
Set out, my desert friends, your camel litters,

أقيموا بني أمي صدور مطيكم

1. Set out, my desert friends, your camel litters,
For I now incline to other folk than you.

١. أَقيموا بَني أُمّي صُدورَ مَطِيَّكُم
فَإِنّي إِلى قَومٍ سِواكُم لأمْيَلُ

2. Necessities weigh down; the night is starry,
My she-camel's saddle-girths are tightly bound and I ride forth.

٢. فَقَد حُمَّت الحاجاتُ واللَيلُ مُقمِرٌ
وَشُدَّت لِطِيّاتٍ مَطايا وَأَرُحلُ

3. On earth there is a refuge for the noble from hurt,
And on it for whoso fears the evil tongues a sheltering place.

٣. وَفي الأَرضِ مَنأى لِلكَريمِ عَنِ الأَذى
وَفيها لِمَن خافَ القِلى مُتَعَزَّلُ

4. By your life, nowhere on earth feels confined to a man
Who fares eagerly on, or devoutly, being rational.

٤. لَعَمرُكَ ما في الأَرضِ ضيقٌ عَلى اِمرئٍ
سَرى راغِباً أَو راهِباً وَهوَ يَعقِلُ

5. And I have, apart from you, a people, illustrious lords,
Dimwitted and stupid, loud-mouthed braggarts.

٥. وَلي دونَكُم أَهلَونَ سيدٌ عَمَلَّسٌ
وَأَرقَطُ زُهلولٌ وَعَرفاءُ جَيأَلُ

6. They are a folk no secret's safe with once made known,
Nor does the guilty 'scape, however much he pleads.

٦. هُمُ الرَهطُ لا مُستَودَعُ السِرَّ ذائِعٌ
لَدَيهِم وَلا الجاني بِما جَرَّ يُخذَلُ

7. Each is intractable, flinty, unless when I
Unleash, if the first of the prey appears, my hounds.

٧. وَكُلٌّ أَبِيٌّ باسِلٌ غَيرَ أَننَّي
إِذا عَرَضَت أُولى الطَرائِدِ أَبسَلُ

8. Nor when in need the hands are stretched for aid am I
The quickest of them all, although the greediest.

٨. وَإِن مُدَّتِ الأَيدي إِلى الزادِ لَم أَكنُ
بِأَعجَلِهِم إِذ أَجشَعُ القَومِ أَعجَلُ

9. That but shows favour and a generous disdain
Of them; the most noble is ever the most generous.

٩. وَما ذاكَ إِلاّ بَسطَةٌ عَن تَفَضُّلٍ
عَلَيهِم وَكانَ الأَفضَلَ المُتَفَضَّلُ

10. I have a comrade other than they, who'll not betray me
When our two hands are intertwined in pact of faith.

١٠. وَلي صاحِبٌ من دونِهم لا يَخونني
إِذا التبسَت كفِّي بِهِ يَتَأكّلُ

11. I have done with him whose kindness I can't pay
In kind, nor dwell near one for dubious advantage.

١١. وَإِنّي كَفانِي فَقدُ مَن لَيسَ جازِياً
بِحُسنى وَلا في قُربٍه مُتَعَلَّلُ

12. Three boon companions: a heart exultant,
A white blade bare, and tawny yellow cloak.

١٢. ثَلاثَةُ أَصحابٍ فُؤادٌ مُشَيَّعٌ
وَأَبيَضُ إِصليتٌ وَصَفراءُ عَيطَلُ

13. Neighings from the smooth lined necks as if they were
Tracings on them inscribed by artist's hand.

١٣. هَتوفٌ مِنَ المُلسِ المُتونِ يَزينُها
رَصائِعُ قَد نيطَت إلَيها وَمِحمَلُ

14. When the arrow slips from them they slope as though
They were a frightened oryx herd that moans and bleats.

١٤. إِذا زَلَّ عَنها السَهمُ حَنَّت كَأَنَّها
مُرَزَّأَةٌ عَجلى تُرِنُّ وَتُعوِلُ

