
If warning the son of a viper were effective

لو كان ناه لابن حية زاجراً

1. If warning the son of a viper were effective
He would have warned him against the doings of Sulaan

١. لَو كانَ ناهٍ لِاِبنِ حَيَّةَ زاجِراً
لَنَهاهُ ذا عَن وَقعَةِ السُلانِ

2. One day we were the leaders of our people
Above the other tribes of the Adnanites

٢. يَومٌ لَنا كانَت رِئاسَةٌ أَهلِهِ
دونَ القَبائِلِ مِن بَني عَدنانِ

3. The Ma'add were angry, their fat and plump ones
Accommodating Ghassan over us

٣. غَضِبَت مَعَدٌّ غَثُّها وَسَمينُها
فيهِ مُمالاةً عَلى غَسّانِ

4. So Kulayb finished them off with one thrust
In the lifetime of Babylon, of Qahtan's sons

٤. فَأَزالَهُم عَنّا كُلَيبُ بِطَعنَةٍ
في عَمرِ بابِلَ مِن بَني قَحطانِ

5. Indeed, Ibn Hayya fled from it in retreat
Under coats of mail and attacks renewed

٥. وَلَقَد مَضى عَنها اِبنُ حَيَّةَ مُدبِراً
تَحتَ العَجاجَةِ وَالحُتوفُ دَوانِ

6. When he saw us like growling lions
Pouncing on prey over the low hills

٦. لَمّا رَآنا بِالكُلابِ كَأَنَّنا
أُسدٌ مَلاوِثَةٌ عَلى خَفّانِ

7. He left those who had dragged their tails at him
In humiliation and disgrace under coats of mail

٧. تَرَكَ الَّتي سَحَبَت عَلَيهِ ذُيولَها
تَحتَ العَجاجِ بِذِلَّةٍ وَهَوانِ

8. And he saved his people by his wisdom
Wearing coats of mail and spear shafts

٨. وَنَجا بَمُهجَتِهِ وَأَسلَمَ قَومَهُ
مُتَسَربِلينَ رَواعِفَ المُرّانِ

9. Walking amidst rings of iron as if they were
Camels tarred over with pitch

٩. يَمشونَ في حَلَقِ الحَديدِ كَأَنَّهُم
جُربُ الجِمالِ طُلينَ بِالقَطِرانِ

10. What excellent horsemen, not horsemen of Mudhij
On a day of skirmish, nor the sons of Hamdan

١٠. نِعمَ الفَوارِسُ لا فَوارِسُ مَذحِجٍ
يَومَ الهِياجِ وَلا بَنو هَمدانِ

11. They routed the enemies with every brown spear
And every flashing Yemeni sword

١١. هَزَموا العِداةَ بِكُلِّ أَسمَرَ مارِنٍ
وَمُهَنَّدٍ مِنلِ الغَديرِ يَماني