
In one of these tents my neighbor

بإحدى هذه الخيمات جاره

1. In one of these tents my neighbor
Sees my abandonment and torment as merchandise

١. بِإحْدى هذِه الخيْماتِ جارَهْ
تَرى هجْرِي وتعْذِيبي تِجَارَهْ

2. And how often I called out, "Oh you, have mercy on us!"
For we are not made of iron or stone

٢. وكَمْ نادَيْتُ يا هذِي ارْحَمِينَا
فلسْنا بالحَدِيدِ ولا الحِجَارَهْ

3. Ask the two cavalry regiments as they march
When misfortune asks me for payment

٣. سَلِي في مُلتقَى الخْيليْنِ زَحْفا
إذا سألَ الردى مني الإجَارَهْ

4. There you will know the gravity of my situation
And be satisfied by the skill of the carpenter

٤. هنالكَ تعْرِفينَ خَطِيرَ قَدْري
وتَسْترْضينَ منْ حُر نِجَارَهْ