15. I fare with leathern belly-band, nor rouses wantonness
To eat or heart emboldened me to loose its knot.

١٥. وَأَغدو خميصَ البَطنِ لا يَستَفِزُّني
إِلى الزاد حِرصٌ أَو فُؤادٌ مُوَكّلُ

16. No weakling am I who in evening tethers his rope-tied steeds,
Leaving their forelock hair dishevelled and uncombed.

١٦. وَلَستُ بِمِهيافٍ يُعَشّي سَوامَهُ
مُجَدَّعَةً سُقبانَها وَهيَ بُهَّلُ

17. No camel-herd who for his camel herd's delight
Coos to it all night, teaching it loving words.

١٧. وَلا جَبأَ أَكهى مُرِبٍّ بِعِرسِهِ
يُطالِعُها في شَأنِهِ كَيفَ يَفعَلُ

18. No ragged tatter, whose heart flutters with it,
Now high, now low, as tatters are tossed about by wind.

١٨. وَلا خَرِقٍ هَيقٍ كَأَنَّ فُؤادَهُ
يَظَلُّ بِهِ المُكَّاءُ يَعلو وَيَسفِلُ

19. No city-dweller, curled and scented, primped,
Who saunters out at dawn, his eyes with kohl adorned.

١٩. وَلا خالِفٍ دارِيَّةٍ مُتَغَزَّلٍ
يَروحُ وَيَغدو داهِناً يَتَكَحَّلُ

20. No rain whose ill exceeds its blessings when
Its wonted rain pools form and water clouds roll in.

٢٠. وَلَستُ بِعَلٍّ شَرُّهُ دونَ خَيرِهِ
أَلَفَّ إِذا ما رُعتَهُ اِهتاجَ أَعزَلُ

21. No frightened one when darkness falls and threatens,
Who by the howling desert ass's braying is dismayed.

٢١. وَلَستُ بِمِحيارِ الظَلامِ إِذا اِنتَحَت
هُدى الهَوجِل العِسّيفِ يَهماءُ هَوجَلُ

22. When my white-footed camel meets the Gibson's duikers,
There's a guardian, tame, with every herd of his.

٢٢. إِذا الأَمَعزُ الصُوّانُ لاقى مَناسِمي
تَطايَرَ مِنهُ قادِحٌ وَمُفَلَّلُ

23. I bear long hunger's pangs until I've killed them
And turn in loathing from the thought, bemused and dazed.

٢٣. أَديمُ مِطالَ الجوعِ حَتّى أُميتَهُ
وَأَضرِبُ عَنهُ الذِكرَ صَفحاً فَأَذهَلُ

24. I rub my hand across the soil until no man
Of towering height observes in me excess.

٢٤. وَأَستَفُّ تُربَ الأَرضِ كَيلا يَرى لَهُ
عَلَيَّ مِنَ الطَولِ اِمُرؤ مُتَطَوَّلُ

25. Were't not for shunning blame, no sweet drink were
Quaffed by me, nor meat eaten, but what I prepare.

٢٥. وَلَولا اجتِنابُ الذَأم لَم يُلفَ مَشرَبٌ
يُعاشُ بِهِ إِلّا لَدَيَّ وَمَأكَلُ

26. Yet nothing makes my soul in patience dwell
Amid such blame, saving to shift and migrate.

٢٦. وَلَكِنَّ نَفساً مُرَّةً لا تُقيمُ بي
عَلى الذَأمِ إِلّا رَيثما أَتَحَوَّلُ

27. I wrap about my waist the loin-cloth as it wrapped
The intertwisting strands about the tent ropes knit.

٢٧. وَاَطوي عَلى الخُمصِ الحَوايا كَما اِنطَوَت
خُيوطَةُ مارِيٍّ تُغارُ وَتُفتَلُ

