
Arqam married her though her loss was his

أنكحها فقدها الأرقم في

1. Arqam married her though her loss was his
In his side was a leather tent of hide

١. أَنكَحَها فَقدُها الأَرقِمَ في
جَنبٍ وَكانَ الخِباءُ مِن أَدَمِ

2. Had her father been a serpent, and sought her hand
The suitor's nose would flow with blood, undried

٢. لَو بِأَبا نَينِ جاءَ يَخطُبُها
ضُرِّجَ ما أَنفُ خاطِبٍ بِدَمِ

3. At morn I lost composure, at night had no rest
A free, noble man feels ever blame inside

٣. أَصبَحتُ لا مَنفَساً أَصَبتُ وَلا
أُبتُ كَريماً حُرّاً مِنَ النَدَمِ

4. To Taghlib it was disgrace what befell
The sister of Ma'add's clans, of valor's pride

٤. هانَ عَلى تَغلِبَ بِما لَقِيَت
أُختُ بَني المالِكينَ مِن جُشَمِ

5. They are not equals for us, the generous ones
No refuge they give, nor comfort provide

٥. لَيسوا بِأَكفائِنا الكِرامِ وَلا
يُغنونَ مِن عَيلَةٍ وَلا عَدَمِ