
My beloved acted coy and aloof

فرض الحبيب

1. My beloved acted coy and aloof
And refused to be content without our torment

١. فَرَضَ الحبيب ُ دَلالَهُ وتَمَنَّعَ
وَأَبَى بغيرِ عذابِنَا أَنْ يَقْنعا

2. What can I do, when I am enslaved by passion?
I called to him, but he insisted not to hear

٢. ما حيلتي وأنا المكبّلُ بالهوى
ناديته فأصَرَّ ألاّ يسمعا

3. I wondered at a heart that softens towards an unjust person
And can bear - despite his refusal - to surrender

٣. وعجبتُ من قلبٍ يرقُّ لظالمٍ
ويُطيقُ رغمَ إبائِهِ أنْ يَخْضَعَا

4. So my heart responded: "Do not blame me, for passion
Is destiny, and it is not up to us to dismiss it

٤. فأجابَ قلبي لا تَلُمني فالهوى
قَدَرٌ وليس بأمرِنَا أَنْ يُرْفَعَا

5. Injustice in the law of the beloved is justice
No matter how aloof he is, you remain the ardent lover

٥. والظلمُ في شَرْعِ الحبيبِ عدالةٌ
مهما جَفَا كنتَ المُحِبَّ المُُولَعَا

6. I was enraptured by his voice and coyness
And his glances nestled into my ribs

٦. ولقد طربتُ لصوتِه ودلالِهِ
واحتلّتْ اللفتاتُ فيّ الأضلُعَا

7. The full moon is the brightness of my beloved's face
And the fragrance is from the roses of his cheeks

٧. البدرُ من وجهِ الحبيبِ ضياؤه
والعطرُ من وردِ الخدودِ تضوَّعَا

8. The dawn breaks from the splendor of his forehead
And the sun melted into his eyes to radiate

٨. والفجرُ يبزغُ من بهاءِ جَبينِهِ
والشمسُ ذابَتْ في العيونِ لتسطعَا

9. O Lord, You created this universe
And adorned it with beauty, so You were the Originator

٩. يا ربّ هذا الكون أنتَ خلقتَهُ
وكسوتَهُ حُسْنَاً فكنتَ المُبْدِعَا

10. And made him master of my heart, my lord
When he sat on the throne of beauty

١٠. وجعلته ملكاً لقلبي سيّد
لمّا على عرشِ الجمالِ تربَّعَا

11. The ship of our love sailed in his sea
While the heart was its sail, so it fluttered

١١. سارتْ سفينةُ حبِّنَا في بحرِهِ
والقلبُ كانَ شراعها فتلوَّعَا

12. The breeze of passion played with it, so it swayed
Its longed-for harbor ended up lost

١٢. لعبتْ بها ريحُ الهوى فتمايلتْ
ميناؤها المنشودُ باتَ مُضّيَّعَا

13. O my companion, take a message to my beloved
Perhaps he might see the tears between the lines

١٣. يا صاحبي خُذْ للحبيبِ رسالةً
فعسى يرى بينَ السطورِ الأدمُعَا

14. Inform him that I am lovesick in passion
And my heart is cracked from the heat of separation

١٤. بَلِّغْهُ أَنِّي في الغرامِ متيّمٌ
والقلبُ من حرِّ الفراقِ تَصَدَّعَا

15. There is no good in vows for us to be content with vows
Rather, all good is for us to live together

١٥. ما في النوى خيرٌ لنرضى بالنوى
بل أنّ كلَّ الخيرِ أن نحيا مَعَا