28. And fare with meagre victuals, as the ostrich fared,
Wind-borne, brushing the valley crests, and honey-filled.

٢٨. وَأَغدو عَلى القوتِ الزَهيدِ كَما غَدَا
أَزَلُّ تَهاداهُ التَنائِفُ أَطحَلُ

29. When food no more sustained it, though its mother was there,
The like of it responded, ostriches in groups.

٢٩. غَدا طاوِياً يُعارِضُ الريحَ هافِياً
يَخوتُ بِأَذنابِ الشِعابِ وَيَعسَلُ

30. Slow-paced, white-cheeked, as though their palms
Were dice cups that a gambler spills and agitates.

٣٠. فَلَمّا لَواهُ القوتُ مِن حَيثُ أَمَّهُ
دَعا فَأَجابَتهُ نَظائِرُ نُحَّلُ

31. Or beetles mustered, set in motion, their ploughing parts
Like writhing serpents' coils, deployed and pitted deep.

٣١. مُهَلهَةٌ شِيبُ الوُجوهِ كَأَنَّها
قِداحٌ بِكَفَّي ياسِرٍ تَتَقَلقَلُ

32. It moaned, and round about the hills they moaned, as though
Both it and they sang dirges on the high peaked slopes.

٣٢. أَو الخَشرَمُ المَبعوثُ حَثحَثَ دَبرَهُ
مَحابيضُ أَرداهُنَّ سامٍ مُعَسَّلُ

33. It nodded, and they nodded; it complained, and they
Complained for it, their necks entwining and inwove.

٣٣. مُهَرَّتَهٌ فوهٌ كَأَنَّ شُدوقَها
شُقوقُ العِصِيَّ كَالِحاتٌ وَبُسلُ

34. It cried aloud, and then they cried aloud, whereafter
Both next were silent, for if cries bring no relief,

٣٤. فَضَجَّ وَضَجَّت بِالبَراح كَأَنَّها
وَإِيّاه نوحٌ فَوقَ عَلياءَ ثُكَّلُ

35. Patience is best. They came in numbers, each and all
Hiding griefs same as those a polished knave conceals.

٣٥. وَأَغضى وَأَغضَت وَاِتَّسى وَاِتَّسَت بِهِ
مَراميلُ عَزّاها وَعَزَّتهُ مُرمِلُ

36. They drank the muddy dusk, though lately they drank clear
At dawn, the troop from El Ahsa's fertile plains.

٣٦. شَكا وَشَكَت ثُمَّ اِرعَوى بَعدُ وَاِرعَوَت
وَلَلصَّبرُ إِن لَم يَنفَع الشَكوُ أَجمَلُ

37. It faced the earth when settling there as gently as
The twitching of dancers' anklets, lightly tapped.

٣٧. وَفاءَ وَفاءَت بادِراتٌ وَكُلُّهَا
عَلى نَكَظٍ مِمّا يُكاتِمُ مُجمِلُ

38. I smooth my cheek along it, as a dreaming boy
May rub a cheek at play on dice forms incised.

٣٨. وَتَشرِبُ أَسآرِيَ القَطا الكُدرُ بَعدَما
سَرَت قَرَباً أَحناؤُها تَتَصَلصَلُ

39. But if the mother of a twin lamb should reject it,
It had not joyed before at bearing twins. More grave

٣٩. هَمَمتُ وَهَمَّت وَاِبتَدَرنا وَأَسدَلَت
وَشَمَّرَ مِنّي فارِطٌ مُتَمَهَّلُ

40. Am I than she, though preyed on ceaselessly,
Its pickings rending it, by this wolf or that.

٤٠. فَوَلَّيتُ عَنها وَهَي تَكبو لِعَقرِهِ
يُباشِرُهُ مِنها ذُقونٌ وَحَوصَلُ

41. My sleep its eyes dislike, they watch through the night
Gleaming evilly towards the ill it bodes.

٤١. كَأَنَ وَغاها حَجرَتَيهِ وَحَولَهُ
أَضاميمُ مِن سِفرِ القَبائِلِ نُزَّلُ

42. I'm wonted to these cares that still come circling back,
Like quartan fever's heat, or worse than heat.

٤٢. تَوافَينَ مِن شَتّى إِلَيهِ فَضَمَّها
كَما ضَمَّ أَذوادَ الأَصاريمِ مَنهَلُ

43. When they draw near I face them, then, despite it all,
They turn and visit me with patience, pardoning.

٤٣. فَعَبَّت غِشاشاً ثُمَّ مَرَّت كَأَنَّها
مَعَ الصُبحِ رَكبٌ مِن أُحاضَةَ مُجفِلُ

