
The prayer of the Muslim leader is soothing

له لدعاء أمير المسلمين ارتياحة

1. The prayer of the Muslim leader is soothing
As if it were a downpour or dawn chorus

١. لهُ لدعَاءِ أَميرِ المُسلمينَ ارتِياحَةٌ
كأن غريضًا أو مُخارِقًا غناهُ

2. Both his hands are mercy and nobility
Oh ease, may He grant him ease, and goodness, may He bestow him goodness

٢. فكلتا يَدَيهِ رَحمةٌ وكَرامَةٌ
فيا يُسْرَ يُسْرَاهُ ويا يُمْنَ يُمْناهُ