
Destiny has prevailed and fate accomplished

سبق القضاء وأبرم المحتوم

1. Destiny has prevailed and fate accomplished
And the future, its secret is concealed from us

١. سَبَقَ الْقَضَاءُ وَأُبْرِمَ الْمَحْتُومُ
وَالْغَيْبُ عَنَّا سِرُّهُ مَكْتُومُ

2. When the current state of time is reflected on, surprising
And in reality the current state does not last

٢. حَالُ الزَّمَانِ إِذَا اعْتَبَرْتَ غَرِيبَةٌ
وَالْحَالُ فِي التَّحْقِيقِ لَيْسَ تَدُومُ

3. And night a necklace whose beads are hours
If its knot unravels the poems

٣. وَاللَّيْلُ سِلْكٌ دُرُّهُ سَاعَاتُهُ
إِنْ حُلَّ مَعْقِدُهُ هَوَى الْمْظُومُ

4. Honor the one after whom Rabi'a sprang
according to whom were established proper traditions

٤. أَكْرِمْ بِرَابِعَةٍ تَوَلَّتْ بَعْدَمَا
ثَبَتَتْ لَهَا فِي الصَّالِحَاتِ رُسُومُ

5. I have stayed awake thinking with the full moon
In the sea of the sky floating with stars

٥. وَلَقَدْ سَهِرْتُ مُفكِّراً وَالْبَدْرِ فِي
بَحْرِ السَّمَاءِ مَعَ النُّجُومِ يَعُومُ

6. I imagined the shape of the full moon a looming white
bird flying above me circling and hovering

٦. فَحَسِبْتُ شكَلَ البدر أَبْيَضَ حَائِماً
فَوْقِي يُحَلِّقُ طَيْرَهُ وَيَحُومُ

7. A stone was thrown by the catapult, thus is its habit
Collapsed, colliding, doomed

٧. حَجَرا رَمَاهُ الْمَنْجَنِيقُ فَشَأُنُهُ
مُتَطَأطِئ مُتَدَافِعٌ مَلْمُومُ

8. And from the stars, spears for their armies
Swarming from every dawning upon me

٨. وَمِنَ النُّجُومِ أَسِنَّةٌ لِجُيُوشِهَا
مِنْ كُلِّ مُطَّلَعٍ عَلَيَّ هجُومُ

9. They have crawled to battle with me, and my lifetime
is a fortress, and my salvation from their evil, non-existent

٩. زَحَفَتْ إِلى حَرْبِي وَعُمْرِيَ مَعْقِلٌ
وَمُخَلّصِي مِنْ بَأسِهَا مَعْدُومُ

10. My protruding teeth have emerged defending for them
And my strengths sit down in tremors and stand up

١٠. بَدَرَتْ لَهَا شُرُفَاتُ أَسْنَانِي تَهِي
وَقُوَايَ تَقْعُدُ رَجْفَةً وَتَقُومُ

11. So I cried woe is me, my pride is wounded
How long can this structure last

١١. فَصَرَخْتُ يَا وَيْلِي أُصِيبَتْ غُرَّتِي
مَاذا عَسَى هَذَا الْبِنَاءُ يَدُومُ

12. And if the zodiac sphere with its catapult throws
a meteor at a city, its walls are demolished

١٢. وَإِذَا رَمَى فَلَكُ الْبُرُوجِ مَدِينَةً
بِالْمَنْجَنِيقِ فَسُورُهَا الْمَهْدُومُ

13. Whatever there is besides the face of the Truth, you
will realize perishes, and the Only Everlasting remains

١٣. مَا دُونَ وَجْهِ الْحَقِّ إِنْ حَقَّقْتَهُ
يَفْنَى وَيَبْقَى الْوَاحِدُ الْقَيُّومُ