44. You'll see me sometimes pale, singing again, for wealth
Belongs to those who freely cast it wide.

٤٤. وَآلَفَ وَجهَ الأَرضِ عِندَ افتِراشِها
بِأَهدَأ تُنبيهِ سَناسِنُ قُحَّلُ

45. No passion in extremis, no joy if wealthy I,
Imagining, while fate's sharp blade is at my neck.

٤٥. وَأَعدِلُ مَنحوضاً كَأَنَّ فُصوصَهُ
كِعابٌ دَحاها لاعِبٌ فَهيَ مُثَّلُ

46. The foolish envy not my clemency, nor see
I fault in what the tale-tellers allege of me.

٤٦. فَإِن تَبتَئِس بِالشَنفَرى أُمُّ قَسطَلٍ
لَما اِغتَبَطَت بِالشَنفَرى قَبلُ أَطوَلُ

47. On a night of ill-luck, its Lord knotched tight his bow
And split with it the clans about to notch their own;

٤٧. طَريدُ جِناياتٍ تَياسَرنَ لَحمَهُ
عَقيرَتُهُ لأَيَّها حُمَّ أَوَّلُ

48. I trod on rabble, riff-raff; my company
Was sparks struck out, the whirring of wings, screech of wolves.

٤٨. تَنامُ إِذا ما نامَ يَقظى عُيونُها
حِثاثاً إِلى مَكروهِهِ تَتَغَلغَلُ

49. So I gave the women short shrift and found the children waifs,
Returning as I'd come, the night being at its deepest.

٤٩. وَإِلفُ هُمومٍ ما تَزالُ تَعودُهُ
عِياداً كَحُمّى الرَبعِ أَو هِيَ أَثقَلُ

50. Next morn I faced the black tents seated 'midst two groups:
One questioning, the other pleading pitiably.

٥٠. إِذا وَرَدت أَصدَرتُها ثُمَّ إِنَّها
تَثوبُ فَتَأتي مِن تُحَيتٍ وَمِن عَلُ

51. 'Our hounds were startled in the night,' they said. We said:
'Wolves on the raid, or lynxes on the hunt?'

٥١. فَإِمّا تَرَيني كَاِبنَةِ الرَملِ ضاحِياً
عَلى رِقَّةٍ أَحفى وَلا أَتَنَعَّلُ

52. It proved mere rumour, then died down, whereat we said:
'Wild cats who preyed, or foxes stealing close?'

٥٢. فَإِنّي لَمَولى الصَبرِ أَجتابُ بَزَّهُ
عَلى مِثلِ قَلبِ السِمعِ وَالحَزمَ أَفعَلُ

53. But if it were some jinn I'd set myself to watch,
While if human I'd ask what humans want.

٥٣. وَأُعدِمُ أَحياناً وَأَغنى وَإِنَّما
يَنالُ الغِنى ذو البُعَدةِ المُتَبَذَّلُ

54. On a day when the Dog Star raged and the air burned,
Its serpents writhing in the glare, twisting and coiled,

٥٤. فَلا جَزعٌ مِن خَلَّةٍ مُتَكَثَّفٌ
وَلا مَرحٌ تَحتَ الغِنى أَتَخَيَّلُ

55. I showed my face, no veil or covering but a patched
Cloak wrapped about, my cheeks by hunger gaunt.

٥٥. وَلا تَزدَهي الأَجهالُ حِلمي وَلا أَرى
سِؤولاً بِأعقابِ الأَقاويلِ أَنمُلُ

56. Far he from perfume's scent or fragrant oils,
Grimed by the road, rejecting cleanliness!

٥٦. وَلَيلَةِ نَحسٍ يَصطَلِيَ القَوسَ رَبُّها
وَأَقطُعَهُ اللاتي بِها يَتَنَبَّلُ

