةٍ به
حفت كأمثال الكواكب تزهر

15. Honor through him and through his companionship
Of masters whose virtues were noble and ancestry pure.

١٥. أكرم به وبصحبه من سادةٍ
كرمت سجاياهم وطاب العنصر

16. Especially the foremost of the virtuous, Muhsin
The treasure of knowledge, the expert navigator.

١٦. لا سيما صدر الأفاضل محسن
كنز العلوم المحسن المتبحر

17. And the generous call, the generous Jalal
The manifestation of majesty, their honor and pride.

١٧. وجواد الندب الجواد جلال أر
باب الجلال وعزهم والمفخر

18. And appoint my authority, Ali Muhammad,
And Ali the pure, the most pure.

١٨. وسمي حجتي العلي محمد
وعلي الطهر الزكي الأطهر

19. I mean the descendant of Al-A'sam, the scholar who
Is an endless sea of knowledge that cannot be contained.

١٩. أعني سليل الأعسم الحبر الذي
هو بحر علمٍ مده لا يجزر

20. And the descendant of Sadiq al-Sadiq, Muhammad,
And the greatest blessing that cannot be denied.

٢٠. وسليل صادق الصدوق محمد
والنعمة الكبرى التي لا تنكر

21. A people who excel in virtue and emulate
In generosity and chastity they were impressed.

٢١. قوم تردوا بالعلى وتقمصوا
بالمكرمات وبالعفاف تأرروا

22. They followed the paths of one whose virtue
The pens of rhetoricians fall short of.

٢٢. وقد اقتفوا مناهج من عن فضله
أقلام أرباب البلاغة تقصر

23. Honor through the one who follows his guidance,
Attains success and gains victory.

٢٣. أكرم به من مقتف من يهتدي
بهداه يحظى بالنجاح ويظفر

24. That one without whom cheeks would not be rubbed
Against the graves of ancestors with affection.

٢٤. ذاك الذي لولاه ما وخدت إلى
جمع بهم قب البطون الضمر

25. My master through whom the plain of Mecca shone
And by the light of his family the Masha'ir was illuminated.

٢٥. مولىً به بطحاء مكة أشرقت
وبنور عرته أضاء المشعر

26. The holy places were delighted by his treading,
Some completing others and giving good tidings.

٢٦. بهجت بوطأته المواقف واغتدى
بعض ينهي بعضها ويبشر

27. The noble sanctuary became proud of what in it
Is of pride that wanders and prides itself.

٢٧. ولقد غدا الحرم الشريف به على
ما فيه من فخر يتيه ويفخر

28. Since the eminent revolved around it and when
The sublime ones hastened towards it with pride.

٢٨. مذ طاف طاف به العلاء ومذ سعى
سعت المعالي نحوه والمفخر

29. By touching the Black Stone with his right hand,
He gained and the greatest of sovereignties was completed for him.

٢٩. وبلمسه الحجر السعيد يمينه
ربحت وتم له السعود الأوفر

30. Rather, sovereignty was completed for the Black Stone, it almost
Turned white although its color varies.

٣٠. بل تم للحجر السعود وكاد أن
يبيض بشراً لونه المتغير

31. And he attained a status in the Station, just as his
Status in it is the most brilliant station.

٣١. وعلا مقاماً في المقام كما اعتلى
بمقامه فيه المقام الأنور

32. And he overflowed from Arafat after standing in it
So may God's pleasure overflow upon him in abundance.

٣٢. وأفاض من عرفات بعد وقوفه
فأفيض رضوان عليه أكبر

33. May God gather for him all good things in
The best gathering, so praise be to God for the dazzling gathering.

٣٣. جمع الإله له جميع الخير في
جمع فيا للَه جمع مبهر

34. I gained from its night stay in Minah,
Description of the bitter livelihood of purity.

٣٤. نالت مني بمبيته فيها المنى
وصفا به عيش الصفا المتكدر

35. By sacrificing his gift, guidance was led to him,
By slaughtering, he slaughtered the envious disowned ones.

٣٥. وبسوقه للهدي سيق له الهدى
وبنحره نحر الحسود الأبتر

36. And the next morning he stoned the devils,
Bidding them farewell, so may they become despised and perish.

٣٦. ورمى غداة رمى الجمار عداته
بعداً لهم فليخسؤا وليذمورا

37. And in good land his dwelling was blessed through us,
Good fortune to it for being scented with him.

٣٧. وبأرض طيبةٍ طاب مثواه بنا
طوبى لها أحضت به تتعطر

38. And through visiting Al-Mustafa he attained the
Highest rank, which the stars fall short of reaching.

٣٨. وبزورة المختار نال الغابة ال
قصوى التي عنها الكواكب تقصر

39. He attained through visiting the Family of Ahmad a
Rank which sights fall short of reaching its extent.

٣٩. وسما بزورة آل أحمد رتبةً
بصر البصيرة عن مداها يحسر

40. So let him praise God who, despite what
He has given him, all praise falls short.

٤٠. فليحمد اللَه الذي في جنب ما
أولاه طولاً كل حمد يصغر

41. And let mankind rejoice at the good news
Which the tidings have adorned, for Ja'far has made the Pilgrimage.

٤١. وليبتهج بشراً بما أرخته
بشرى فقد حج المسدد جعفر