
No man of the kin of Thawir in Wail

ما بامرئ من ضؤلة في وائل

1. No man of the kin of Thawir in Wail
Inherited Thawir, Malik, and Muhallahil.

١. ما بِامرِئٍ مِن ضُؤلَةٍ في وائِلٍ
وَرِثَ الثُوَيرَ وَمالِكاً وَمُهَلهِلا

2. My uncle, owner of the pasture in Dhi Baqr, protected his comrades,
And bought with his eloquent speech that he be killed.

٢. خالي بِذي بَقَرٍ حَمى أَصحابَهُ
وَشَرى بِحُسنِ حَديثِهِ أَن يُقتَلا

3. That was Thawir - so I do not love, despite his merit,
At the time of preference, the preference of a people more preferred,

٣. ذاكَ الثُوَيرُ فَما أُحِبُّ بِفَضلِهِ
عِندَ التَفاضُلِ فَضلَ قَومٍ أَفضَلا

4. My blind uncle who sought the enemies and attained them
With his cutting white swords in the early morning.

٤. عَمي الَّذي طَلَبَ العُداةَ فَنالَها
بَكراً فَجَلَّلَها الجِيادَ بِكِنهَلا

5. And my father who carried the swords and distinct speaker of kindness
When the eloquent orator was most eloquent.

٥. وَأَبي الَّذي حَمَلَ المِئينَ وَناطِقُ
المَعروفِ إِذ عَيِّ الخَطيبُ المِفصلا