57. A coat like mail, its back unwoven by the loom,
Was pieced by me with two disparate shoulder-flaps.

٥٧. دَعَستُ عَلى غَطشٍ وَبَغشٍ وَصُحبَتي
سُعارٌ وَإِرزيزٌ وَوَجرٌ وَأَفكُلُ

58. I stitched its top part to its bottom, honouring
The pledge on a beggar's threadbare coat though I am rich.

٥٨. فَأَيَّمتُ نِسواناً وَأَيتَمتُ آلَدَةً
وَعُدتُ كَما أَبدَأتُ وَاللَيلُ أَليَلُ

59. The lank-necked calves mill round me as though they were
Maidens whose robes the trains sweep on the ground.

٥٩. وَأَصبَحَ عني بِالغُمَيصاءِ جالِساً
فَريقانِ مَسؤولٌ وَآخَرُ يَسأَلُ

60. And shuffle close on shaky legs as though I were
For chastity preserved by God the refuge clearest.

٦٠. فَقالوا لَقَد هَرَّت بِلَيلٍ كِلابُنَا
فَقُلنا أَذِئُبٌ عَسَّ أَم عَسَّ فُرغُلُ

61. When from their lips the blowing wind robs every shred
Of herbage, leaving backs stripped bare, and packsaddles bare,

٦١. فَلَم تَكُ إِلّا نَبأَةً ثُمَّ هَوَّمَت
فَقُلنا قَطاةٌ ريعَ أَم رِيَعَ أَجدَلُ

62. I turn away and leave them, since to dwell amidst
Such blame is something my proud soul rejects.

٦٢. فَإِن يَكُ مِن جِنٍّ لَأَبَرحُ طارِقاً
وَإِن يَكُ أُنساً ماكَها الأُنسُ تَفعَلُ

63. Arough-skinned waterskins, they cling to me as though
They were a maiden band of temptress beauties clothed

٦٣. وَيَومٍ مِنَ الشِعرى يَذوبُ لَوابُهُ
أَفاعيهِ في رَمضائِهِ تَتَمَلمَلُ

64. In costly robes, seductive in their glancing eyes.
And yet I am by abstinence made chaste, foolish desires spurned,

٦٤. نَصَبتُ لَهُ وَجهي وَلا كِنَّ دونَهُ
وَلا سِترَ إِلّا الأَتُحَمِيَ المُرَعبَلُ

65. Though destitute, the soul still is consoled
If in experience and wisdom it equals the heart and ears.

٦٥. وَضافٍ إِذا هَبَّت لَهُ الريحُ طَيَّرَت
لَبائِدَ عَن أَعطافِهِ ما تَرَجَّلُ

66. Sometimes I disappear, sometimes am missed, but wealth
Comes only to the open-handed and high-minded man.

٦٦. بَعيدٌ بِمَسَّ الدُهنِ وَالفَليُ عَهدُهُ
لَهُ عَبَسٌ عافٍ مِنَ الغِسلِ مُحوِلُ

67. So no despair at a decline in wealth for me,
Nor joy at fortune, leading me to vain conceit.

٦٧. وَخَرقٍ كَضَهرِ التِرسِ قَفرٍ قَطَعتُهُ
بِعامِلَتَينِ ظَهرُهُ لَيسَ يُعمَلُ

68. The foolish envy not my clemency, nor see
I fault in what the tale-tellers allege of me.

٦٨. وَأَلحَقتُ أولاهُ بِأُخراهُ موفِياً
عَلى قُنَّةٍ أُقعي مِراراً وَأَمثِلُ

69. On a night of ill luck, its Lord knotched tight his bow
And split with it the clans about to notch their own;

٦٩. تَرودُ الأَراوِيَ الصُحمُ حَولِي كَأَنَّها
عَذارى عَلَيهنَّ المُلاءُ المُذَيَّلُ

70. I trod on rabble, riff-raff; my company
Was sparks struck out, the whirring of wings, screech of wolves.

٧٠. وَيَركُدنَ بالآصالِ حَولِي كَأَنَّني
مِنَ العُصم أَدفى يَنتَحي الكَيحَ أَعقَلُ