
The students of glory with liberation are adorned,

طلاب المعالي بالعتاق الشوازب

1. The students of glory with liberation are adorned,
And the evening of heights and delicate tents,

١. طلاب المعالي بالعتاق الشوازب
وسمر العوالي والرقاق القواضب

2. And hopes are only attained by one who is trained,
Who is content with his blows on earth however slight,

٢. ولا يبلغ الآمال إلا مدرب
يرضى ضربه في الأرض ضربة لازب

3. And the most high is not reached by one who is hopeful,
Of attaining his goal without cutting the tent ropes,

٣. ولا يدرك العلياء من كان آملاً
بلوغ مناه دون قطع السباسب

4. And honor is not attained by one who desires,
To fulfill his wishes through false assumptions,

٤. وليس ينال العز من كان يتبغي
حصول الأماني بالظنون الكواذب

5. And none mounts the back of glory, but a man,
Who rose above the saddles of resolve, loftiest of ascents,

٥. ولا يمتطي ظهر المعالي سوى امرءٍ
علا من مطايا الحزم أرفع غارب

6. And none climbs to the summit of the heights, except the glorious,
Praiseworthy, expert in frightful adventures, brave.

٦. ولا يرتقي أوج العلى غير ماجد
حميدٌ خلال في الرعائب راعب