1. You embarrassed me, o embarrasser of the sun
With virtues that exhausted my soul
١. أخْجَلْتَني يا مُخْجِلَ الشّمْسِ
بمَكارِمٍ أعْيَتْ علَى نَفْسي
2. You burdened me with what I cannot bear
So I was amazed by you and lost my senses
٢. حمّلْتَني ما لا أُطيقُ بهِ
فدَهِشْتُ منْكَ وغِبْتُ عنْ حِسّي
3. O light of my eyes and secret of my love
My heart, my pride and my intimacy
٣. يا نُورَ ناظِريَّ وسِرَّ هَوى
قلْبي ويا عِزّي ويا أُنْسي
4. I am a plant of your kingdom, you brought me dew
Enough for you so reap praise from my plant
٤. أنا غَرْسُ مُلْكِكَ جُدْتَني بنَدَى
كفّيْكَ فاجْنِ الحَمْدَ منْ غَرْسي
5. Thanks for the generosity of a hand that burned
The clouds of life with its five fingers
٥. شُكْراً بجودِ يَدٍ احْتَرَقَتْ
سُحْبُ الحَيا ببَنانِه الخمْسِ
6. And you enabled the succession with support
With the right of the throne and the seat
٦. وعمَرْتَ كُرسيَّ الخِلافَةِ معْصو
ماً بحقِّ العرْشِ والكُرْسي