
Alas! Has the daughter of Thawir come to our abode

ألا هل أتى بنت الثوير مغارن

1. Alas! Has the daughter of Thawir come to our abode
On a lively tribe, while the morning has not departed?

١. أَلا هَل أَتى بِنتَ الثُوَيرِ مَغارُنا
عَلى حَيِّ كَلبٍ وَالضُحى لَم تَرَحَّلِ

2. We met them at dawn with horsemen of Najd
And arrows directed by Shahba, fully equipped.

٢. صَبَحناهُمُ مِنّا فَوارِسَ نَجدَةٍ
وَشَهباءَ تُردي بِالسِهَامِ المُثَمَّلِ

3. We left them lying dead at every battlefield
As they are dragged by hyenas to their gathering place.

٣. تَرَكناهُمُ صَرعى لَدى كُلِّ مَزحَفٍ
تَجُرُّهُمُ عُرجُ الضِباعِ بِمَحفَلِ