1. O people of the earth, in length and breadth
With this do I call out on the Day of Standing
١. أمَعْشَرَ أهْلِ الأرْضِ بالطولِ والعرْضِ
بهذا أُنادِي في القِيامَةِ والعَرْضِ
2. Indeed has God said about you what you are not worthy of
So will the judgment of God be carried out on you, without fail
٢. لقَدْ قالَ فيكَ اللهُ ما أَنْت أَهلهُ
فَيُقْضَى بِحُكْمِ اللهِ فيكَ بلا نَقْضِ
3. And He of Majesty means you by His words
Thus did We establish Joseph in the land
٣. وإياك يَعْنِي ذُو الجَلالِ ِبقَوْلِه
كَذلِكَ مَكنا ليُوسُفَ في الأرْضِ