
Alas! Would that I knew, though bewilderment is an aberration

ألا ليت شعري والتلهف ضلة

1. Alas! Would that I knew, though bewilderment is an aberration,
What the palm of the maiden struck to kindle her passion!

١. أَلا لَيتَ شِعرِيَ وَالتَلَهُّفُ ضَلَّةٌ
بِما ضَرَبَت كَفُّ الفَتاةِ هَجينَها

2. Had the snub-nosed minx but known the lineage of my sire
And mother, she would have humbled herself lower before me.

٢. وَلَو عَلِمَت قُعسوسُ أَنسابَ وَالِدي
وَوالِدِها ظَلَّت تَقَاصَرُ دونَها

3. My father is the son of the best stock of the tribe in rank and abode,
And my mother the daughter of free nobles, didst thou but know her!

٣. أَبي اِبنُ خِيارِ الحُجر بَيتاً وَمَنصِباً
وَأُمّي اِبنَةُ الأحرَارِ لَو تَعرِفينَها

4. When I speak any words to her, in talk between me and her,
The whiteness of her face seconds me from her right hand.

٤. إِذا قُلتُ بَعضَ القَولِ بَيني وبَينَها
تَؤُمُّ بَياضَ الوَجهِ مِنِّي يَمينَها