
O convey from me to Sulaim my greetings, and his Lord's,

ألا أبلغا عني سليماً وربه

1. O convey from me to Sulaim my greetings, and his Lord's,
Then heap reproaches on me and pretend to be angry,

١. أَلا أَبلِغا عَنّي سُلَيماً وَرَبَّهُ
فَزيدا عَلَيَّ مِئرَةً وَتَغَضُّبا

2. If it is serious then strive as far as you both are able,
And if it is playful then sport to the end of time,

٢. فَإِن كانَ جِدٌّ فَاِسعَيا ما وَسِعتُما
وَإِن كانَ لِعبٌ آخِرَ الدَهرِ فَاِلعَبا

3. Who can compare the experienced lion's pounce
To two foxes when they resolve to slink away?

٣. وَمِن يَعدِلُ اللَيثُ المُجَرَّبُ وَقعُهُ
بِحِسلَينِ لَمّا يَعدُوا أَن تَضَبَّبا

4. May God bring our chiefs closer to infamy,
Disable us of maternal uncles and afflict us with fathers,

٤. لَحا اللَهُ أَدنانا إِلى اللُؤمِ زُلفَةً
وَأَعجَزَنا خالاً وَأَلأَمَنا أَبا

5. And make it more fitting for his uncle to blow the horn
And mint dirhams and ounces in Yathrib!

٥. وَأَجدَرَنا أَن يَنفُخَ الكيرَ خالُهُ
يَصوغُ القُروطَ وَالشُنوفَ بِيَثرِبا