1. The clan of Bakr acted unjustly,
Though a man may know the purpose of the path.
١. جارَت بَنو بَكرٍ وَلَم يَعدِلوا
وَالمَرءُ قَد يَعرِفُ قَصدَ الطَريق
2. The feet of aggressors dismounted at Wā’il,
Among a band of spies with heavy burdens.
٢. حَلَّت رِكابُ البَغيِ مِن وائِلٍ
في رَهطِ جَسّاسٍ ثِقالِ الوُسوق
3. O you who aggressed against your people,
With what had not occurred being attributed.
٣. يا أَيُّها الجاني عَلى قَومِهِ
ما لَم يَكُن كانَ لَهُ بِالخَليق
4. An aggression which he knew not its essence,
An aggressor who did not sacrifice for it with effort.
٤. جِنايَةً لَم يَدرِ ما كُنهُها
جانٍ وَلَم يُضحِ لَها بِالمُطيق
5. Like one who hurls one day his crimes,
Into an abyss that has no way out.
٥. كَقاذِفَ يَوماً بِأَجرامِهِ
في هُوَّةٍ لَيسَ لَها مِن طَريق
6. Whoever desires to risk his soul in hardship,
Of distress, but who for him is the exit?
٦. مَن شاءَ وَلّى النَفسَ في مَهمَةٍ
ضَنكٍ وَلَكِن مَن لَهُ بِالمَضيق
7. That to ride the sea if it had not been,
With a source of destruction for the drowning.
٧. إِنَّ رُكوبَ البَحرِ ما لَم يَكُن
ذا مَصدَرٍ مِن تَهلِكاتِ الغَريق
8. There is no escape for one whose aggression,
Tears apart the wind of the howling storm.
٨. لَيسَ لِمَن لَم يَعدُ في بَغيِهِ
عِدايَةَ تَخريقُ ريحٍ خَريق
9. Unlike one whose aggression exceeded his people,
So he flew to the Lord of the fluttering banner.
٩. كَمَن تَعَدَّى بَغيُهُ قَومَهُ
طارَ إِلى رَبِّ اللِواءِ الخَفوق
10. To the Chief of mankind and the one hoped for,
For the knot of firmness and mending of severance.
١٠. إِلى رَئيسِ الناسِ وَالمُرتَجى
لِعُقدَةَ الشَدِّ وَرَتقِ الفُتوق
11. One whom the day of Khazāz recognized for him,
Supporters at the pulling of firm pacts.
١١. مَن عَرَفَت يَومَ خَزازى لَهُ
عُلَيّا مَعَدٍّ عِندَ جَبذِ الوُثوق
12. When the donkeys approach in their gathering,
And Mudhij like the lofty torrent.
١٢. إِذا أَقبَلَت حِميَرُ في جَمعِها
وَمَذحِجٌ كَالعارِضِ المُستَحيق
13. And the gathering of Hamdān, for them loftiness,
And a banner hovering with the swaying of necks.
١٣. وَجَمعُ هَمدانَ لَهُم لَجبَةٌ
وَرايَةٌ تَهوي هُوِيَّ الأَنوق
14. So the Hamdān appointed as their leader,
One from among them like an ancient sword.
١٤. فَقَلَّدَ الأَمرَ بَنو لَجبَةٌ
مِنهُم رَئيساً كَالحُسامَ العَتيق
15. Undertaking the command, elevated for him,
On a day when no throat risks a gulp.
١٥. مُضطَلِعاً بِالأَمرِ يَسمو لَهُ
في يَومِ لا يَستاغُ حَلقٌ بَريق
16. That one when a lofty aid backed him,
Like the wings of night in a sky of lightning.
١٦. ذاكَ وَقَد عَنَّ لَهُم عارِضٌ
كَجِنحِ لَيلٍ في سَماءِ البَروق
17. His banners gleam with the gleam of birds,
Over turbulent waves of a deep sea.
١٧. تَلمَعُ لَمعَ الطَيرِ راياتُهُ
عَلى أَواذي لُجٍّ بَحرٍ عَميق
18. So their burdens were loaded by his burden,
With praiseworthy opinion gracious over them.
١٨. فَاِحتَلَّ أَوزارَهُمُ إِزرُهُ
بِرَأيِ مَحمودٍ عَلَيهِم شَفيق
19. And a gust of wind had overcome them,
Of stirring like the blaze of destruction.
