
I knew that my sustenance would come to me

ولقد علمت بأن رزقي يأتيني

1. I knew that my sustenance would come to me
Whether I move or stay still does not matter

١. ولقد علمتُ بأن رزقي يأتيني
وسيان فيه تحركي وسكونِ

2. And I knew that moving with my Creator
Seeking sustenance is ignorance, even madness

٢. وعلمتُ أن تحركي مع خالقي
للرزق جهلٌ ثم ذاك جنون

3. I asked my Lord to help me do
What pleases Him, hopes will not be unfulfilled

٣. وسألت ربي أن يوفقني لما
يرضيه مني لن تخيب ظنونِ

4. And on me appears His grace, not justice
And completes this beautiful art of arts

٤. وعليّ يظهر فضله لا عدله
ويكمل الفن الجميل فنونِ