
For a people who have no goods to sell

إن بالشعب الذي دون سلع

1. For a people who have no goods to sell
Their blood spilled is never made well

١. إِنَّ بِالشّعبِ الذي دونَ سلعٍ
لَقتيلاً دَمُه ما يُطَلُّ

2. He left the burden upon me and fled
I with the burden for him was steadfast instead

٢. خَلَّفَ العِبءَ علَيَّ وَوَلّى
أَنَا بِالعِبءِ له مُستَقِلُّ

3. And behind vengeance from me a nephew
His knotted belt never comes undone

٣. وَوَراءَ الثَّأرِ منّي ابنُ أُختٍ
مَصِعٌ عُقدَتُهُ ما تُحَلُّ

4. Bowed stagnant dealing out death like
A coiled viper spewing venom none

٤. مُطرِقٌ يَرشُح مَوتاً كَما
أطرَقَ أَفعى يَنفُثُ السمَّ صِلُّ

5. News that has not failed us fateful
Till in it the end did pull

٥. خَبَرٌ ما نابَنا مصمَئِلٌّ
جَلَّ حَتّى دَقَّ فِيه الأَجَلُّ

6. Time tried me and was unjust
With a neighbor whose rope is never pulled

٦. بَزَّنِي الدَّهرُ وكانَ غَشُوماً
بِأبِيٍّ جَارُهُ ما يُذَلُّ

7. Thirsty in the grave until when
The fire was lit, so cold and shade

٧. شَامِسٌ في القُرِّ حتّى إِذا ما
ذَكَتِ الشِّعرى فَبَردٌ وظِلُّ

8. With ribs spared no misery
And palms generous, valiant and great

٨. يَابِسَ الجَنبَينِ من غَيرِ بُؤس
وَنَدِيُّ الكَفَّينِ شَهمٌ مُدِلُّ

9. Decisive in resolve until when
Resolve weakens where it always will

٩. ظَاعِنٌ بالحَزمِ حَتّى إِذا ما
حَلَّ حَلَّ الحَزمُ حَيث يَحُلُّ

10. A pouring Ghayth rain doing good where found
And when virtues flow a glorious flood

١٠. غَيثُ مُزنٍ غامِرٌ حيثُ يُجدِي
وَإِذا يَسطُو فَلَيثٌ أَبَلُّ

11. Generous among the living the best garb
And when running the swiftest steed

١١. مُسبِلٌ في الحَيِّ أَحوى رِفَلٌّ
وإِذا يَعدُو فَسِمعٌ أَزَلُّ

12. Who has two flavors sweet and bitter
And both flavors has fully tasted

١٢. وَلَهُ طَعمانِ أَريٌ وَشَريٌ
وَكِلا الطَّعمَينِ قَد ذاقَ كُلُّ

13. Rides horror alone with no other rider
Except the left-handed lowest man

١٣. يَركَبُ الهَولَ وَحِيداً وَلا
يَصحَبُهُ إِلّا اليَمانِي الأَفَلُّ

14. Secluded they became angry then bonded
Their night until the darkness lifted they enjoyed

١٤. وَفُتُوٍّ هَجَّروُا ثُمَّ أَسرُوا
لَيلَهم حتّى إِذا انجابَ حَلُّوا

15. Everything past with something past is gone
Like the lightning's glow when it is cast

١٥. كُلُّ ماضٍ قَد تَرَدَّى بماضٍ
كَسَنا البَرقِ إِذا ما يُسَلُّ

16. So they took breath's rest but when
Sated their slumber, they lit unrest

١٦. فاحتَسَوا أَنفاسَ نَومٍ فَلَمَّا
ثَمِلُوا رُعتُهُم فَاشمَعَلُّوا

17. We took vengeance on them and when
Of the two no survivors were left

١٧. فَادَّرَكنا الثَّأرَ مِنهُم وَلَمَّا
يَنجُ مِلحَيَّينِ إِلّا الأَقَلُّ

18. If Hudhayl slipped in what likened them
It was for what Hudhayl was ruined

١٨. فَلَئِن فَلَّت هُذَيلٌ شَبَاهُ
لَبِما كانَ هُذَيلاً يَفُلُّ

19. And for what blessed them in an enclosure
Clamoring wherein predators prowl

١٩. وَبِما أَبركَهُم في مُناخٍ
جَعجَعٍ يَنقُبُ فِيه الأَظَلُّ

20. And for what it woke among their homes
After the killing, loss and fools

٢٠. وَبِما صَبَّحَها في ذُراها
مِنهُ بَعد القَتلِ نَهلٌ وَشَلُّ

21. Hudhayl prayed against me ceaselessly
Doing harm until they are harmed

٢١. صَلِيَت مِنّى هُذَيلٌ بِخِرقٍ
لا يَمَلُّ الشَّرَّ حَتّى يَمَلُّوا

22. It drinks destruction until when
Destruction drinks it is filled

٢٢. يُنهِلُ الصَّعدَة حتّى إِذا مَا
نَهِلَت كانَ لَها مِنهُ عَلُّ

23. The hyena laughs at Hudhayl's dead
And the wolf for it yawns sleepily

٢٣. تَضحَكُ الضَّبعُ لِقَتلى هُذَيلٍ
وَتَرى الذِّئبَ لَها يَستَهِلُّ

24. Birds of prey shriek circling over
Swooping down on them but do not settle

٢٤. وَعِتَاقُ الطَّيرِ تَهفُو بِطَاناً
تَتَخَطّاهُمُ فَما تَستَقِلُّ

25. Wine is forbidden but why
When unlawful does it still excite

٢٥. حَلَّتِ الخَمرُ وكانَت حَرَاماً
وَبِلأيٍ ما أَلَمَّت تَحِلُّ

26. So serve it to me O Swad bin Amr
For my body without it is destitute

٢٦. فاسقِنيها يا سَوادَ بنَ عَمرو
إِنَّ جِسمي بَعدَ خالِي لَخَلُّ

27. Diffusing glory wherever he goes
In robes of praise a splendid suit

٢٧. رائحٌ بالمجدِ غادٍ عليهِ
من ثيابِ الحَمدِ ثَوبٌ رِفَلٌّ

28. Bestowing comfort freely generous
One who in his open hands is humble thrives

٢٨. أَفتَحُ الراحة بالجُودِ جُوداً
عاشَ في جَدوى يَدَيِهِ المُقِلُّ