
He called us to Buniounish, which is a noble garden

دعانا الى بنيونش وهي جنة

1. He called us to Buniounish, which is a noble garden
God has undertaken to purify his glorious residence

١. دَعانا الى بُنْيُونُشٍ وهْيَ جنّةٌ
شَريفٌ تولّى اللهُ تطْهيرَ مجْدِهِ

2. So he reminded us of his dwelling in the paradise
That we were promised, and God fulfills His promise

٢. فأذْكَرَنا مَثْواهُ بالجنّةِ التي
وِعِدْنا بِها واللهُ مُنْجِزُ وَعْدِهِ

3. Delights, aromas, comfort, and everything
That is prepared for those he has graced with fortune

٣. نَعيماً ورَيْحاناً ورَوْحاً وكُلُّ ما
يُعَدُّ لمَنْ حاباهُ سابِقُ سَعْدِهِ

4. So we said, in honor of Ahmad today we have won this
And in honor of his grandfather we hope for the same

٤. فقُلْنا ظَفِرْنا اليوْمَ منْ أجْلِ أحْمَدٍ
بِهَذي ونرْجو تلْكَ منْ أجْلِ جَدِّهِ