
A mother's care cannot protect her son,

ليس لوالدة هوءها

1. A mother's care cannot protect her son,
Nor can her words to him, however wise.

١. لَيسَ لِوالِدَةٍ هَوءُهَا
وَلا قَولُها لاِبنِها دَعَدعِ

2. She watches over him and fears for him,
Yet another controls his fate and demise.

٢. تَطوفُ وَتَحذَرُ أَحوالَهُ
وَغَيرُك أَملَكُ بِالمَصرَعِ

3. She frets as time treats him unkindly,
With constant blows of misfortune and woe.

٣. تُوَلوِلُ أَن غالَها دَهرُها
بِريبِ المَكارِهِ بِالأَروعِ

4. All who live in ease will eventually go
To the narrow grave, six feet below.

٤. وَكلُّ فتىً عاشَ في غِبطَةٍ
يَصيرُ إِلى الجَدَثِ الأَسفَعِ

5. I swear I will raid in a night attack,
With my determined soul filled with ire,

٥. فَأقسِمُ أَبرَحُ في غارَةٍ
مُغَزَّرةِ النَّفسِ بالمُكرِعِ