١٩. وَقَد عَلَتهُم هَفوَةً هَبوَةٌ
ذاتُ هَياجٍ كَلَهيبِ الحَريق
20. So from his face it uncovered blossoming,
Radiant like the blossoming of dawn.
٢٠. فَاِنفَرَجَت عَن وَجهِهِ مُسفِراً
مُنبَلِجاً مِثلِ اِنبِلاجِ الشُروق
21. Thus he cannot be matched by his like,
And you will not find his equal in a band.
٢١. فَذاكَ لا يوفي بِهِ مِثلُهُ
وَلَستَ تَلقى مِثلَهُ في فَريق
22. Tell the clan of Dhūhl, they will return him,
Or be patient for the piercing of the squeaking file.
٢٢. قُل لِبَني ذُهلٍ يَرُدَّنَهُ
أَو يَصبِروا لِلصَّيلَمِ الخَنفَقيق
23. For you have been slow, and not tasted,
Its sharpness, so admit to the taste.
٢٣. فَقَد تَرَوَّيتُم وَما ذُقتُم
تَوبيلَهُ فَاِعتَرِفوا بِالمَذوق
24. Inform the clan of Shaybān from us, for you have,
Kindled fires of defiant war.
٢٤. أَبلِغ بَني شَيبانَ عَنّا فَقَد
أَضرَمتُم نيرانَ حَربٍ عَقوق
25. It will not be cooled for eternity except,
By breaths of noble steeds that excel.
٢٥. لا يُرقَأُ الدَهرَ لَها عاتِكٌ
إِلّا عَلى أَنفاسِ نَجلا تَفوق
26. It will bear the rider over it,
On the withers of Hudbair made from palm wood.
٢٦. سَتَحمِلُ الراكِبَ مِنها عَلى
سيساءِ حِدبيرٍ مِنَ الشَرِّنوق
27. O which man have you bloodied his garment,
With blood like tattooing?
٢٧. أَيُّ اِمرِئٍ ضَرَّجتُمُ ثَوبَهُ
بِعاتِكٍ مِن دَمِهِ كَالخَلوق
28. Master of masters when they include him,
In a grave matter, on an evil day of distress.
٢٨. سَيِّدُ ساداتٍ إِذا ضَمَّهُم
مُعظَمُ أَمرٍ يَومَ بُؤسٍ وَضيق
29. He was not like the master among his people,
But a king whose rights were owed.
٢٩. لَم يَكُ كَالسَيِّدِ في قَومِهِ
بَل مَلِكٌ دينَ لَهُ بِالحُقوق
30. The darkness uncovered from his face,
Like the night that turned from a brilliant dawn.
٣٠. تَنفَرِجُ الضَلماءُ عَن وَجهِهِ
كَاللَيلِ وَلّى عَن صَديحٍ أَنيق
31. If we do not take vengeance through him, then sharpen,
Your blades from us for the slitting of throats.
٣١. إِن نَحنُ لَم نَثأَر بِهِ فَاِشحَذوا
شِفارَكُم مِنّا لَحِزِّ الحُلوق
32. Slaughter without avoiding like slaughtering a sheep,
Its slaughterer does not avoid except the jugular veins.
٣٢. ذَبحاً كَذَبحِ الشاةِ لا تَتَّقي
ذابِحُها إِلّا بِشَخبِ العُروق
33. What was between the clan of Wā’il,
Is severed rope, distant loved one.
٣٣. أَصبَحَ ما بَينَ بَني وائِلٍ
مُنقَطِعَ الحَبلِ بَعيدَ الصَديق
34. Tomorrow we will let you taste, so know between us,
Our spears of destruction like deadly poison.
٣٤. غَداً نُساقي فَاِعلَموا بَينَناً
أَرماحَنا مِن عاتِكٍ كَالرَحيق
35. From every daring lion of the morning,
Shamardal atop from an ancient elevation.
٣٥. مِن كُلِّ مَغوارِ الضُحى بُهمَةٍ
شَمَردَلٍ مِن فَوقِ طِرفٍ عَتيق
36. My Saʿālī carries from Taghlib,
Likes of Jinn, like lions of the road.
٣٦. سَعالِيا تَحمِلَ مِن تَغلِبٍ
أَشباهَ جِنٍّ كَلُيوثِ الطَريق
37. Your brother does not neglect his duty,
Without fulfilling it with the awakening.
٣٧. لَيسَ أَخوكُم تارِكاً وِترَهُ
دونَ تَقَضّي وِترُهُ بِالمُفيق